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The elastic effect

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158094.95 in reply to 158094.94
Date: 11/11/2011 3:03:52 AM
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Elastic effect of course still exists. We don't know for sure though which skills are correlated. Does JR draw it's elastic effect only from JS? Or also from HA and DR? What about OD? Is 1 on 1 training ever subjected to elastic effect? Etc.

One thing I know though; if you train a very low skill utilizing elastic effect, trained skill will rise quicker than normal each training. So those 10% of CT will be much greater than in a case where you train a highest skill and you will probably be able to see more pops of CT in that case. Of course I'm not talking about a CT pop every two weeks, but about two or three CT pops instead of one in the whole season.