List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Filimon Stokas Bought Green Devils B.C 9/28/2023 $ 1 700 000
Kristian Pålsson Bought Mountain Eagles 1/15/2023 $ 1 656 300
Kristian Pålsson Sold Malmö Highflyers 5/20/2023 $ 1 608 600
Manuel Barrera Sold provatina united 12/16/2020 $ 1 400 000
Bronius Arbutavicius Bought Feuquières 11/22/2021 $ 1 250 000
Slobodan Vilotić Bought Tatooxinouteam 5/21/2023 $ 1 200 000
Chui Che Lun Bought Alley.Oops 2/19/2020 $ 1 200 000
Lionel Becquet Sold Diadema Dawgs 3/7/2024 $ 1 082 600
Filimon Stokas Sold ARIS GIA PANTA II 3/10/2024 $ 1 000 000
Lionel Becquet Bought priones II 10/15/2023 $ 1 000 000
Bronius Arbutavicius Sold BC LAZERIS 10/26/2022 $ 1 000 000
Chui Che Lun Sold LUCKYBOYS 12/19/2020 $ 1 000 000
Manuel Barrera Bought DaKaTh BC 2/21/2020 $ 1 000 000
Rade Vlajković Sold INCREDIBULLS 2/18/2020 $ 1 000 000
Stephan Listerscheid Bought I portinai 6/2/2023 $ 950 000
Deng Ming Min Bought Kamikazes 9/24/2017 $ 919 300
Steve Allemann Sold Yalta Fatalists 8/5/2022 $ 900 000
Steve Allemann Bought HRAKLARA 11/27/2021 $ 900 000
Ivan Dermendzhiev Bought Venomous Scorpions 3/31/2021 $ 900 000
Rojun Calumeda Sold Pontiakos B.C. 8/16/2017 $ 866 100
Krystian Cegliński Bought spardaks 5/11/2022 $ 780 800
Ascensión Martínez Bought БК Глухов 12/22/2020 $ 777 777
Harley Corbin Bought Free Agent 6/26/2024 $ 765 000
Giles Mesley Sold DallaMas 12/19/2020 $ 750 000
Agapit Fabrella Sold Bradford Dragons 2/21/2020 $ 750 000
Mart Alviste Sold Seoul Strikers 9/22/2017 $ 750 000
Ike Waddell Bought Slayerss 6/22/2019 $ 726 500
Humberto Bolaños Bought Crazy Spitfires 7/8/2023 $ 714 000
Giles Mesley Bought Warp Odyssey 10/21/2020 $ 714 000
Johnnie Neff Bought Resurrected Fury 8/4/2023 $ 700 000
Krystian Cegliński Sold Dombó KC 7/30/2022 $ 700 000
Marko Novaković Bought The Stoke Penguins 3/22/2023 $ 680 000
Stephan Listerscheid Sold Residual Comets 3/18/2024 $ 624 300
Ken Crocker Bought BC Rezervas 7/6/2024 $ 623 600
Dragoljub Vasić Sold Little Buddhas 8/28/2023 $ 619 500
Ignasi Ñoras Bought Miño Baloncesto 6/28/2020 $ 600 000
Gao Yingbin Sold MBS LALakers 73 6/11/2020 $ 600 000
Dušan Petrović Sold KKCZBGD 2/21/2020 $ 600 000
Gao Yingbin Bought Rodriq22 4/5/2020 $ 599 000
Ivan Kofanov Bought Карающая Колесница 4/16/2021 $ 539 000
Rahmat Tuasalamony Bought blackdogs 4/8/2017 $ 520 200
Alvin McCabe Bought Cassville Yuck 12/22/2020 $ 510 000
Rojun Calumeda Bought Free Agent 12/7/2016 $ 510 000
Amadeu Cepeda Bought Free Agent 3/14/2024 $ 500 000
Gustavo Caion Bought Aitana Dream 10/11/2019 $ 500 000
Xavier Gomes Sold Os Lesados 10/10/2019 $ 500 000
Mart Alviste Bought Free Agent 8/19/2017 $ 500 000
Johnnie Neff Sold Stogdengiai 6/30/2024 $ 455 900
