depends also on the number of helpside action, 2 blocks and 2 helpside action against maybe average 10 actions of the opposing center are 40% of there shots.
But the totals are at least crazy stats, my Blocking 11 dude make solid number there for years, and beats mostly a known SB 14 guy in my league. And i believe 11 is a stupid value for my league, because the IS beats that easily and it is high enoug to impact the salary.(but blocks increase noticeable against inside teams, also something you had to consider when you watch the average)
edit: Player link
(4599003)edit2: Charles doesn't say much about the OD, and i personally don''t think that the big dudes need more then in normal tactics in a 2-3. My succesfull runs was with OD 1,4, and 11 on the bigs.
Last edited by CrazyEye at 5/5/2011 3:57:04 AM