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Suggestions > World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

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From: CrazyEye

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167495.97 in reply to 167495.96
Date: 1/10/2011 2:08:14 AM
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Those games when Youngsters sells 20percent less tickets is a result of who he plays, not his recent performances, since he constantly wins everything only who comes to town can explain the ticket sales fluctuations.

it the recent succes of their competion + their age + maybe a price change, and i again wonder about your ability to round numbers ;) Because that a rarely 15%. And weird one, i got this ups and downs to :)(switch over 12 percent *gg)

But young competion like those opponent means also away wins for free, which a worth a lot and u don't get in big countrys and at home he still makes more money then comparable teams(his max. income with 650k is really asome).

You can see the French team selling around 2000 bleachers even if their lower tier price is 70 (I am not saying 70 is the best price, but it is better than 31!)

if you have them 31 is better, as i said i wouldn't recommend to build them ;) But i earn sligtly more money while winning(in your numbers 10% normally more close to 3%), and also when i loose. And that with worst survey, so i could live with that.

One thing to consider is that if you raise your lower tier prices you will see an immediate drop of in attendance. The BBs have stated that fans don't like it when you change prices.

could you show me that?

Last edited by CrazyEye at 1/10/2011 2:15:12 AM

This Post:
167495.99 in reply to 167495.98
Date: 1/10/2011 12:24:54 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
The adrvesary team you meet have great importance in arena revenue...but in every league there is a 1 first place team,a 2 place team and so on.It's really more about the position in the league standing than the real level of the tem you meet

However,how all this discussion between you and crazyeye about economy of small/big countries have a connection wth the question of world tournament ?

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 1/10/2011 12:26:11 PM