List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Agamemnon Kotsios Sold Donetsk Miners 9/6/2011 $ 1 000
Agisilaos Sfoliatas Sold Les Vandales 3/27/2010 $ 400 000
Ahmad Benslimane Sold Bray Bucks 5/27/2012 $ 269 600
Ahmad Benslimane Bought Johnyibrahim 2/22/2012 $ 275 600
Ahmad Murat Abu-Jaber Sold Kk Smederevo 11/17/2013 $ 407 000
Ahmad Murat Abu-Jaber Bought NAUJIEJI RUSAI 10/13/2013 $ 204 000
Alan Gielażyn Sold FeelsGoodMan 3/7/2014 $ 249 999
Alan Gielażyn Bought Cascarilleiros 5/25/2013 $ 204 000
Alekos Gouvatsos Sold Thunderstorm 10/17/2013 $ 5 000
Allen de la Cruz Sold DUDU UNITED 5/13/2012 $ 765 000
Allen de la Cruz Bought KK Salek Gunners 3/13/2012 $ 860 400
Anaël Vély Bought Wujasy 4/24/2018 $ 135 300
Andreas Pardalakis Sold Bahia Basket 8/8/2010 $ 30 000
Andrikos Garofalakis Sold ATLTruth 5/7/2011 $ 2 000
Antonios Mitseas Sold 威尔特.奥拉朱旺 1/31/2011 $ 1 000
Apostolis Strevlos Sold Lefteris 6/3/2012 $ 50 000
Artur Trokhachevskiy Sold Barmbek Lubricants 11/18/2010 $ 190 000
Artur Trokhachevskiy Bought Stokers 8/18/2010 $ 150 000
Augusto Vázquez Sold Agrochão Stars 10/21/2012 $ 95 900
Augusto Vázquez Bought Nikola Jokic 9/23/2012 $ 90 800
Ba Xiangping Bought harcosok 1/25/2010 $ 106 200
Berker Orbek Bought Drakula 10/19/2017 $ 13 000
Bi Nguyên Sold Ethereal Brethren 11/19/2010 $ 150 000
Bi Nguyên Bought Pirates Globetrotters 10/14/2010 $ 70 000
Burton Camp Bought KK Zlatno Sunce 10/17/2017 $ 14 000
Cak Klokočovnik Sold Pagkelaikos 4/15/2012 $ 80 000
Cak Klokočovnik Bought Morifuenla 3/30/2012 $ 53 200
Chelvanathan Nandyal Sold LM basket Club 3/7/2011 $ 425 000
Chelvanathan Nandyal Bought Free Agent 12/8/2010 $ 263 400
Christodoulos Kasnaferis Sold KK AYAAN 8/15/2011 $ 10 000
Christos Ampelakos Sold 9Upper 11/25/2015 $ 1 000
Christos Vassos Sold Αφροδίτη Ζωγράφου 5/29/2011 $ 1 000
Ciprian Ciupitu Sold SNIPERZZ 12/3/2011 $ 500 000
Ciprian Ciupitu Bought Free Agent 8/18/2011 $ 773 000
Cirilo Sirvent Sold La Ribera B.C. 2/16/2012 $ 95 000
Cirilo Sirvent Bought Free Agent 8/17/2011 $ 122 400
Cornell Rinehart Bought IGOR GRISZCZUK TEAM 7/17/2018 $ 200 000
Custódio Aires Bought Gorilla Dunk 4/22/2012 $ 866 100
Cyril Laversin Sold BC PARTIZAN UNITED 7/22/2012 $ 399 000
Cyril Laversin Bought Toon Army 5/23/2012 $ 450 000
Dangis Ridzevicius Sold Handlová City 10/18/2010 $ 83 300
Dangis Ridzevicius Bought oklahma city 8/20/2010 $ 80 000
Daniel Amoruso Sold Black Hornets 8/30/2010 $ 3 000
Daniel Amoruso Bought New Burger Modena 7/29/2010 $ 4 500
Darron Vernon Sold Serbian Black Eagles 12/5/2010 $ 145 000
Darron Vernon Bought Super Sonics 9/17/2010 $ 50 000
Dawid Kalucki Sold MasterBaiters 8/18/2011 $ 160 000
Dawid Kalucki Bought KING/s of New YORK !!! 6/19/2011 $ 153 000
Denis Radenovic Sold SuperSonics Israel 4/3/2011 $ 1 000
Denis Radenovic Bought vmpc team 3/30/2011 $ 2 000
Derrick Harte Sold CASPASE 4/29/2011 $ 295 000
Derrick Harte Bought Free Agent 11/24/2010 $ 175 800
Dimitrakis Kriaras Sold papasokades 3/24/2012 $ 7 000
Dimitrakis Kriaras Bought Tifonas 8/21/2011 $ 5 000
