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BB Malaysia > Season 13 draftees, attn U21 manager

Season 13 draftees, attn U21 manager

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150167.97 in reply to 150167.96
Date: 7/27/2010 9:45:14 PM
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boss lend me 4.2 mil I buy him first =P

will pay you back tmr... the cheque's in the mail!

This Post:
150167.98 in reply to 150167.97
Date: 7/28/2010 3:24:39 AM
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kwaiwah can sell his current player and train him ma... hehe

From: KwaiWah

To: -CS
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150167.99 in reply to 150167.98
Date: 7/28/2010 8:52:43 AM
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1. I dun plan to sell my players
2. I dun plan to change my current training regime until season 16 which I have already previously explained
3. The player mentioned is very much near the soft cap, so nothing much to train
4. Since you seem to advocate selling foreign players for local players, why dun you start the ball rolling by setting an example. Action certainly speaks louder than words ;) Your current roster, only 1 out of the top 10 players are local. A pretty sad ratio of 10%. Unless of course you consider yourself an Italian manager, which will make your ratio at 50%.

From: Ahmoi

This Post:
150167.100 in reply to 150167.89
Date: 7/28/2010 10:12:45 AM
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I think I can take up an inside trainee next season.

This Post:
150167.101 in reply to 150167.97
Date: 7/28/2010 4:27:50 PM
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Second Team:
boss lend me 4.2 mil I buy him first =P

has anybody money to lend!?! I am here to borrow!!! I can train 1, 2, 3 talents, even a C and a PG at same time!!! ;)

From: -CS

This Post:
150167.102 in reply to 150167.99
Date: 7/29/2010 12:51:33 AM
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1. I dun plan to sell my players
2. I dun plan to change my current training regime until season 16 which I have already previously explained
3. The player mentioned is very much near the soft cap, so nothing much to train
4. Since you seem to advocate selling foreign players for local players, why dun you start the ball rolling by setting an example. Action certainly speaks louder than words ;) Your current roster, only 1 out of the top 10 players are local. A pretty sad ratio of 10%. Unless of course you consider yourself an Italian manager, which will make your ratio at 50%.

I asked you to train local trainee because you have comment as below, why comment on people training style if youself can not make it?

Quoted from the MBBA news

7/25/2010 - Blue Blooded Beasts has just acquired Eimonas Niceparukas for $ 200 000.

Sigh... no response from the community for a call for trainer is bad enough already.

To realise that it is not that we don't have trainers but more because our trainers only want to train foreign 18yo players is worse!

Last edited by KwaiWah at 7/26/2010 9:58:26 PM

From: YxQy

To: -CS
This Post:
150167.103 in reply to 150167.102
Date: 7/29/2010 1:32:14 AM
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peace guys =) i believe all of us have own training regimen so just try our best to help our country as much as we could =D

This Post:
150167.104 in reply to 150167.103
Date: 7/29/2010 1:51:59 AM
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Second Team:
training a solid U21/NT performer is a hard job. Although you can arrange training in both (team + NT/U21) interest, it is something you have to struggle with. Your trainee becomes the priority, all other trainees should adapt, you will spend weeks and weeks in monorole.

All that is not necessarily bad, anyway. My team is where it is because of my former U21: I caught the opportunity and built around. And, despite training a potential future U21, I am fully aware of the sacrifices that it can bring. Not all managers can train them well at any time.

From: KwaiWah

To: -CS
This Post:
150167.105 in reply to 150167.102
Date: 7/29/2010 9:30:38 AM
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Again, I said that statement because there were 18yo local players identified during that time. And I believe, those local players should not lose out to the one that phenom got from the transfer list.

If I am looking for an 18yo trainee this season, then the local SF I mentioned before would have been my first pick.

If the reason these kids are not picked is due to they are not as good as foreign players, then it is understandable. But, I dun think it is the case.

What's the point of having all this discussion of trying to save Malaysia NT if trainers dun bother looking at local trainees?
The homeless kids were identified since the first week of this season.

Last edited by KwaiWah at 7/29/2010 9:31:48 AM

This Post:
150167.107 in reply to 150167.46
Date: 7/30/2010 5:05:59 AM
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Update on my trainees :D

Ahmad Izwan Abdullah (15028256)
Point Guard

Weekly salary: $ 5 065

DMI: 56300
Age: 18
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: proficient

Jump Shot: inept Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: strong Handling: average
Driving: average Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: inept

Experience: atrocious

2 pops in JS, 1 in OD, 1 in JR after about 1 month training

Mohd Rizalruddin Ariffin (15028166)
Weekly salary: $ 3 957
Point Guard

DMI: 11400
Age: 18
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable ↑ Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: average
Driving: respectable Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: average

Experience: atrocious

2 pop in JS after 2 weeks training (I jus bought him... since Ginakia over sleep... lol...

Last edited by Simply Vince at 7/30/2010 5:09:44 AM
