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BB België > [Ads] Players advertisements

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From: AnGi77
This Post:
Date: 7/6/2012 7:01:57 PM
Estrellas Absurdas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Almost Innocents
Special rules for players advertisements
- They are only allowed in the specific threads located in the national forums. These threads can only be created by a staff member, if your country needs one or the old one is closed, ask a staff member to open a new one.
- Only one ad. per week is allowed. You may post as many players as you like in your ad.
- Local users may advertise any of their players that is listed for sale, foreign users may only advertise players who have the nationality of the forum country. Players should be on the roster of the user who lists them for sale on the transfer list.
- No values (TPE) requests or discussions about the players are allowed.

Special national teams threads rules
- National coaches (only them) may advertise international players or prospects in the official NT threads as well.
- They may also warn about players that could be sold in the near future or ask for buyers for possible prospects or international players.
- If a player is not for sale, all users may post the player asking for feedback about his chances for making the NT or for training advice, but not to ask for offers.

From: AnGi77

This Post:
221471.2 in reply to 221471.1
Date: 7/6/2012 7:05:24 PM
Estrellas Absurdas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Almost Innocents
Speciale regels voor speler transfer advertenties
- Transferadvertenties zijn enkel toegelaten in de specifieke topics in de nationale forums. Deze topics kunnen enkel door een lid van de BB-staf gemaakt worden. Als men er een wenst of als het oude topic gesloten is, vraag dan aan een lid van de BB-staf om een nieuwe topic te openen.
- Slechts één advertentie per week en per manager is toegelaten. Men mag echter meerdere spelers in één forumpost vermelden.
- De plaatselijke gebruikers kunnen eender welke van hun spelers posten die op de transferlijst staat, buitenlandse managers mogen enkel spelers adverteren die de nationaliteit van het land van het betreffende forum hebben. Spelers moeten in de ploeg spelen van diegene die de post plaatst.
- Geen vragen tot waardebepalingen, noch andere discussies betreffende de spelers worden toegelaten

Speciale regels voor de NT-topics:
- NT/U21 coaches (en enkel zij) mogen ook advertenties plaatsen voor internationale spelers of beloftes in het officiële NT/U21 forum.
- Zij mogen ook verwittigen wanneer spelers in een nabije toekomst op de transferlijst zouden komen en vragen naar eventueel kandidaat-kopers voor mogelijke beloftes of internationale spelers
- Wanneer een speler niet te koop staat, mogen alle gebruikers de speler posten en naar feedback vragen betreffende hun kansen voor het NT/U21 of vragen naar trainingsadvies. Vragen om een bod is echter niet toegelaten.

Les règles spécifiques pour les transfer ads:
- Les campagnes publicitaires ne sont admises que dans les topics spécifiques des forum nationaux. Seul un membre du staff BB peut en créer un. Si vous en voulez un ou en si le précédent est fermé, il faut contacter un membre du staff BB pour ouvrir un nouveau topic.
- Seulement une annonce par semaine et par manager est admise. Dans ce post on peut mentionner plusieurs joueurs
- Les managers locaux peuvent insérer une annonce pour leur joueurs sur le marché de tranferts, les managers étrangers peuvent annnoncer seulement des joueurs ayant la nationalité du pays du forum. Les joueurs doivent être dans l’équipe de celui qui les liste sur le marché.
- Des demandes de valeur ou des discussions concernant ces joueurs ne sont pas autorisés.

Les règles spécifiques pour les NT/U21:
- Les selectionneurs NT/U21 (et seulement ceux-là) peuvent faire des annonces publicitaires pour les joueurs NT ou U21 dans le topic officiel NT/U21.
- Ils peuvent aussi donner des informations concernant des joueurs en vente dans le futur et demander la recherche d' eventuels acheteurs pour les joueurs prometteurs ou internationnaux.
- Si un joueur n’est pas sur le marché, les managers peuvent poster le joueur en demandant ses chances pour la sélection NT ou pour des conseils d’entrainement; ils ne peuvent pas demander des enchères.

