List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Abdou Diakhate Sold La Havane BC 11/22/2012 $ 731 800
Abdou Diakhate Bought pipipipi 1/13/2011 $ 299 400
Achdiyat Yahya Sold Knicks Athens 9/26/2015 $ 765 000
Achdiyat Yahya Bought Free Agent 10/15/2014 $ 500 000
Adrijan Kumar Sold Stirling Knights 11/9/2013 $ 1 040 400
Alajos Gobbi Sold RakBa 2/8/2012 $ 693 600
Alajos Gobbi Bought LAlakers1441 5/22/2011 $ 1 126 400
Albert Burgo Bought Náxara C.D. 2/14/2021 $ 25 000
Albert Kušar Sold Magic stars Celje 12/17/2009 $ 80 000
Àlex Cadanet Sold OlympiakosB.C. 2/8/2020 $ 500 000
Àlex Cadanet Bought Cipolla 10/19/2019 $ 2 099 000
Algutis Tuganovskis Sold BC KupiskisFF3 5/22/2011 $ 552 300
Algutis Tuganovskis Bought BC Mixas 12/26/2010 $ 816 000
Allan Delaune Sold Mamba LT 11/7/2018 $ 1 172 000
Allan Delaune Bought Mañoman basket 5/25/2018 $ 3 049 800
Andrew Solima Sold NYCBC 5/11/2013 $ 255 000
Andrew Solima Bought SNOW LEOPARD 2/17/2012 $ 1 219 500
Anton Rot Sold DreamCream 11/6/2009 $ 49 000
Antonis Tsoukalis Bought Toronto Rappers 3/14/2009 $ 102 000
Apostolos Artakos Bought Tartu Runners 12/10/2010 $ 6 000
Armin Breg Sold Ekipa da te skipa 10/5/2017 $ 1 000
Arnaud Mangin Bought BigBallersBrsnd Bc 2/14/2021 $ 40 000
Arsen Asgari Sold The Return 9/25/2011 $ 700 000
Arsen Asgari Bought SOKOLICI 8/1/2010 $ 1 046 500
Aurimantas Zubas Bought lesverts 2/14/2021 $ 25 000
Avto Pirosmani Sold Caucassian StnY 6/22/2017 $ 4 000 000
Avto Pirosmani Bought KK UNIKATOY Postojna 3/31/2016 $ 5 000 000
Beno Volčanšek Sold Bosnian Tigers 2/8/2020 $ 800 000
Beno Volčanšek Bought Golden State 30 2/19/2016 $ 520 200
Bohdan Tanaś Bought ANWIL POLSKA 10/2/2017 $ 3 000
Boštjan Juvanec Sold KK Youngboys 12/17/2009 $ 32 000
Branimir Dušević Sold KK UNIKATOY Postojna 3/31/2016 $ 3 000 000
Branimir Dušević Bought Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv! 11/30/2014 $ 1 001 500
Carlos Manuel Barros Sold Neverwinter 12/13/2013 $ 306 000
Carlos Manuel Barros Bought Skene Outlaws 11/9/2013 $ 950 000
Chattramukha Sankar Bought Kapital B.C. 10/16/2014 $ 90 700
Czesław Łysek Bought Celtic Llobregat 12/3/2012 $ 1 000
Dalibor Kordeš Sold BigBallerShotCallerA91 3/31/2016 $ 52 100
Daniel de Miranda Sold Polish Gastro 9/26/2015 $ 849 100
Daniel de Miranda Bought Free Agent 2/19/2014 $ 1 104 300
Daniel Regidor Bought Los Ángeles Lakers 2/9/2011 $ 20 000
Danilo Matko Sold Birras y Petas 9/6/2009 $ 1 000
Denis Kancijan Sold golden 3pts 1/29/2013 $ 595 500
Dimitrije Grmuša Bought Zyzz 6/4/2015 $ 51 000
Domenik Nierhoff Bought Kielce Buffalos 4/26/2011 $ 3 000
Donald Matias Bought kk rosa 2/14/2012 $ 3 000
Dževad Janež Sold Зенит 1 8/29/2009 $ 1 000
