List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Jonas Hočevar Sold 三民家商 8/2/2020 $ 3 000
Buenaventura Altimiras Sold virtus marostica 8/23/2020 $ 397 500
Michal Hrubý Bought Vilkiukai II 4/23/2020 $ 81 000
Sentis Žukulis Bought Vallette Bulls 11/8/2019 $ 11 000
Esperos Mantalakis Bought UltraSar 2/18/2023 $ 1 000
LeBron Willey Bought Trustal United 8/14/2022 $ 306 000
LeBron Willey Sold Tourrets b.c 10/29/2022 $ 10 000
Thomas Hagleitner Sold Toral Castro 3/20/2021 $ 50 000
Rudel Carda Sold To Pistoni 10/16/2021 $ 1 000
Mimis Thanos Bought The White Bunnies 10/19/2020 $ 62 800
César Alférez Sold The Chickaboos 12/10/2022 $ 40 000
Feliks Berus Sold thabor 1/8/2022 $ 407 000
César Alférez Bought Teachers BC II 11/4/2021 $ 37 000
Michał Ukleja Bought Szerszony 12/18/2020 $ 250 000
Xavier Bosque Bought Széchényi Egyetem Győr 10/19/2020 $ 141 000
Slaven Matanov Sold Sušak Destroyers 12/8/2022 $ 755 900
Michał Ukleja Sold Suchiv 11/7/2021 $ 101 000
Valjhun Jelovac Sold Stockholm Hot Shots 1/14/2021 $ 4 000
Casey Satterfield Sold SPORTING DE ELVAS 13 8/16/2022 $ 5 000
Jean-François Guyot Bought Spartiates BB 4/23/2020 $ 3 000
Selçuk Özol Bought skarlagenrøde skorpioner 2/10/2023 $ 250 000
Marko Zupin Sold SE-GYOK 11/6/2019 $ 4 000
Jim Searle Bought Sarkkis Donk 2/4/2020 $ 601 000
Jamal Tahrani Bought Rushen Utd 1/19/2022 $ 1 000
John Pearce Sold Real1616 1/31/2023 $ 1 000
Mario Bramuzzo Sold Real Valencia C.B II 4/26/2020 $ 1 000
Jim Searle Sold Ray Red Vikings 8/23/2020 $ 17 000
Rodolfh Puga Bought Radioactives 9/1/2021 $ 583 800
Vincenzo Garripoli Sold Probably A Bad Idea 1/31/2023 $ 1 000
Norbert Gstrein Sold Postojna Blue Jackets 3/29/2020 $ 1 000
Christian Subke Bought Piovene Rocchette 12/5/2022 $ 185 000
Donnie Merritt Sold Petitons 8/23/2020 $ 1 000
Šimo Radovanović Bought Olympia Catania 1/5/2022 $ 60 000
Virgilio Andrenacci Bought Olympia Catania 2/27/2021 $ 149 000
John Zepeda Bought Nuovo Basket Feltre 3/8/2023 $ 624 300
Mimis Thanos Sold Nilüferspor 11/21/2020 $ 5 000
Joan Vicenç Graell Sold Nico Robin Taranto 8/23/2020 $ 150 000
Alfred Janković Sold Náxara C.D. 6/25/2020 $ 1 000
Michal Hrubý Sold MORNINGZZZ 10/26/2021 $ 125 000
Billy Stefani Bought Minu New Basket Team 11/6/2019 $ 2 000
Walter Pinon Bought milwaukee beers 6/22/2020 $ 95 000
Casey Satterfield Bought miess 12/26/2020 $ 366 300
Michael Bethune Bought Mad Penguinones 11/8/2019 $ 40 000
Matildo Loscri Bought Lugano Pistons 3/30/2020 $ 1 000
Tejo Miklav Sold Lisbon Cool 7/19/2020 $ 4 000
Rodolfh Puga Sold LeWoman 10/29/2022 $ 3 000
Joris Bernard Bought lesverts 6/22/2021 $ 1 000
Jurandir Reche Bought LéBron Dzsónsz 12/5/2022 $ 100 000
Xavier Bosque Sold LaPazDeLaHuerta 12/15/2020 $ 14 000
Tonklef Stender Bought La Feccia Nanica 2/3/2023 $ 80 000
Šimo Radovanović Sold Kwanfa 2/19/2022 $ 70 000
