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Suggestions > Fatal Injury

Fatal Injury

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204274.94 in reply to 204274.93
Date: 1/3/2012 7:16:48 PM
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Sorry realistic or not this is a bad idea. The thing is that this is a very slow and long term game. If you are playing NBA2k11 for a couple of hours and your best player randomly died that woud be annoying but you could start a new game. For the typical user here who may have been playing for a year if they log on one day and see their best player randomly died they would probably quit the game and not return. There are things that can be realistic but would destroy the fun for everyone and BB should never have. Deaths, perminant injuries and lockouts are three.

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204274.95 in reply to 204274.93
Date: 1/3/2012 7:28:11 PM
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yes, as a matter of fact i would prefer that players don't get injured during a game as it can shape the result completely and blow your entire game plan. but i'm ok with that .. a little bit of luck (or bad luck in most cases) is a nice addition.

however, development of players is a much too important part of the game to leave it all to chance. you can't expect me to be very happy when my 4 seasons trainee goes down with a career ending injury.

you basically take all my 1 year of bb play and throw it down the toilet .. for no reason. i mean i don't even get any money for selling that player.

this idea would cause many angry managers and i don't see the point to adding that to the game.

please explain to me how would adding career ending injuries add to the game (besides realism).

Last edited by andrei_r at 1/3/2012 7:29:24 PM

This Post:
204274.96 in reply to 204274.94
Date: 1/4/2012 2:28:55 AM
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Why would they not leave when they see a player injured right before a crucial game?

Why wouldn't they quit when there player will randomly decide to miss an important shot?

Why wouldn't they stay when a player they want and waited for couple of weeks to be seen at the TL had been bought by someone else?
More than that, due to the current auction system (non semi-auto system), they even may not be part of the real auction!!!

As you have written this is NOT a NBA2K, and it is a slow term game.
Whoever got into this game came to play it and not the NBA2K (or the eBay-game, as some gere do).

This kind of arguments remind me something that happens here in Israel.
There was a "Russian law" in the Israeli BB league, which mean that two Israeli players must be on court every time.
The coaches said that it is "not comfortable", although it was proven (at the three years assesed) that they can deal with it after getting used to the idea.
Any BB law that is introduced is changing the game a little bit and requires an adjustment.
The 3-Pt line, the traveling violation, Fouling out at 5 or 6 fouls, Having 2 half-games or 4 quarters, different league structure etc.

A BB-manager (and coach) needs to adjust to new laws introduced along the years.

Your argument could also be said about current Skills' drop.
A player (or players) who is the key player of your team is starting to lose skills.
Why this is OK?
Basicaly humans are more afraid of changes, but can adjust to most of them.

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204274.97 in reply to 204274.96
Date: 1/4/2012 6:45:09 AM
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i could understand that leaving forever is lot worse then the random events you mentioned, and could be a hit hard to recover and pretty painful. Since with the other event, your player is recovering and you can try to promote another time and if you miss it cause of one shot it was a coin flip anyway, and one had to be frustrated.

A key injury here could throw a team far behind, and if they are pretty common you couldn't plan your roster and ain't there common, random would be so rare that the one who are unlucky would be really disadvantageous. With injurys or missed shots, there a lot more situation and it would get fair over time, but to reach that degree of fairness you need a very long time when maybe 1 career ending injury every 5 season is the average for a team(then you had to lock at 50 season+ period to have a relativ fair contribution of it).

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204274.98 in reply to 204274.97
Date: 1/4/2012 7:24:50 AM
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Two seasons ago when I was fighting for promotion I lost my starting PG, SF and C all to injury. Season was lost but not the entire game forever. The next season they were all healthy and I won.

Deaths add nothing useful to the game and will create only misery.

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204274.100 in reply to 204274.99
Date: 1/4/2012 9:06:41 AM
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Yes I know a team that was doing really well, had a NT player, made the finals of division II but when they lost the finals lost interest and quit the game. It happens for sure. If your favourite player died lots more would quit and I would bet it would put some off even starting.

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204274.102 in reply to 204274.101
Date: 1/6/2012 5:32:22 PM
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1) When your cousin player got injured it messed all things for him, and if it was times even worse (before a playoff / delegation game) it would have been even more frustrating.

So, if we will take your path we should argue that "let's eliminate all injuries (including in game, as it may do the same for a season when timed wrong)".

2) When you are bidding in an auction and left with no money and cannot over bid your competitor it is also frustrating, so let's give all users the same players.

3) And what is the most frustrating event that keeps happening in this game that in each game there is one team who loses... imagine that...

If this game had decided to eliminate any aspect that can make users "mad" as you say, this game would not been played buy anyone.
This is a BB-managing game.
Who plays it expect it to be as close to the real-thing as possible.

Like your cousin pays for putting all his money on a short roster (exactly like it is in the real game), the same will happen for a user like you who focuses on a single player for his success.
Even if it is just money loss, this is what a (real) team needs to be prepared for.

The outcome of this suggestion will be that some users will not save any money for a cloudy day (like your cousin did not save money nor use a larger roster for that cloudy day which came). Some of them will face that injury issue, and will need to deal with the outcome of their choice.
Others will not take a chance, and will act as expected - saving money for that unexpected event.
And when the time will come will have the needs to face it.

A game and a product is not developed for being sold to any person on the planet, but making the most it can produce.
A product dedicated to a smaller market may lead to larger profit.

From: yodabig

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204274.103 in reply to 204274.101
Date: 1/6/2012 7:20:41 PM
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You cannot rate posts by the same person more than once every 12 hours.

But a virtual +1 for you, totally agree.
