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Swan River Serpents Franchise Created!

5/21/2024  0 replies    

Press Announcements

Byakko's Return

From the depths of the primordial forest, where shadows wove tales of old, emerged Byakko, the celestial white tiger. His coat, radiant as moonlit snow, shimmered with a brilliance that parted the very fabric of twilight. With each majestic stride, ancient oaks whispered in reverence, and the earth itself seemed to bow. His eyes, twin orbs of purest sapphire, surveyed the world with a timeless wisdom, as if he were the living bridge between myth and reality. In his presence, the forest's breath caught in awe, and the cosmos aligned in silent homage to the regal beast, heralding a new era where celestial grace walked amongst the mortal realm for the first time.

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