Szymon Krzetowski Sold KK Narksi 11/29/2022 $ 5 000
Pablo Pintos del Valle Sold KK Cash $ 8/17/2021 $ 249 000
Walter Pinon Sold K.B.C 8/23/2020 $ 150 000
John Pearce Bought JA Miami 12/8/2021 $ 219 800
Pablo Pintos del Valle Bought IRUP 6/7/2020 $ 500 000
Dominic Bek Bought In honorem Heinrici II. 8/13/2022 $ 51 000
Donnie Merritt Bought Hurlingham 7/26/2020 $ 19 000
Mario Bramuzzo Bought Hurlingham 1/4/2020 $ 91 000
Virgilio Andrenacci Sold Golden Reggio 6/27/2021 $ 199 000
Slaven Matanov Bought Godijeno 8/27/2020 $ 300 000
Vlado Grilc Sold Fumanchesterpiti FC 12/8/2022 $ 75 000
Carlos Andrés Gil Bought Frogmonsters 10/19/2020 $ 165 200
Ross Carrillo Bought Free Agent 11/18/2022 $ 230 100
Jostein Basma Bought Free Agent 1/13/2021 $ 312 200
Tullio Chiarenza Bought Free Agent 8/28/2020 $ 417 300
Sébastien Revet Bought Free Agent 8/27/2020 $ 448 500
Maciej Zemła Bought Free Agent 1/24/2020 $ 107 900
Juha Hoffman Bought Free Agent 1/24/2020 $ 83 300
Alex Olivier Sold FORST_CANTÙ 1/4/2022 $ 455 000
Žiga Župan Sold Fallen Divinity 6/10/2020 $ 1 000
Roberto Diaz Bought Exprime la naranja 7/16/2021 $ 1 000
Dominic Bek Sold Duistado 10/26/2022 $ 61 200
Pigmalionas Kamarinakis Bought Civitanovese 3/15/2021 $ 104 100
Rudel Carda Bought Chuquens 12/17/2020 $ 51 000
Feliks Berus Bought Chemnitz Supersonics 10/17/2021 $ 780 400
Zeki Genç Bought Çanakkale Kordon 1/26/2022 $ 1 000
Thomas Hagleitner Bought Camden Kings 11/24/2020 $ 249 000
Sébastien Revet Sold C. A. Verde 1/31/2023 $ 100 000
Szymon Krzetowski Bought Brugherio Defenders 9/8/2022 $ 62 500
Ramonas Belanovas Bought Brugherio Defenders 3/19/2021 $ 449 000
Norbert Gstrein Bought Browar United II 2/3/2020 $ 2 000
Juha Hoffman Sold BlackRockWhale 12/19/2020 $ 10 000
Sentis Žukulis Sold BK Bērzs 12/21/2020 $ 119 200
Abraham Tutkowski Bought Biancorossi 11/26/2020 $ 79 000
Joan Vicenç Graell Bought BC Technika 2/3/2020 $ 200 000
Jostein Basma Sold Bc Nevėzis 11/20/2022 $ 595 500
Matthew Muncy Bought BC Madness 11/6/2019 $ 10 000
Matthew Muncy Sold Baltimora Youth 8/23/2020 $ 15 000
Genadiy Dankevich Sold autistid 7/19/2021 $ 24 000
Vincenzo Garripoli Bought Armored Saints 7/4/2021 $ 717 800
Tullio Chiarenza Sold Armored Saints 11/20/2020 $ 284 500
Buenaventura Altimiras Bought Armored Saints 6/7/2020 $ 759 500
Massimiliano Giglitto Bought Ameiliktos BC 6/22/2021 $ 1 000
Genadiy Dankevich Bought Afterdark 11/26/2020 $ 141 000
Carlos Andrés Gil Sold Adelchi 3/16/2021 $ 149 000
Luis Antonio Celín Bought ABE Basket 12/11/2022 $ 410 300
Alex Olivier Bought a.l.m.r 7/16/2021 $ 412 100
Michael Bethune Sold 3matoKoraki 7/12/2020 $ 4 000
Mahir Škiljo Bought .:Champions BC:. II 1/26/2022 $ 1 000
Horacio Mainardi Bought *F.C.Barcelona* 11/24/2022 $ 461 000
Total Sales: $ 4 668 800
Total Purchases: $ 11 870 200
Transfer Balance: $ -7 201 400