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Lietuvos NT (thread closed)

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239789.960 in reply to 239789.959
Date: 1/14/2014 3:52:35 PM
No Good News
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Second Team:
Backyard Brawlers
Nekreipk demesio.. Pokstauja vyrai ir tiek.. ;)

This Post:
239789.961 in reply to 239789.956
Date: 1/14/2014 4:37:29 PM
Komjaunimo Tiesa
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Second Team:
Komjaunimo Tiesa II
pasikels 4 lygoj arena, ir tada kildamas lygom neturesi del jos rupintis ir gales susikoncentruot islaidas i zaidejus ir protingai deliodamasis kaina plest gera piniga is jos.

This Post:
239789.962 in reply to 239789.961
Date: 1/15/2014 11:23:26 AM
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E, gal rimtai norit kazkas paimt? Papumpuotumet metima, keli upai viduj ir naujas PJV rinktinej... :) (26486135)

This Post:
239789.963 in reply to 239789.962
Date: 1/15/2014 11:52:50 AM
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nelogiska kaina, uz realiai manau daug kas imtu. folomejevas net uz 2m nejo.

This Post:
239789.964 in reply to 239789.963
Date: 1/20/2014 10:09:21 AM
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Stai dabar eina. Visi, kas isgalit, prasau, paimkit pas save, labai svarbu, kad toks zaidejas i geras rankas nueitu.. :) Donardas Folomejevas (24088130)

P. S. Dar yra vienas nieko, tuo labiau, kad reik ruost zaidejus ne tik artimu taktikai :) Antanas Kislauskas (29203585)

Last edited by Isrinktasis at 1/20/2014 10:12:03 AM

This Post:
239789.965 in reply to 239789.964
Date: 1/20/2014 12:04:47 PM
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Second Team:
Kritulio Urėdija
Iš kislausko kas nors Aristotelio Degulio sūnėną galėtų padaryt:D

This Post:
239789.966 in reply to 239789.965
Date: 1/23/2014 4:10:53 AM
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I just wanted to notice you that one of your NT players (22843302) who I am selling won't receive any training this week. It's a bit mind-boggling to me one of the better NT players isn't generating any interest within your community...

This Post:
239789.967 in reply to 239789.966
Date: 1/23/2014 5:39:06 AM
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Well, I think that his price is quite mind-boggling too, think about that...

From: Marko

This Post:
239789.968 in reply to 239789.967
Date: 1/23/2014 7:16:50 AM
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We appreciate the effort you put in this player, but I don't think anybody is going to bid for him that much. Try to lower his price if you can let yourself that, then, who knows, maybe.

This Post:
239789.969 in reply to 239789.966
Date: 1/23/2014 8:32:36 AM
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Wow, nice try using recket, now i am use every dumbass will buy this player from you. But the fact there are no dumbass in lithuania so nobody will, hehe you can trash him, fire him,, nobody cares. We have better players for his position.

Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 1/23/2014 8:34:16 AM

This Post:
239789.970 in reply to 239789.967
Date: 1/23/2014 8:36:23 AM
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Why exactly? He will bring you 25k of merchandise per week and he's probably (I'm guessing here) the only Lithuanian PG/SG with IS 13. Plus he has two good seasons of training left in him; you can either choose to make him a SG (train nothing but JS/JR for two more seasons) or PG (train Passing). Don't forget these two are his natural positions, so your team will benefit with his training. And then you get a top10 PG/SG in the BB. Tell me this is not worth 2.45M??

There are two similar players on market right now. One is 5M and the other 1.5M - though the 1.5M guy is three years older and has 217k salary. This is as efficient PG/SG for its' salary as you can get.

I really don't understand people who think they will get a great player with merchandise discount - at a low price.

Oh, and do I have to mention your NT coach didn't even reply to my email about him? I understand you have a big pool of talents with 1300+ users and you can afford to not care about each player. But I'm sure he's not unhappy that Janys is consistently at proficient game shape. I don't want to say I'll ruin his GS because I won't even if I don't sell him; I'm just expecting same respect as I have for your NT.

Last edited by Koperboy at 1/23/2014 9:02:04 AM
