Evo jedan stvarno lijep trening...tri trenirca, tri zelene...milina...

Potvrđuje moju teoriju da dobri treninzi dolaze na vrijeme ili čak urane...a kad kasne obično nemaš kaj očekivati...
20/03/2015 Outside Shooting for SG
Slaven Starović ↑popped↑ in Jump Shot from strong to proficient .
Gašpar Kostelac ↑popped↑ in Jump Range from proficient to prominent .
Gašpar Kefelja ↑popped↑ in Jump Shot from average to respectable .
Kefelja 7
Kostelac 4
Starović 4
Grmacka 2
Batinica 1
Evo i Bluesa...moglo je to i bolje ali tko sam ja da se bunim protiv 3 zelene...
20/03/2015 Rebounding for C / PF
Ian Đedić ↑popped↑ in Rebounding from mediocre to average .
Ante Jurlina ↑popped↑ in Rebounding from respectable to strong .
Ivan Štefulj ↑popped↑ in Rebounding from average to respectable .
Garašić 7
Đedić 4
Jurlina 4
Sidy 2
Večeralo 1
Štefulj 1
Last edited by Ray Sadomazođubrilović at 3/20/2015 6:40:50 AM
Evolucija Ide U Pogrešnom Smjeru...