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BuzzerBeater Arenas

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From: Tattoro

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56772.99 in reply to 56772.97
Date: 2/23/2009 10:13:31 AM
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In my example i can say that the building of my arena took a lot of time and especially in the beginning of this game other teams won the trophies. So if you want to cut down my arena, so please give me the titels i was not winning due to focussing on infrastructure.

I hope you see that point, everyone had the choice, which way he wanted to go.

From: brian

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56772.100 in reply to 56772.98
Date: 2/23/2009 10:13:41 AM
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Now what you are suggesting is that if a players started in season 4 and I started in season 5 and we both made exactly the same decisions I should still catch him because that is fair game?


I'm suggesting that teams that have been here since the first couple seasons, took advantage of the time when there was:

-fewer competitive teams
-much greater revenue streams and much lower expenses (with net profits many times what is being earned today)
-starting at the top divisions, not the lower ones

These teams that managed well during this time can now take create a competitive advantage, by building massive arenas (much larger then you'd ever see in real life), over teams that started just a few seasons later that will create a gap that is nearly insurmountable.

Last edited by brian at 2/23/2009 10:14:22 AM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
From: brian

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56772.101 in reply to 56772.99
Date: 2/23/2009 10:21:33 AM
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Again, i think the game is where it is now, the best teams in the long term will need to have 40k+ arenas. It's not fair to change that now for the teams that have pioneered to this level by adding an arena tax or putting a cap on revenue below the nearly 700k you can expect per game now (not including taxes). It's not fair to make the price of expansion greater for the teams that are starting later or trying to catch up.

But, BB's could put a cap on revenue or adjust the formula's now, or we might be having this same discussion in the future about 60 or 70k arenas.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
From: ned

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56772.102 in reply to 56772.101
Date: 2/23/2009 10:30:53 AM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
But, BB's could put a cap on revenue or adjust the formula's now, or we might be having this same discussion in the future about 60 or 70k arenas.

Well this could be an idea maybe related to the PR level (lvl 2 arena max 30k - lvl 3 arena 40k)

1990-2022 Stalinorgel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV-Xppl6h8Et
From: CrazyEye

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56772.104 in reply to 56772.100
Date: 2/23/2009 10:38:50 AM
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but you also have that problem in italy, where people have 30 mio + rooster, you can't get then in short time and i would also say, that you could handle with big arena in low divisions fast to get at this level instead of keeping just investing in players.

This Post:
56772.105 in reply to 56772.100
Date: 2/23/2009 10:40:35 AM
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Wow, and just how many teams you are talking about?
- How many teams were there first 3 seasons?
- How many of them still play?
- How many of the still active teams took the right decisions back then which provided them with some extra cash and have used it to expand the stadium?

In my opinion there are a few good managers who are there from the start and made choices to develop their team within the line of the rules. No reason for any form of punishment at present.

I suspect there will be a cap for spectators to reach. It is defined by the season ticket holders.

Climbing the BB-mountain. Destination: the top.
From: brian

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56772.106 in reply to 56772.103
Date: 2/23/2009 11:02:13 AM
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but in my view you're making the same mistake here that many late-starting users make when they're complaining that they can't catch up with the top teams in the game. Of course they can't nor should they.Everybody has to be competitive only with the people in his league and maybe have a chance to catch the people in the next higher league.

True, but the concern I'm trying to raise is that as teams promote into the top level they will not be able to compete, or that the amount of time needed to build a team that can be reasonably competitive will be so long it won't be worth playing.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
This Post:
56772.107 in reply to 56772.106
Date: 2/23/2009 11:12:52 AM
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The rich get richer, and the gap widens by the minute. Seems this is going the same way as HT in that the ability to gain ground for even the most savvy new managers becomes nearly impossible. Is the goal to have a game where everyone has a chance to compete or is it to protect the positioning of those allready entrenched at the top? Difficult to rise to the top=great. Impossible to gain ground=Yawn.

This Post:
56772.108 in reply to 56772.105
Date: 2/23/2009 11:14:11 AM
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In my opinion there are a few good managers who are there from the start and made choices to develop their team within the line of the rules. No reason for any form of punishment at present.

Stated several times that I'm not advocating for a punishment on the teams that, again, made wise long term choices.


"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
This Post:
56772.109 in reply to 56772.105
Date: 2/23/2009 11:14:12 AM
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Good points, I agree.

This advantage for the early teams would be leveled if you play long enough, as players age and reach their skill caps. So beeing true to the game WILL give you an advantage, yes, but it's a good thing for everyone who loves BB ;) Still, in time you CAN catch up, if you have the patience for it.
But until a team reaches that level I think everyone should focus on comparing themselves to relevant teams, not the ones 3-4 div above. Afterall, a bunch of friends just starting up a team for fun can't in common sense complain that Boston Celtics has a better team and that it is unfair. A global rank would be a nice feature to measure and track your own progress.

Last edited by Svett Sleik (U21-Scout Norge) at 2/23/2009 11:14:49 AM
