the way things are looking we will be stuck in the Vicious Age for a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long time to come.
(Got to admit that with Bryce rhyming with Ice, the Bryce Age is not a bad pun)
I can assure you and all other Aussie BB Managers that the so called Vicious age won't last long at all.
Im thinking of pushing the chips in this season to have a bash at B3 and at the very latest intend to sell down at the end of next season (possibly the end of this season)
I wish to try to emulate the great work of Iwen and get another bunch of Aussie trainees to train up rather than having a long lengthy reign at the top
Im starting to miss all the crap I used to cop about how long Ive been training my trainees and how they're all no good
I will most likely be selling off one of my SF trainees in the next week or two
Last edited by Sid Vicious at 7/31/2014 12:34:26 AM