Last edited by AnGi77 at 7/31/2015 2:37:47 PM

From: AnGi77

This Post:
221471.3 in reply to 221471.2
Date: 7/7/2012 5:59:47 AM
Estrellas Absurdas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Almost Innocents
Just some thought about this:

It could be a good idea not to post skills (future opponents of the buyer could gain profit of this), but just some link to the player on the TL, with some additional info...

giving just some example:
PF (reference to the player ID), great rebounder en defender, good secundairies.
21y, doesn't fit any more in my training-program, and is looking for a manager who can give him some extra IS and eventually one extra ID up. A player who can give your team a boost!

another good idea is to remove the post once the player is sold...

This Post:
221471.4 in reply to 221471.1
Date: 7/10/2012 5:04:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
so this is it.

I would liked to have train Sammy a little further still. an other lvl passing, +1 on block and ID, and some more, but I am just missing to many lign-ups lately, and end up training outside shooting for 2 weeks now, instead of my planned block training which would help his ID...

so I have to face it. It's better to let go now, then to ruin this talent.

up for sale: SF in great shape, and still able to improve a little.

Sammy Backaert (14815927)

have a look if you are interested in an all-round SF.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
From: Johann

This Post:
221471.5 in reply to 221471.3
Date: 7/14/2012 1:48:47 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
(10810577) Ivan Hemerijckx (10810577)

Hey guys, there is a NT player in the TL.

One of the best finishers in BB with such good background skills.

0.8 M for sale, such a reasonable price. Try to make a bid ASAP.

BTW, this big guy has better inner shot than you can see, according to Buzzer Beater Manager.

Won many regular season MVP awards with such awesome stats. You can also see that he really could make shots in career stats.

At this season, I can't take good care of his game shape so he played not good than before. And that's why I want to introduce him to you guys.

Guess that he can bring 30k- 40k benefits in Merchandise that can really helps you ease some financial problems.

Good Luck!

Last edited by Johann at 7/15/2012 12:04:27 PM

This Post:
221471.6 in reply to 221471.5
Date: 7/22/2012 9:40:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
From: Bao
This Post:
221471.7 in reply to 221471.6
Date: 7/29/2012 11:00:49 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

There is a back player with experience on sale in my team. It is about Massimiliano Aversa (6772843). Reasonable salary for its characteristics and price more than attractive!

This Post:
221471.8 in reply to 221471.7
Date: 7/29/2012 2:32:05 PM
Zira atletich
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Puigmirol lapislázuli

24 years

From: Pa_Cha
This Post:
221471.9 in reply to 221471.1
Date: 8/5/2012 10:36:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Giuliano D'Elia (24017736): 213cm, C, 19 year-old
跳投能力: awful (3) 投篮范围: pitiful (2)
外线防守: average (6) 控球能力: respectable (7)
运球能力: atrocious (1) 传球能力: pitiful (2)
内线投篮: prominent (10) ↑ 内线防守: proficient (9)
篮板能力: prominent (10)
盖帽能力: respectable (7)
体能耐力: pitiful (2) 罚球能力: inept (4)

经验值: atrocious (1)

$ 549 999

S13-V.12 S14-IV.50 S16-III.9 S17-IV.38 S18-III.2 S23-II.4 S27-III.3
Message deleted
This Post:
221471.11 in reply to 221471.1
Date: 8/7/2012 9:04:59 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello all,


I have a Belgian prospect that I'm looking to sell so that I can buy myself a Canadian prospect instead. He's listed as a SF and is 6' 8", but has decent enough starting stats that he could be turned into an outside player if necessary. I won't list his complete stats, since some coaches don't want opponents knowing the skills of their players, but here's a general idea:

Outside Skills (JS, JR, OD, HA, DR, PA): He has three skills that are 5-6, and three that are 3-4.
Inside Skills (IS, ID, RB, SB): He has two skills that are 7, and two that are 2-4.

He has 4 stamina, and 2 free throw though his free throw should pop to 3 this week.

Please let me know if you're interested within the next day or two by sending a PM with an offer. I'm not looking for a ton, but don't want to give him away for nothing, either.