Harley Corbin Sold Langley City Thunder 10/1/2024 $ 455 200
Joshua Vela Sold Παλιά Πολη 12/19/2020 $ 450 000
Humberto Bolaños Sold Tsukiji Fishermen 3/19/2024 $ 433 100
Gustavo Caion Sold SolveRstarS 11/7/2021 $ 424 600
Ivan Kofanov Sold GAME OVER' 7/27/2021 $ 416 200
Ignasi Ñoras Sold PAOK SALONICA 12/26/2020 $ 416 200
Marco Dionísio Bought Cascais Crows 8/16/2021 $ 400 000
Darko Cvetković Bought Nusikalstama grupuotė Varpelis 8/3/2021 $ 400 000
Sebastião Vale Bought Fortuna Wedel 12/25/2024 $ 394 200
Nebojša Pjanović Sold HellasVerona 12/20/2022 $ 390 300
Zare Cholak Bought Kucinja 8/27/2022 $ 390 000
Matej Maštruko Bought Azur BC 10/15/2017 $ 379 000
Mark Maklakov Sold Mortdale Maulers 4/21/2024 $ 358 900
Viktors Jencitis Sold Mazie Vilcēni 9/22/2017 $ 350 000
Ghanem Boukadida Sold DVine LionsF71 8/2/2017 $ 350 000
Rudi Gregorčič Bought Dexxa 6/27/2024 $ 330 700
Žarko Spalević Sold Lech Poznañ 2/19/2025 $ 327 300
Slobodan Vilotić Sold Jordan23 6/30/2024 $ 312 200
Ivan Dermendzhiev Sold 阿傻回來囉 7/31/2021 $ 312 200
Oskar Budrewicz Bought Podwórkowcy 4/9/2024 $ 306 800
José Boaventura Sold Insidious 12/20/2022 $ 306 000
Agapit Fabrella Bought BC "Kurmaičiai" 11/11/2018 $ 306 000
Ken Roberts Sold MKS Koszalin 8/3/2016 $ 306 000
Mark Maklakov Bought Mortdale Maulers 3/16/2024 $ 300 000
Ascensión Martínez Sold Fr. Mathews 8/7/2021 $ 300 000
Sulayman Aissaoui Bought Scorpions Mld 12/20/2020 $ 300 000
Rahmat Tuasalamony Sold Celebes Sea Sailors 10/12/2017 $ 300 000
Ching Tuan Teck Bought Henoch White Stones 4/12/2021 $ 299 000
Jeremiah Turpin Bought ktlp panathinaikos 5/12/2020 $ 290 000
José Luis Ruiz Tagle Bought Turku Jazz 4/23/2023 $ 280 600
Ken Roberts Bought Free Agent 7/6/2016 $ 280 600
Viktors Jencitis Bought Skafiskafnjak Svemirci 8/20/2017 $ 260 200
Bolívar Obregón Sold Stella Rossa🟥 1/1/2025 $ 255 000
Pedro Muller Bought King Sajz 1/18/2025 $ 250 000
José Luis Ruiz Tagle Sold 排骨黨 5/15/2023 $ 244 947
Matteo Della Corna Bought Baskai 4/21/2021 $ 244 300
Matteo Della Corna Sold Rdeča zvezda 6/9/2021 $ 242 600
Luis María Valles Bought Nonloso 8/29/2021 $ 239 000
Billy Cason Sold Glourious Basterds 12/19/2020 $ 225 000
Čarli Trnovec Bought MightyMice 6/21/2017 $ 220 000
Wes Fairchild Bought დინამო თბილისი 11/5/2022 $ 216 600
Luis María Valles Sold Los Penúltimos 11/7/2021 $ 216 600
Ivan Dobrnjac Sold Arcadia Warriors 2/16/2025 $ 212 300
Ching Tuan Teck Sold Falcons KK 7/27/2021 $ 208 100
Slobodan Nikić Bought AC Basketball 8/7/2020 $ 208 100
Čarli Trnovec Sold CSU Eagles Sibiu 9/11/2017 $ 208 100
Nicanor Almansa Bought Local Hoops 8/5/2017 $ 208 100
Juraj Matelić Sold Jopcig 8/16/2017 $ 204 000
Aykut Dahi Bought Chaosus 2/2/2025 $ 200 000
