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Muted players, purchased to win a CUP/avoid relegation

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178639.93 in reply to 178639.90
Date: 4/4/2011 11:56:49 AM
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I hope this thread has been noticed by GMs and BBs, though only one GM wrote anything during the discussion...
it would be great to hear that somebody at least read and considered what we all wrote here...
thanks for all comments and ideas, hopefully this thread will be continued until the issue is solved!

well, this is a very sensible discussion.

I admid I didn't read everything (I picked up the thread too late for that) but yes, there is a point in saying the 'problem' should be fixed. On the other hand, it will not be so easy, and it's the same for everyone.

Buying 1 or 2 monsters does not guarantee the trophy.
the player can get injured, or he can get a bad shape, or the game can be lost by tactics or bad luck.
But ofcourse it will help.... a lot...

So personally I have mixed feelings: the opportunity is there for everyone, and the players exist. We can not make the player go away. We can not forbid managers to sell players, and certainly not to buy players.

The transferdeadline has been put in place, for the reason that is mentioned here. This is nothing new. This discussion has taken place many seasons ago, and the solution then was: transferdeadline to play in POs.

In the meantime however, players have evolved, and now we can talk about monsters wandering in BB-world. So the solution, which worked well back then, seems not working that good anymore now.
If this is getting out of hand, and the BBs feel the balance is realy wrong (again), they will look for a solution.

That solution probably might be the best and easiest, to move the deadline. If they move the deadline 2 or 3 weeks earlier in time, the monsters will cost the teams 2 or 3 weeks more wage.

Any other solution I can think of (for instance not being able to sell the player within a sudden timeframe, so a team buying such a lpayer is forced to keep him a while) might ruin teams to a point they will loose their entire team. We must be carefull not to take such measures, as that can never be the purpose.

On the other hand, I'm not so sure there realy is a problem.
to reach the POs, one needs a solid team the entire season. As competition is often tough, especially at higher leagues, managers often have little savings left to invest in monsters. So you might see it as a good tactical call if a manager succeeds to save enough during the season, still reach the POs, and then strengthen his team for 3 weeks to get the trophy. It's not THAT simple to put it just like: hey anyone who wants a trophy, just by a mutant, it's easy.

So I hope everyone understands the delicacy of this topic.
on one side you have the tactical options, and good planning, with the recources available in BB at this time.
on the other side you have the hard working manager, going for the long term strategy, seeing his chances to win the title reduced drastically, because a 'lesser' team bought a few monsters to get 1 shot at glory.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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178639.94 in reply to 178639.93
Date: 4/4/2011 12:02:13 PM
BC HostivaÅ™
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In my eyes you talked just about PO, but there is no real problem or at least not so big as in cup games as in playoff/relegation you have to pay at least one week salary. But in cup game you can buy and sell player without paying any salary and also without risk of GS drop, only risk is injury or foul trouble.

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178639.95 in reply to 178639.93
Date: 4/4/2011 2:23:26 PM
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I'm very happy to see those latest responses...

please take a look at two posts in this thread: (178639.27) (178639.28) where a suggestion was given, I believe something to look into for BBs

in fact in your post you have focused on PO/relegation games, we also wanted to target national cup games, just look at my situation, I can buy some monsters to win the trophy on thursday... please notice two more things, one is that I'll not pay any salary because I can sell them before sunday and what's an even better joke I won't even pay the salaries on sunday because I have no game next week... funny and a bit sad at the same time

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178639.96 in reply to 178639.95
Date: 4/5/2011 6:09:50 AM
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yes, but I think cup finals are not happening in the same weeks for each country, depending on the amount of leagues that country has.

So it wil be very hard to get something done about that.
Keep a close eye on the opposing team, and if he buys, buy as well... For now it's the best advise I can give.

As for paying no salary... everyone will be watching out for that, especially with these type of players. So you might try to sell him before his wage needs to be payed. But the others will only buy him after his wage is payed, to avoid having to pay it themselves... so I'm not sure it's that easy to buy and sell without paying wages...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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178639.97 in reply to 178639.96
Date: 4/5/2011 10:07:26 AM
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that's exactly why a strict deadline (moved back) is not the only measure needed to be taken... we suggested to introduce a financial impact of buying and seeling quickly (the one that exists now is not enough)

btw. the problem is not to make a manager think about how to do the divine trick, it's to make it so expensive that he won't do it

"Keep a close eye on the opposing team, and if he buys, buy as well... For now it's the best advise I can give."

yes, but that shouldn't be the way, first of all one game shouldn't be won on the difference of "who can buy the most muted players the day before", second you cannot expect anyone to sit and watch, it's not a good thing that someone can do a last minute transfer for any game, not to mention a game like a national cup final... I understand that it works in regular season when the roster is shaping up, but not in POs/relegation and cup games

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178639.99 in reply to 178639.98
Date: 4/5/2011 11:42:45 AM
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thanks for the reply!