Ednélson Nascimento Sold Kauno Atletas 9/21/2013 $ 323 000
Ednélson Nascimento Bought Warsaw Corsairs 6/8/2013 $ 400 000
Edo Mandelj Sold Los Infranqueables 4/22/2011 $ 200 000
Edvard Pogac Sold Folgado Lakers 4/8/2018 $ 1 560 600
Edvard Pogac Bought Free Agent 8/12/2017 $ 2 994 800
Egon Damiano Sold KK Metalko 9/26/2015 $ 1 087 600
Egon Damiano Bought BK SO LEVOČA 1/31/2015 $ 714 600
Elvezio Marino Sold Magic stars Celje 7/24/2019 $ 950 000
Elvezio Marino Bought Μετεωρα B.C. 3/30/2019 $ 1 350 000
Evaristo Kondo Sold Ostragodos 5/11/2013 $ 510 000
Evaristo Kondo Bought KkSwln 11/29/2012 $ 735 500
Feng Bingshan Sold BC LionSnake 7/2/2017 $ 2 500 000
Feng Bingshan Bought New York Titans 5/25/2016 $ 3 000 000
Ferenc Laluska Bought albacomp u10 8/10/2011 $ 1 000
Fiorindo Richetto Sold Taranai 2/9/2013 $ 850 000
Fiorindo Richetto Bought BKĎapalovce 12/30/2012 $ 528 400
François Cachard Sold Vučijaci 6/23/2017 $ 2 000 000
François Cachard Bought Ron Swanson All-Stars 9/3/2016 $ 3 000 000
Gal Dobrin Sold Aversy 10/13/2010 $ 300 000
Gedmantas Calkevicius Bought Stat&Melo 8/31/2009 $ 17 000
Giorgio Capra Sold Brixia Spartans 11/10/2010 $ 600 000
Giorgio Capra Bought Basket Club Marche 8/8/2010 $ 714 000
Gojc Podvršček Sold Hijos del Frío 3/26/2010 $ 12 000
Goran Voranc Sold ciganinhosBD4 12/13/2010 $ 10 000
Hakan Akarsa Sold Codemasters 12/13/2013 $ 156 100
Hakan Akarsa Bought Turkey Tigers 11/26/2012 $ 1 024 200
Hans-Manfred Schober Sold Korbjägerinnen 3/28/2010 $ 717 400
Hans-Manfred Schober Bought Free Agent 11/12/2009 $ 804 300
Huang Yung chung Sold BouletTeam 2/18/2016 $ 816 000
Huang Yung chung Bought Jokehim Maniacs 1/17/2016 $ 832 400
Ioannis Stavrianidis Sold Magic stars Celje 10/20/2019 $ 940 000
Ioannis Stavrianidis Bought Marvel Comics漫威小队 7/18/2019 $ 1 397 900
Ivor Miko Sold 大力水手 12/10/2014 $ 14 000
János Szekeres Sold Ron Swanson All-Stars 5/20/2012 $ 450 700
János Szekeres Bought Free Agent 12/7/2011 $ 969 000
Jasmin Marolt Sold Casa Targaryen 4/29/2010 $ 424 600
Jiang Chengli Sold PGE Dębe 2/18/2016 $ 159 300
Jiang Chengli Bought After Shocks204 1/16/2016 $ 122 400
John Moore Sold Fab Five 52 9/27/2014 $ 187 300
John Moore Bought Polymaths 4/25/2014 $ 246 400
Jordi Gironell Sold avias 2/8/2020 $ 717 400
Jordi Gironell Bought BSR Berlin 2/3/2019 $ 2 142 000
Jordi Camarasa Bought Craiova Pistons 12/23/2009 $ 204 000
Jože Lovka Sold Birras y Petas 9/6/2009 $ 1 000
Juan Rolando Bava Bought Tartu Lõvid 5/4/2010 $ 8 000
Jürgen Ludwig Torka Sold KK BOHINJ 7/27/2011 $ 300 000
Jürgen Ludwig Torka Bought petritos 5/1/2010 $ 1 020 000
Kálmán Rajk Sold Both teams played hard 2/5/2020 $ 1 200 000
