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Sinsinata Tigers Franchise Created!

1/5/2024  0 replies    

Press Announcements

Ojectives check - End of Season

1. Strengthen deficient arias (Average Strong) -> Pass
2. Cup Quarters -> Fail
3. Qualify for Playoffs -> Pass
4. One stadium upgrade -> Fail

3 Thoughts
- I've learned a lot this season, some things have changed some have stayed the same since I played years back however, I believe this season has helped me to get competitive with other fellow teams.
- I've believe I have now a mature team with a mix of young and experienced players with whom we can reach new highs next season
- While only 50% of the goals were passed, the learning I got from the cup were very valuable and truth be told, it's very chance driven while for the stadium upgrade there is no point atm as we don't have a high enough fill ratio.

Final statement
- I'd like to thank all other managers and teams from this division for a very entertaining season and hopefully continue in the same direction the following one

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