This Post:
178639.100 in reply to 178639.99
Date: 4/5/2011 12:16:40 PM
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I think a GS drop is not such a bad idea. (In addition to the possibility of moving back the deadline for PO eligibility.)
You say it doesn't make sense? I say call it "jet lag" if you must.

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
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178639.101 in reply to 178639.97
Date: 4/5/2011 3:47:26 PM
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btw. the problem is not to make a manager think about how to do the divine trick, it's to make it so expensive that he won't do it

that is your opinion.
And there are likely a bunch of other that share that opinion, I'm not arguing that.

But this looks bad.

in the same way, should I for instance dislike the transferlist and want to play with the same players for at least 5 seasons, I could also write: the problem is not to make a manager think about how to use the TL often, it's to make it so expensive that he won't do it.
Or if for instance I dislike teams that have 4 cheper players and 1 expensive one, instead of 5 who cost more of less the same, I could write: the problem is not to make a manager think about how to get a higher payed player in his team, it's to make it so expensive that he won't do it.

There is tons of likewise sentences to be made, from ridiculous, hilarious to actual good suggestions. It all depends on what people like or dislike.

We need to know what the vast majority likes. It won't help the game if we 'solve' 1 ' problem', only to notice most users dislike the solution, and even worse to discover the majority didn't see it as a problem...

But, since it has been brought up here several times, I think it might be okay to only have a player play in your games, after you paid his first salary for instance.
Since this is a great source of irritation that the managers don't even pay 1 wage, this would solve that irritation, and won't harm the game.

I don't think we should be looknig for economical penalties. Like taxes, or forced hire for a period, but certain conditions to be met might work fine. As with the deadline now: if you don't have the player in your team before the dedline, he can't play in POs.
Maybe even an alltogether new solution might be: if the player isn't on your team x days before your PO-game, he can't play in it. Cup games in the final stages are treated like PO games, with the same tactical choices of PO crunch or PO normal.
The big trick will be to attend people to the fact they won't be able to use the player for game X, without being annoying.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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178639.102 in reply to 178639.101
Date: 4/5/2011 6:44:42 PM
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it's not about not letting someone buy players, but about buying monsters for only one game... what you wrote about we have already commented before, 1 week salary is not enough to stop divine tricks (it will just make mosters cheaper), moving the deadline a couple weeks back is ok for final games and not enough for the games in early stages of the season (1 win is still 1 win in the league, probably some managers will show you that winning a couple games early in the season is enough to avoid relegation, thus they can lose all remaining games)... I believe that BB should be about competitive games all throught the season, this is not happening because playing on a certain level whole season won't win you any trophies, you'll lose later on to the teams that saved money and bought a couple of mutants/monsters for the deciding games

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178639.103 in reply to 178639.102
Date: 4/6/2011 6:21:48 AM
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Well, I didn't manage to read it all, as the same repeats again and again :D

But the idea about the GS drop - is the best here. I mean that in real life it is pretty rare that the player manages to play 3 hours after the signing ;) He needs to get at least 1 training with the team. He should at least learn the names of his new teammates ;)

You know, I had the idea that there is the "hidden skill", smth like "adaptation" for every player. Most of newsigners didn't play good enough in the first few weeks, but then they became star-players. Or it could just seem to me :D

Also the idea with the GS drop is a nice one since it doesn't affect economy. But.. it will affect on National Teams. WHich is a serious problem. There will be lots of intentional buyings or sellings in order to damage NTs.
No idea how to modify this idea. From one side - it makes the game even more realistic. From another - there new parameter is needed to be added then. Possibly, to add "adaptation" is a nice idea. For NTs it should be always at maximum level(or depending on number of NTgames played) and for club it should depend on the time in the club. 5 levels of "adaptation" could be ebough I think.