Kálmán Rajk Bought webber503 7/9/2017 $ 5 100 000
Karlis Ezerinš Sold Martians2100 1/19/2016 $ 50 000
Karlis Ezerinš Bought Kapital B.C. 10/16/2014 $ 96 100
Kastytis Žigas Bought Šveicarijs zuikstt 3/18/2009 $ 212 300
Lee Sadhu Sold Teammorvan 12/5/2011 $ 387 600
Lee Sadhu Bought Boquerones C.B. 9/25/2011 $ 331 400
Lev Lovrišček Bought $uperiors 6/26/2017 $ 2 080 800
Lier Etxenagusia Bought Trenton Team 8/9/2011 $ 3 000
Lionel Cortejana Bought kk naprijed 1/29/2017 $ 974 400
Lojz Colja Bought Free Agent 3/16/2016 $ 37 100
Luigi Antonio Errigo Sold El Toritos 4/13/2013 $ 358 900
Luigi Antonio Errigo Bought Boro Team 11/18/2011 $ 1 100 000
Łukasz Lesiakowski Bought Stal Nysa 4/26/2011 $ 1 000
Man Wu Han Sold Bratva 9/24/2014 $ 51 000
Man Wu Han Bought Squad 206 4/25/2014 $ 153 000
Marcel Strela Sold Here we go again 3/21/2009 $ 120 000
Mario Rigucci Sold aris 2009 3/3/2010 $ 200 000
Mario Rigucci Bought 印第安納流氓 8/31/2009 $ 90 400
Mario Soverini Bought LuchJosh 8/14/2009 $ 60 000
Michel Provencher Sold C.B. Valdelcubo 9/25/2011 $ 732 300
Michel Provencher Bought NBA United 1/13/2011 $ 270 900
Miha Skrjanc Sold Gyvenu už Butelį 9/10/2010 $ 477 210
Miha Skrjanc Bought Free Agent 2/17/2010 $ 838 200
Mike Trocha Sold Soldados de la libertad 10/8/2009 $ 4 000
Miro Krimc Sold Auckland Tuatara 8/17/2009 $ 1 000
Nastja Babic Bought Here we go again 3/20/2009 $ 50 000
Nate Denton Sold Yeet Squad 4/19/2016 $ 1 020 000
Nate Denton Bought Motoralmaisangre 10/21/2015 $ 1 020 000
Nino Mikložič Sold Birras y Petas 9/6/2009 $ 1 000
Omri Lapidot Bought Rageing Tigers 2/15/2012 $ 1 000
Ovidijus Lekšas Sold Parsian 12/5/2011 $ 259 100
Ovidijus Lekšas Bought Romelo Team 10/1/2011 $ 260 200
Paris Manos Sold Vilniaus "Elektra" 1/5/2014 $ 102 000
Paris Manos Bought Free Agent 1/2/2013 $ 324 800
Pavel Lavretič Sold Auckland Tuatara 8/17/2009 $ 1 000
Paweł Bobiński Bought Magic Spiders SIbiu 10/2/2017 $ 1 000
Pedro Menchaca Sold Petokissat 1/30/2015 $ 477 600
Pedro Menchaca Bought IncrediBullzFF1 10/12/2014 $ 500 000
Peeter Hellat Sold Toro Team 8/1/2010 $ 900 000
Peeter Hellat Bought Numb CB 3/28/2010 $ 1 325 500
Pourang Daraei Fard Sold Dunkin Beaters 12/13/2013 $ 100 000
Pourang Daraei Fard Bought Larisaikos 9/29/2013 $ 70 000
Primož Kojc Sold Prekmurje Storks 10/28/2013 $ 102 000
Roberto Candiani Sold Hoopstars BC 11/21/2015 $ 1 400 000
Roberto Candiani Bought Andjeli 7/1/2015 $ 1 009 800
Rosario Selvagio Sold venividiveni fb 11/2/2019 $ 13 000
Rosario Selvagio Bought Ghepardi 6/10/2018 $ 540 000
Rudolf Stokowy Sold KS Goldena 8/27/2014 $ 505 700
Rudolf Stokowy Bought Andjeli 1/12/2014 $ 999 000
Sabas Garabán Sold São Paulo FC 1/9/2014 $ 300 000