Arnaldo Lofrano Bought Vallerud 3/6/2024 $ 200 000
Bolívar Obregón Bought kenneth2018 2/1/2023 $ 200 000
Joshua Vela Bought Mons Crusaders 3/6/2020 $ 200 000
Ilhan Kaptan Bought Ka-Tet 2/20/2019 $ 200 000
Xavier Gomes Bought Devil zombs 2/12/2019 $ 200 000
Manos Kourdos Bought GMA Team 2/5/2020 $ 199 999
Zhang Guanliang Bought Sant Mateu 12/22/2019 $ 199 900
Nicolas Gourmelon Bought Ziuwari 1/18/2023 $ 195 000
Marko Novaković Sold babyboys 5/27/2023 $ 190 800
Janco de With Bought İlyasovaspor 7/3/2024 $ 183 300
Mateusz Zimak Sold Newton FC 8/8/2017 $ 170 009
Marco Dionísio Sold Anchorage Allstars! 8/8/2023 $ 165 000
Vule Jovičić Sold Urtxintxak 12/28/2024 $ 155 700
Nikolakis Kounalakis Bought The Darius BBall Club 8/14/2016 $ 153 300
Darko Cvetković Sold Keçiörengücü 7/12/2023 $ 153 000
Billy Cason Bought Mons Crusaders 3/6/2020 $ 150 000
Dicory Sagna Bought Barcelona Dragons 9/18/2018 $ 150 000
Harald Auberger Bought Pogoń Oleśnica 5/12/2018 $ 150 000
Sebastião Vale Sold Ljónin 1/21/2025 $ 148 300
Nélio Pais Bought PANIONIARA BC 5/2/2024 $ 145 300
Peter Náhlik Bought Free Agent 4/19/2017 $ 144 630
Panayiotis Keratzoglou Bought Psols 8/22/2017 $ 138 100
Adriano De Bianchi Bought Ziuwari 1/18/2023 $ 136 600
Emidio Simeone Bought Panino Social Club 1/15/2023 $ 136 100
Ghanem Boukadida Bought Boards of Canada 7/30/2016 $ 132 200
Nikolakis Kounalakis Sold Resistência AYA 6/28/2017 $ 130 000
Deng Ming Min Sold Telšių Meškos 11/16/2018 $ 127 600
José Boaventura Bought 404NotFound 12/18/2020 $ 120 000
Amadeu Cepeda Sold tiburcio 6/24/2024 $ 115 700
Ivan Bertoglio Bought Free Agent 8/3/2016 $ 110 000
Gibson Aboki Bought Big Gulp Reincarnated 12/28/2024 $ 107 100
Dobromir Oklobdzija Bought Divos 10/6/2024 $ 104 700
Arnaldo Lofrano Sold DELTA Saratov 6/24/2024 $ 102 600
Wes Fairchild Sold KK PINK PANTER 12/18/2022 $ 102 000
Nicolás Ussía Bought Gausón 11/4/2022 $ 102 000
Zare Cholak Sold Canada Purple Haze BC 10/26/2022 $ 102 000
Malandro Medrano Bought Oklahoma City Murderers 7/8/2018 $ 102 000
Panayiotis Keratzoglou Sold Golden Eаgles 9/26/2017 $ 102 000
Mateusz Zimak Bought KKS Lech Poznań 8/28/2016 $ 102 000
Gojko Parić Bought Beaver Kings 9/22/2024 $ 100 000
Rudi Gregorčič Sold Ainmosni 8/30/2024 $ 100 000
Netanel Ben-Chaim Sold Soles de Mexicali 7/20/2024 $ 100 000
Netanel Ben-Chaim Bought BES!KTAS 6/29/2024 $ 100 000
Slobodan Popović Sold 辽宁本刚飞豹 10/1/2023 $ 100 000
Blaine Bauman Bought Martians2100 1/30/2025 $ 98 100
Ilhan Kaptan Sold CABOZO C.B. 7/7/2019 $ 97 800
Danilo Vitasović Bought wangqiong 12/19/2022 $ 95 000
Nikolay Krestyantsev Sold Diogo Cão DC 7/2/2020 $ 91 800
Vidojas Das Sold מכבי מזכרת בתיה 2/23/2020 $ 84 500
