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Private league 10

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212354.97 in reply to 212354.96
Date: 5/2/2012 3:58:12 AM
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ahh ok

ack... first person style has deterred me already...

crisis averted.

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212354.98 in reply to 212354.97
Date: 5/2/2012 3:58:58 AM
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In the sense.. that you can't stand still and cast your spells expecting to be ok.

Constant movement.. like a real fight.

Otherwise it looks like all MMO's.

Last edited by iwen at 5/2/2012 3:59:25 AM

This Post:
212354.99 in reply to 212354.98
Date: 5/2/2012 4:16:55 AM
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ah i see... thought you meant like.... FIRST PERSON view.

ok ok calm down.

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212354.100 in reply to 212354.99
Date: 5/2/2012 4:22:14 AM
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212354.101 in reply to 212354.94
Date: 5/2/2012 5:47:40 AM
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PvP was crazy. A massive map (think 3 x the size of barrens) that 1000+ people can fight over. It's server vs server vs server, so it's pretty large scale.

hahaha reminds me of south shore versus taren mill PvP, when wow had world PvP in vanilla.

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212354.102 in reply to 212354.101
Date: 5/2/2012 6:14:48 AM
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I played wow from end of vanilla until now although i have played much less since end of burning crusade.. i only log on to do arenas now which is still fun for me... but the rest of wow has gone a bit stale...
its a heck of a lot better game from vanilla..the amount of features they've added is great..but at the end of the day its a very old game..i think its like 7 or 8 years old?? time for some fresh ideas instead of improving and refining old ones. The next expansion is kinda yeah im drawing the line there and stopping wow. My guild has all but disbanded anyway, most have moved on to that star wars mmo.

gw2 sounds interesting, especially the part about not having to grind and invest 24 hours a day to be a good player. hope my computer can run it will definitely give it a go

but for holding my breath for diablo 3!!!!!

From: Skyhookz

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212354.103 in reply to 212354.102
Date: 5/3/2012 1:41:19 AM
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I am planning on getting GW2... just a hot tip, buy it as a digital download from the US or something..

I was just in EB games and they had it for pre-order $99 standard edition, and you can get direct from for $59. or $79 for digital deluxe edition...

I was pumped for Diablo 3, until reading they have basically catered to the casual gamer and removed any control players have over character development...

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212354.104 in reply to 212354.103
Date: 5/3/2012 2:11:31 AM
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if you want a bit more of a challenge, play hardcore mode LOL

But yeah looks like I'll be playing both games as well. might need a new computer to play GW2 though.

Going to be making a thief in GW2, since I've been a rogue since WoW vanilla. motto is "rogues do it from behind"

Ohh man I use to remember blue gear from BRS and LBRS was the bomb.. and if you had a Krol's blade (purple onehand sword), you were a celebrity LOL.

From: Kilrtom
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212354.105 in reply to 212354.104
Date: 5/4/2012 2:25:07 AM
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Looking forward to Diablo 3 for something different. Ive been playing SWTOR for the past few months but its starting to get a little stale. Only 4 different warzones and hardly any incentive for world pvp.

Lots of talk about GW2. Wasnt really a fan of GW1 but i may have to try it out if the hype is that good

Manager of the Bahamas National Team!
From: Leeroy

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212354.106 in reply to 212354.105
Date: 5/4/2012 3:00:05 AM
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What I don't like about the PvP in SWTOR is that your gear, skills and damage are all buffed to level 49 giving you no real will to make or buy PvP gear until level 50. Sure it's good for the lower levels who want some quick Exp and a bit of fun, but when I play an mmo I want to have the best level 15 or the best level 30 @ PvP.


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212354.107 in reply to 212354.106
Date: 5/4/2012 4:10:12 AM
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lol reminds me of lvl 19 and level 29 twinks in WoW for battlegrounds.

I heard that the starwars mmo was very repetitive and grinding... and very gear dependent...
Guild Wars 2 all the way by the sounds of things... some of the pve and pvp vids they have on youtube look pretty interesting.
