IV.41 Great 8

Last 8 league games
Next: Kynlala Kuties

Last 8 league games
Next: Bankstown Cops

Last 8 league games
Next: Adelaide Dynamite

Last 8 league games
Next: Alex Hills Bullets

Last 8 league games
Next: Team BoomAuzziez

Last 8 league games
Next: The Freaks5EF

Last 8 league games
Next: Red Pirates940

Last 8 league games
Next: Nebraska Knights
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Kynlala Kuties 
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Bankstown Cops 
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Red Pirates940 
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Adelaide Dynamite 
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  The Freaks5EF 
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Team BoomAuzziez 
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Alex Hills Bullets 
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Nebraska Knights 
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Bankstown Cops 
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Kynlala Kuties 
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Red Pirates940 
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Adelaide Dynamite 
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Team BoomAuzziez 
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Alex Hills Bullets 
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Nebraska Knights 
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  The Freaks5EF 
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Kynlala Kuties 
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Bankstown Cops 
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Nebraska Knights 
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Alex Hills Bullets 
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Adelaide Dynamite 
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Red Pirates940 
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Team BoomAuzziez 
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  The Freaks5EF 
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Kynlala Kuties 
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Alex Hills Bullets 
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  The Freaks5EF 
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Red Pirates940 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  spycatss 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  LightningMen 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Prahran Jaguars 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  North Carlton Cavaliers 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  The Rhinos208 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Kraz Attack 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  bangas and mash 
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  JackMcKFC 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Kynlala Kuties 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Bankstown Cops 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Adelaide Dynamite 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Alex Hills Bullets 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Nebraska Knights 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  The Freaks5EF 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  LightningMen  Team BoomAuzziez 
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Red Pirates940 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  North Carlton Cavaliers 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  The Rhinos208 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Kraz Attack 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  bangas and mash 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  JackMcKFC 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  spycatss 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  LightningMen 
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Prahran Jaguars 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Kynlala Kuties 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Bankstown Cops 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Red Pirates940 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  Alex Hills Bullets 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  LightningMen  Nebraska Knights 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  The Freaks5EF 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Team BoomAuzziez 
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Adelaide Dynamite 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Prahran Jaguars 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Kraz Attack 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  bangas and mash 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  JackMcKFC 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  spycatss 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  LightningMen 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  North Carlton Cavaliers 
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  The Rhinos208 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Bankstown Cops 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  Red Pirates940 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  LightningMen  Adelaide Dynamite 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Alex Hills Bullets 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Nebraska Knights 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  The Freaks5EF 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Team BoomAuzziez 
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Kynlala Kuties 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  North Carlton Cavaliers 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Kraz Attack 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  JackMcKFC 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  spycatss 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  LightningMen 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Prahran Jaguars 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  The Rhinos208 
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  bangas and mash 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  Kynlala Kuties 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Red Pirates940 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Adelaide Dynamite 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Alex Hills Bullets 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Nebraska Knights 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  The Freaks5EF 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Team BoomAuzziez 
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM  LightningMen  Bankstown Cops 
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Alex Hills Bullets 
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Nebraska Knights 
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  The Freaks5EF 
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Team BoomAuzziez 
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Bankstown Cops 
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Red Pirates940 
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Adelaide Dynamite 
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Kynlala Kuties 
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Team BoomAuzziez 
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  The Freaks5EF 
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Alex Hills Bullets 
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Nebraska Knights 
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Kynlala Kuties 
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Bankstown Cops 
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Red Pirates940 
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Adelaide Dynamite 
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Red Pirates940 
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Adelaide Dynamite 
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Team BoomAuzziez 
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  The Freaks5EF 
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Kynlala Kuties 
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Bankstown Cops 
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Alex Hills Bullets 
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Nebraska Knights 
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Bankstown Cops 
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Nebraska Knights 
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Team BoomAuzziez 
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Adelaide Dynamite 