V.217 Great 8

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  East Sebago City Lights  104 - 122
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  Toros de Chicago  110 - 122
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Azizili  136 - 134
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  Neapolitan Aztecs  137 - 145
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  Strong arm of the law  114 - 112
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  the hamer heads  120 - 124
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  deathlok dynasty  114 - 112
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  786ers  125 - 138
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  Toros de Chicago  112 - 126
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  East Sebago City Lights  108 - 114
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Azizili  101 - 113
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  Neapolitan Aztecs  135 - 137
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  the hamer heads  112 - 114
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  deathlok dynasty  126 - 116
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  786ers  142 - 139
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  Strong arm of the law  121 - 127
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  East Sebago City Lights  120 - 122
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  Toros de Chicago  109 - 123
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  786ers  109 - 124
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  deathlok dynasty  124 - 121
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Neapolitan Aztecs  124 - 114
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  Azizili  108 - 117
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  the hamer heads  122 - 121
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  Strong arm of the law  119 - 134
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  East Sebago City Lights  111 - 119
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  deathlok dynasty  117 - 114
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  Strong arm of the law  95 - 113
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  Azizili  144 - 139
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sinaloa  the hamer heads  118 - 109
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  New Hopewell Violets  East Sebago City Lights  117 - 121
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Dunn Bulldogs  Toros de Chicago  144 - 132
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  jamestown cavaliers  Azizili  111 - 116
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gulf Coast Roasters  Neapolitan Aztecs  134 - 137
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gerber Milk  deathlok dynasty  130 - 139
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  786ers  124 - 132
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bronx Knights  Strong arm of the law  129 - 122
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Dunn Bulldogs  110 - 126
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  jamestown cavaliers  112 - 120
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  Gerber Milk  134 - 128
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  106 - 115
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  Bronx Knights  125 - 130
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Sinaloa  117 - 125
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  New Hopewell Violets  98 - 117
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Gulf Coast Roasters  124 - 130
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  jamestown cavaliers  East Sebago City Lights  116 - 118
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gulf Coast Roasters  Toros de Chicago  109 - 110
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gerber Milk  Azizili  113 - 126
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  Neapolitan Aztecs  132 - 138
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bronx Knights  deathlok dynasty  120 - 100
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sinaloa  786ers  134 - 131
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  New Hopewell Violets  Strong arm of the law  107 - 114
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Dunn Bulldogs  the hamer heads  115 - 116
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Gulf Coast Roasters  128 - 132
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  Gerber Milk  119 - 126
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  105 - 122
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Sinaloa  90 - 99
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  New Hopewell Violets  104 - 118
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Dunn Bulldogs  107 - 109
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  jamestown cavaliers  92 - 111
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  Bronx Knights  116 - 142
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Dunn Bulldogs  786ers  122 - 124
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gerber Milk  East Sebago City Lights  123 - 125
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  Toros de Chicago  110 - 111
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bronx Knights  Azizili  116 - 113
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sinaloa  Neapolitan Aztecs  114 - 100
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  New Hopewell Violets  deathlok dynasty  118 - 101
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  jamestown cavaliers  Strong arm of the law  84 - 103
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gulf Coast Roasters  the hamer heads  104 - 110
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  Bronx Knights  114 - 129
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Sinaloa  107 - 112
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  New Hopewell Violets  112 - 129
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Dunn Bulldogs  102 - 125
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  jamestown cavaliers  102 - 116
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Gulf Coast Roasters  118 - 123
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  Gerber Milk  111 - 124
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  123 - 115
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  jamestown cavaliers  deathlok dynasty  98 - 74
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gerber Milk  Strong arm of the law  108 - 118
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bronx Knights  East Sebago City Lights  108 - 114
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sinaloa  Toros de Chicago  122 - 108
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  New Hopewell Violets  Azizili  127 - 131
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Dunn Bulldogs  Neapolitan Aztecs  123 - 127
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Gulf Coast Roasters  786ers  121 - 118
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs  the hamer heads  137 - 129
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Sinaloa 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Dunn Bulldogs 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  jamestown cavaliers 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Gulf Coast Roasters 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  Gerber Milk 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Boyd-Buchanan Bucs 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  Bronx Knights 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  New Hopewell Violets 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  deathlok dynasty 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  786ers 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Strong arm of the law 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  the hamer heads 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Toros de Chicago 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  Azizili 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Neapolitan Aztecs 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  East Sebago City Lights 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  the hamer heads 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Strong arm of the law 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  deathlok dynasty 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  786ers 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  East Sebago City Lights 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Toros de Chicago 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  Azizili 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  Neapolitan Aztecs 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Azizili 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  Toros de Chicago  Neapolitan Aztecs 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  786ers  the hamer heads 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  Strong arm of the law 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neapolitan Aztecs  East Sebago City Lights 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Toros de Chicago 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  the hamer heads  deathlok dynasty 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  786ers 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  East Sebago City Lights  Toros de Chicago 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  deathlok dynasty  786ers 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  Strong arm of the law  the hamer heads 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  Azizili  Neapolitan Aztecs 