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Why oh why is your jumpshot so high?

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From: Prashant

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193114.95 in reply to 193114.94
Date: 8/12/2011 9:23:56 PM
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That why i said ATLEAST prominent. :)

From: MacMade
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193114.98 in reply to 193114.97
Date: 8/14/2011 12:51:38 AM
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alot of this simply tevolves around common sense and whether you have some real basketball experience or not

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193114.99 in reply to 193114.1
Date: 8/14/2011 1:15:37 AM
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It's all interesting read. I don't have very good players yet and the conversion rate has been in my mind for a few weeks now. So I am glad to have stumbled across this thread. I wanted to find out your thoughts on the following players based on what has been said.

Player 1 has a FG = 0.565
Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: respectable
Driving: average Passing: awful
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: proficient
Rebounding: prominent Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: awful

Player 2 has a FG = 0.477
Jump Shot: strong ↑ Jump Range: strong ↑
Outside Def.: strong Handling: respectable
Driving: strong Passing: awful
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: awful
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: proficient Free Throw: mediocre

From: Murl

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193114.100 in reply to 193114.99
Date: 8/14/2011 5:23:37 AM
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I'm not sure but comparing a SF and a SG should be two different things. Small forward are rarely as good as shooting guard on defense and I see the SF has not made a 3 in one of the league game against 4 and 5 techs. How did they fair against the better team in your league? I think the SF has a better FG because he has played inside more than the outside or mid range (looks like 7 total made mid range shots or .304% of his 23 shots) game even thought he played Run and Gun in two of them.

I didn't go that detailed with the shooting guard because I'm sleepy and is not more important than my sleep.

This Post:
193114.102 in reply to 193114.101
Date: 8/14/2011 2:39:40 PM
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lets say he is proud of his player and he is definitiv a good one, even when he isn't the player of the dreams of most managers here.

Also i think his passing is ok in his team, because it isn't bad when he act as an blackhole.

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From: DoG

To: Coco
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193114.105 in reply to 193114.104
Date: 8/15/2011 6:19:49 AM
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What about players with equal JS/JR?

My general experience with players like that is erratic shooting. My current one during a cup game, couldn't shoot ( 5 - 19 3FG, 10 - 33 overall) against a M2M defense being guarded with at most a 3.1K guard. I ran motion. And thats typical. Even when surrounded by better passers.

Interestingly enough he seems to shoot better (based on S16) from the SF spot than the SG spot in a motion offense.

Anybody have similar experience or thoughts?
