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New season arena cap

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From: Kukoc

This Post:
122870.98 in reply to 122870.97
Date: 5/15/2010 5:31:36 PM
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Here we go again, lol...

This Post:
122870.99 in reply to 122870.98
Date: 5/15/2010 10:04:53 PM
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Have you not got some local police work to do?

So what is the maximum you can now generate from an arena...I've checked the big boys and it seems $630k ish?

This Post:
122870.100 in reply to 122870.97
Date: 5/16/2010 4:32:58 AM
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What if you set the price of Bleachers to 20?

This Post:
122870.101 in reply to 122870.99
Date: 5/16/2010 4:56:41 AM
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Omg I can police and still read the forums. Does that mean I am actually superfly and you are not!? I know I'm not cool, I'm actually ice cold (that's even cooler). Thanks for careing:)

From: zyler
This Post:
122870.102 in reply to 122870.101
Date: 5/16/2010 7:58:11 AM
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ignoring the last comment which made little to no sense to me, are there new arena changes? or ones coming up?

From: Kukoc

This Post:
122870.103 in reply to 122870.102
Date: 5/16/2010 9:03:52 AM
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No Crazyeye is just bitching about the seats he has already built. He wants his bleacher seat construction money back, to build lower tier. He could instead build lower tier, perhaps adding to his earnings, but he refuses to do it because it would make his already built bleacher seats obsolete and would need him to invest some money into arena again.

From: CrazyEye

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122870.104 in reply to 122870.103
Date: 5/16/2010 1:50:39 PM
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No Crazyeye is just bitching about the seats he has already built. He wants his bleacher seat construction money back, to build lower tier. He could instead build lower tier, perhaps adding to his earnings, but he refuses to do it because it would make his already built bleacher seats obsolete and would need him to invest some money into arena again.

and i don't sure that this haven't any side effects, on the lower tie when they are still there ;) And to be honest i doesn't have the money for a long time.

The Bb said that they want to change it that we can arrange with the new system, but this doesn't happen so i as if it still coming, because faults make by my own i could live with but with such change directly after a change who makes the adjustment silly you made just 3-4 days before makes me angry which isn't good for my fun here.

From: zyler

This Post:
122870.105 in reply to 122870.104
Date: 5/16/2010 9:11:19 PM
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ok i went back and read more of this thread

someone correct me if im wrong,

1, bb announce changes to arena caps
2, crazy redesigns his arena to suit these changes
3, bb announce another arena change which now makes crazys arena far less then optimal
4, crazy gets upset that there was no prior warning that this change was coming and that it has ruined his arena

is that about correct?

if so i think his got a pretty good case
as far as i can tell he should of been given a way to change his arena again after the second changes.

how is he supposed to keep up with other managers in his div who build there arena optimally and where not punished by an unannounced 2nd arena cap change.

From: 7ton

This Post:
122870.106 in reply to 122870.105
Date: 5/16/2010 10:20:58 PM
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Yes you sumed it up quite well. But the BB developers thought that the 2nd change was relatively minor and want to get away with it.