I have a few things on my ... whishlist
1. Show the Saved Searches on TL page. I'm thinking just show them if any for starters and not necessarily to be able to create them.
2. Nations of *. Show the other country flag on a team's overview.
3. Tournament Page. This is probably a bigger one.
4. A way to see last season's games.
5. On Arena Attendance. Lower the the font from the percentage a bit. Or keep the numbers the same but decrease the perc 1px. Ex: 80% inside the red circle, 80 touches the red. iPhone 12.
6. I don't see the player's nickname. Not that important though.
7. Fan survery page.
8. Would it be possible to start the game with a bit of intro? Or, say the attendance before the game starts? When I used to play hattrick, I really liked to see the attendance first
Thank you for all the effort you put in this app !
Last edited by RYE at 9/1/2023 1:36:54 AM