Are you being serious? I hope not. No, outside tactics were not DOMINANT for ABOUT 10 seasons. PTB is not an outside offense. Low Post isn't an outside offense. Right? before the major tweak with the GE, all the O's were used, you had to actually think about what D to use. And in that time period, some teams actually used 3 big man and ran LI.
And is a 25 year dominace ABOUT 10 years?
Come on, stop posting and just admit that you didn't have a clue. Or even better, just say your numbers were off.
DISCLAIMER.....If you are 12 or 13 years old, then you might not be capable of admitting you were wrong. So, I will not respond to anymore of these post. See, I am a grown man, and if I posted what you posted. I would have said, HEY, I was going off of forum hear say, and now I can see I made an error with the data I thought was correct. Now knowing what I learned in this thread from mutiple sorces, I can see that after the GE overhaul of season 12, it now seems that LI has been the only go to O in a big game with equal competition since this time. Thanks for setting me straight.
That is what a grown man would have said.
Last edited by Yellow cake at 9/19/2016 9:49:45 PM