Reading the thread most people seems to agree that the game is complicated to get started with, while at the same time they do not want to decrease the complexity of the, as this on the long run is what makes the game fun. This is also my opinion, so here are my thoughts on how to make it easier to get started (whereof some might already have been mentioned).
Use short menu as defaultCurrently, I think, all new teams start with the full menu as default (I know I did). As this menu contains arround 40 links, whereof some are cruicial for beginners while others are more or less pointless, beginners will easily get lost and get the feeling that the game is too complicated.
Among all those links there is a link to select "Show Short Menu", but as tere are so many links it is easily missed. Thus the short menu should be the default menu, to avoid scaring people.
Essential rulesFor the same reason as aboe there should be a short version of the rules, where only the essentials are included. The current rules should also be available (perhaps called "Comprehensive rules")
Basketball fundamentalsNot every country has the basketball tradition of e.g. the US and the Balkan, thus this can build a barrier in many cases. By including simple figures that illustrate the different tactics I think many newcombers will have an easier time understanding the ideas of the game.
Automatic tutoringA few people have mentioned tutoring system, which I find to be a great idea. However, I think there is a limitation in the number of people that are prpared to tutor (and are good at it). An idea could be to give beginners tips after each game, e.g. tips like
* Did you notice that your oponent played run and gun, but you defended inside? If you had chosen an outside defense (1-3-1, 3-2) you might have been able to stop more shots.
* Your oponents SF dominated the game with 56 points, this could be due to your small forward had very low defensive skills.
* Both teams shot poorly, resulting in many rebounding oportunities. If you had focused more on rebounding you would have gained more ball posetions and chances to score.
This could be available for e.g. the first season or until you decide to sitch it of (I would switch it of quit early I think

Improved interactivityThere are urently a few things that make BB less interactie then HT. For instance the PMs are not rally visible for other players, instead you have chosen to focus on a (currently) pretty meaningless all star game. Making PMs more accesible for other users and introducing a guestbook (perhaps the press blog is meant to work as that, but it does not) newcombers (and all others too) would see more life in the game, making it more interesting.
In HT they have a "news ticker" (telling you when you recieve a forum post, mail, PM, bids, etc) for supporters. Introducing this for everyone in BB would increase its interactivity and accessibility a lot among both beginners.
The ticker should include messages about forums replys, mails, and your NT PMs by default. For supporters it would also include e.g. bids and friends PMs.