Juraj Matelić Bought Free Agent 12/8/2016 $ 77 100
Emidio Nanni Bought REB BBC 8/7/2020 $ 75 000
Gibson Aboki Sold Triple R 1/21/2025 $ 74 400
Janco de With Sold XALANDRI BC 8/8/2024 $ 74 100
Jeremiah Turpin Sold NS Devils 6/11/2020 $ 73 000
Nicanor Almansa Sold Pets & tema jüngrid 12/31/2019 $ 72 900
Ivan Bertoglio Sold FC Markaz Basket 8/9/2017 $ 71 400
Vidojas Das Bought Free Agent 2/13/2019 $ 70 020
Zvonko Egelja Sold Sparta HC 12/21/2020 $ 68 200
Szabolcs Baumgartner Sold Gavrilo Princip NS 6/14/2024 $ 65 600
Oskar Budrewicz Sold xorafa-4- 4/21/2024 $ 61 700
Hannu Luiro Bought The Cockers 3/6/2021 $ 60 000
Žarko Spalević Bought Free Agent 12/19/2022 $ 55 470
Mimmo Rapino Bought New Santa Stars 11/18/2022 $ 53 200
Vule Jovičić Bought Free Agent 3/11/2023 $ 52 900
Nélio Pais Sold Laajalampi Slashers 5/19/2024 $ 51 000
Nicolás Ussía Sold kenneth2018 12/18/2022 $ 51 000
Malandro Medrano Sold Benfica do Joao 11/15/2018 $ 51 000
Slobodan Nikić Sold Gravity 9/21/2020 $ 50 000
Dušan Petrović Bought New Killers 8/13/2017 $ 50 000
Diego García Sold AEK Athens Greece 21 7/29/2016 $ 50 000
Sulayman Aissaoui Sold Rip City Utopia 4/3/2021 $ 42 000
Orixe Iturburu Sold AZeteS 12/25/2016 $ 41 000
Slobodan Popović Bought LUDDI 8/28/2022 $ 39 000
Torbjörn Grenlund Bought Starfire Burning 2/16/2025 $ 36 000
Nicolas Gourmelon Sold SK Galatasaray 1/31/2023 $ 33 000
Edgardo Henderson Bought m.a.n.y.a 6/25/2017 $ 33 000
Ivan Drakulić Bought Free Agent 8/27/2022 $ 32 190
Paul Atto Bought Puff_Puff_Pass 12/18/2020 $ 32 000
Peter Náhlik Sold C.B. Valdelcubo 7/8/2017 $ 31 000
Gabrielius Šimkunas Bought gatteo mare 7/25/2016 $ 31 000
Lazaros Driokolaptis Sold Son Tartufi 7/20/2016 $ 30 000
Slobodan Ugrinović Sold Atomillos 8/28/2023 $ 27 000
Veljko Binić Sold KK Dragon 3/14/2023 $ 25 000
Orixe Iturburu Bought Stara Zagora 7/20/2016 $ 21 000
Nikolay Krestyantsev Bought ALIGATORES 11/12/2018 $ 20 000
Luke Beckham Bought MrRust CB 7/17/2016 $ 17 000
Vuk Studen Sold TeXans99 II 12/27/2024 $ 15 000
Erling Salling Sold BC Dunărea Călăraşi 8/22/2018 $ 15 000
Emidio Simeone Sold Furbetteam 1/31/2023 $ 14 000
Mimmo Rapino Sold Spartan Warriors 12/18/2022 $ 12 000
Aleksa Nenezić Sold los guerreros liryos 7/20/2016 $ 11 000
Lazaros Driokolaptis Bought Weather Society 7/8/2016 $ 11 000
Manos Kourdos Sold BK Enkuri 2/24/2020 $ 10 000
Sergio De Arteaga Sold Zelenec 7/20/2016 $ 10 000
Mino Valente Bought Bc Jayhausen (good old times) 7/14/2016 $ 10 000
Gregory Jacobs Sold NorthCarolina Tarheels 7/1/2017 $ 9 999
Emidio Nanni Sold Petitons 12/19/2020 $ 9 000
Mihai Mazilu Sold KK Partizan '23 10/16/2019 $ 9 000
Aleksandar Pavlović Sold BanDiTėliai 12/21/2020 $ 7 000
Ike Waddell Sold Carpathian Trolls 2/18/2020 $ 7 000