Sabas Garabán Bought |<|3 ₩/\G/\|\|!C/\. 6/5/2013 $ 600 000
Saeed Kianfar Sold LobCity 2/8/2012 $ 800 000
Saeed Kianfar Bought Free Agent 8/4/2011 $ 1 080 000
Sebastjan Kušter Sold Indenai 7/2/2010 $ 300 000
Shao Huihong Bought Pulse 2/13/2012 $ 2 000
Simone Ligios Bought Red tailed hawks 10/2/2017 $ 2 000
Srda Cirkovic Sold Golden State RATNICI 11/17/2012 $ 515 000
Srda Cirkovic Bought Tak tak takatak 4/27/2011 $ 952 100
Stefan Lannerhall Sold Croz 04 4/26/2015 $ 104 100
Stefan Lannerhall Bought Pimpoes 4/11/2015 $ 335 400
Stefano Ursic Sold WorkTeam 8/8/2010 $ 785 000
Stefano Ursic Bought 3B4S 7/10/2010 $ 1 000 000
Svarun Trochlik Sold Luftiguzi 2/26/2011 $ 208 100
Sze Bao Yang Sold KOBE BRYANT 8&24 2/2/2012 $ 1 122 000
Sze Bao Yang Bought Los Wolfman 9/25/2011 $ 1 480 000
Tadej Bizjak Sold KK Juventus 8/19/2009 $ 1 000
Telmo Aroso Sold ReV.OwN 8/10/2017 $ 3 800 000
Telmo Aroso Bought Los Quemaos 10/15/2015 $ 3 375 400
Thodoris Selionis Bought bb ultimate 2/13/2012 $ 1 000
Tichomil Jaselský Bought Blue Parrot 4/21/2019 $ 212 300
Tilen Zadnjik Sold 6th 9/27/2010 $ 37 000
Toğrul Dəyirmançı Sold BC FILMAR 3/28/2014 $ 200 000
Toğrul Dəyirmançı Bought Tsuru Grullas 1/26/2013 $ 504 200
Toni Ylä-Lyly Sold Dubna Rockets 11/10/2012 $ 697 600
Toni Ylä-Lyly Bought Efforfred 8/10/2012 $ 387 600
Tonko Zambata Bought poueze49522 2/14/2021 $ 1 000
Trpimir Vršnik Sold BK Sokolov Falkons 2/15/2010 $ 204 000
Trpimir Vršnik Bought Plaza Badalona 8/31/2009 $ 306 000
Turan Çinak Bought Bossy 6/10/2018 $ 74 400
Valdas Snieginis Bought lebrj 6/8/2018 $ 308 800
Valerij Verlič Sold Pogoń Wrocław 11/11/2011 $ 500 000
Yi Haoshan Sold I Prefer The Drummer 11/23/2019 $ 204 000
Yi Haoshan Bought UWS Wildcats 7/28/2019 $ 500 000
Youssef Walid Sold -Dukljanski_Spartanci- 9/20/2015 $ 1 248 500
Youssef Walid Bought Lyon Villeurbanne 5/23/2015 $ 1 560 600
Žaibas Galvanauskas Sold Groundhog Killer 11/27/2019 $ 774 200
Žaibas Galvanauskas Bought SpirouGuiguits 3/16/2018 $ 6 341 900
Zdzisław Pierzyna Bought UliAleOli 2/14/2012 $ 1 000
Zheng Fuxin Sold BC STRATOVARIUS 01 8/24/2016 $ 1 000 000
Zheng Fuxin Bought Peristeri Lakers 11/22/2015 $ 1 326 000
Žiga Zupan Sold Here we go again 3/20/2009 $ 300 000
Zigfrids Cerbiks Sold crno beli pfcB7C9F1 11/22/2012 $ 400 000
Zigfrids Cerbiks Bought FlareX UnieX 2/5/2012 $ 1 082 400
Zoltán Nadzon Bought Fakezű KK 5/30/2016 $ 1 000
Zoltán Kolompár Bought LettenBurg Wolfs 5/30/2016 $ 1 000
Zoltán Bene Bought Aranykezű Fijjúk 5/28/2016 $ 1 000
Zoltán Grofcsik Bought Otro Aleti posible 5/4/2014 $ 1 200 000
Total Sales: $ 53 927 710
Total Purchases: $ 81 415 200
Transfer Balance: $ -27 487 490