Erling Salling Bought Oklahoma City Murderers 7/8/2018 $ 7 000
Ruben López Sold Colonels 8/6/2016 $ 7 000
Benedykt Kocyla Bought 99 Problems 12/18/2020 $ 6 000
Diego García Bought Bohemios de Montevideo 7/18/2016 $ 6 000
Ruben López Bought Bohemios de Montevideo 7/18/2016 $ 6 000
Gregory Jacobs Bought Borsod Celtics 11/30/2016 $ 5 000
Churchill Moralba Sold Fluxified 8/6/2016 $ 5 000
Mshengu Mutola Sold Andraysan 7/20/2016 $ 5 000
Dobromir Oklobdzija Sold North Seagulls 12/28/2024 $ 4 000
Harald Auberger Sold Mantova spurs 11/15/2018 $ 4 000
Darko Novaković Sold Faneticks 3/19/2017 $ 4 000
Nenad Petrović Sold Montréal Maple Leafs 2/8/2023 $ 3 000
Miloš Karleuša Sold Megan HS 7/21/2018 $ 3 000
Bojan Jovanović Sold 公鸡 1/5/2018 $ 3 000
Bobi Stefkovski Bought KK Teorel 6/25/2017 $ 3 000
Alkis Rentis Sold Proodeftiki 8/6/2016 $ 3 000
Churchill Moralba Bought KK Krnule Sabac 7/8/2016 $ 3 000
Pavle Cehajic Sold Centro Vasco II 3/19/2017 $ 2 200
Ivan Drakulić Sold Drogon black 10/18/2023 $ 2 000
Slobodan Janićijević Sold Tijuana Bros 5/25/2023 $ 2 000
Adriano De Bianchi Sold Guess Who's Back 1/31/2023 $ 2 000
Paul Atto Sold yy old 4/19/2021 $ 2 000
Nebojša Pjanović Bought kalumaster 12/19/2020 $ 2 000
Dicory Sagna Sold Sant Mateu 11/14/2018 $ 2 000
Magnus Vinén Sold Madreschters 8/17/2016 $ 2 000
Alkis Rentis Bought killers dragons 7/20/2016 $ 2 000
Magnus Vinén Bought Ortalion Trenera 7/9/2016 $ 2 000
Zhang Guanliang Sold bagdala 2/18/2020 $ 1 090
Danilo Borović Sold Србија Хофмански 3/7/2024 $ 1 000
Novak Jurić Sold Beyond II 3/7/2024 $ 1 000
Milan Cerović Sold NT Green Eagles 5/25/2023 $ 1 000
Danilo Vitasović Sold BC PSG 2/15/2023 $ 1 000
Ivan Dobrnjac Bought Jerusalem TET Utopia 8/28/2022 $ 1 000
Benedykt Kocyla Sold Iptamenoi diskoi 4/17/2021 $ 1 000
Matej Maštruko Sold BC Valmieras Ordo 8/22/2018 $ 1 000
Edgardo Henderson Sold Aristotele 5/20/2018 $ 1 000
Vuk Ristić Sold ASMATS 1/5/2018 $ 1 000
Bor Milošić Bought E. C. Barcelona 11/5/2017 $ 1 000
Ivan Babarogić Sold Zeleni Red Bulovi 9/29/2017 $ 1 000
Zvonko Egelja Bought KK Pajton_production 8/13/2017 $ 1 000
Wang Yudi Bought stelladelsud 7/29/2017 $ 1 000
Luke Beckham Sold MKS Kataryna 4/24/2017 $ 1 000
Richard Saxinger Bought Pueyrredón BB 8/4/2016 $ 1 000
Jokubas Goštaltavicius Bought Samara Red Devils 7/16/2016 $ 1 000
Fortunato Di Puccio Bought Klavier 7/15/2016 $ 1 000
Tiresias Tsiolas Bought Κατσαπλιάδες 7/10/2016 $ 1 000
Marko Perčević Sold 雷克斯暴龙 7/9/2016 $ 1 000
Sergio De Arteaga Bought PubIsBack CB 7/8/2016 $ 1 000
Mshengu Mutola Bought TeemoBoyz 7/8/2016 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 28 010 245
Total Purchases: $ 35 821 886
Transfer Balance: $ -7 811 641