Dimitris Chalkiotis Sold 西北野狼 11/8/2010 $ 230 000
Donato Massoli Sold Ol School B-ballerz 7/20/2011 $ 10 000
Donato Massoli Bought Free Agent 10/27/2010 $ 120 600
Edmundas Antonovas Bought DimoKings 5/2/2018 $ 530 700
Edward Kisala Sold Gijon Heat 9/18/2013 $ 56 500
Edward Kisala Bought KKS Hetman Wrocław596 5/18/2013 $ 139 800
Edward Bull Bought Pályi Karaván 6/13/2009 $ 100 000
Edwin Haines Sold OVERDOSE B.C 6/19/2015 $ 51 000
Edwin Haines Bought golden state warriors. 4/15/2015 $ 51 000
Eftichis Mposinakis Sold Malone 4/20/2011 $ 2 000
Eftichis Mposinakis Bought Phil fc 3/31/2011 $ 3 000
Emmanouil Koufalitakis Sold Monsters Basket Club 12/21/2010 $ 85 000
Emmanouil Koufalitakis Bought Taleporiakos 8/14/2010 $ 1 000
Erdem Pars Sold Warhogs 6/5/2011 $ 100 000
Erdem Pars Bought Efsaneler 11/29/2010 $ 71 400
Erotokritos Maniatis Sold rauluni 6/22/2011 $ 1 000
Fabrice Herouard Bought Kelt Punishers 10/18/2017 $ 48 000
Fabrizio Filianoti Bought Kėdainių Kėdainiai 6/16/2015 $ 120 400
Fedon Vlachoyiannis Bought monic bo team 10/19/2017 $ 50 000
Felix Cerda Bought Raleigh Wolfpack 9/12/2015 $ 270 900
Flórián Sárközi Bought BKS Sowlany 10/19/2017 $ 44 000
Fuco Ferradás Sold Ghelani 3/26/2011 $ 364 200
Fuco Ferradás Bought Free Agent 11/3/2010 $ 357 000
Gaizka Gutiérrez Sold Spartkas 6/14/2011 $ 500 000
Gaizka Gutiérrez Bought Smoke Fishers 5/22/2011 $ 441 800
Gaspar Segala Sold Älvsjö Stationeers 11/2/2011 $ 275 000
Gaspar Segala Bought Arapari Futebol Clube 8/10/2011 $ 104 700
Giampiero Ginex Sold Stage Five 5/21/2013 $ 255 000
Giampiero Ginex Bought 7αστερος Παντοκρατορας 5/29/2012 $ 219 400
Gian Carlo Marella Sold Knights.N.B 11/30/2012 $ 250 000
Gian Carlo Marella Bought Walk on Water 10/21/2012 $ 104 100
Giancarlo Médici Sold Pantelukes 2/6/2013 $ 450 000
Giancarlo Médici Bought Unión Santiago del Estero 9/10/2012 $ 656 800
Gilles Hubert Bought blouse 8/5/2010 $ 1 000
Gintaras Busevicius Sold SPCOC 8/28/2011 $ 240 000
Gintaras Busevicius Bought Fk Škute 5/4/2011 $ 7 000
Giuseppe Ornaghi Sold Bristol Meanwher 8/15/2011 $ 630 000
Giuseppe Ornaghi Bought Free Agent 3/31/2011 $ 518 600
Gregorio Madrid Bought Black Cats AFC 7/27/2010 $ 11 000
Grigorios Palaviaris Sold NY ink 11/7/2011 $ 5 000
Grigoris Vazelofonias Sold Vadkakasok 2/13/2011 $ 250 000
Grigoris Vazelofonias Bought U.C. Fiches 8/18/2010 $ 59 000
Guillem Elordui Sold Inter d CATalonia 5/30/2012 $ 159 400
Guillem Elordui Bought Free Agent 2/23/2012 $ 131 000
Hao Feifan Sold The winners5D1 10/14/2014 $ 90 800
Hao Feifan Bought Salwey Cows 4/13/2014 $ 200 000
Haris Galidakis Sold SHENYANG CITY 9/15/2015 $ 2 000
Haroldo Faria Veiga Bought Curitiba City Capivaras 4/13/2018 $ 510 000
Iacopo Briosch Bought panathinaikos-samos-bc 3/31/2010 $ 384 000
Ibrahim Christanda Bought -Closed- 11/22/2015 $ 285 000
Ilya Senatov Bought BC Shinnik 6/11/2009 $ 20 000
Irineos Raftopoulos Sold Wonderland Shooters 5/11/2014 $ 3 000
Ivano Cassia Bought Τιτανιακός 10/17/2017 $ 81 400
Jacob Slater Sold 洛杉矶湖人队0B9 2/18/2011 $ 69 000
Jacob Slater Bought PigeonsD33 8/3/2010 $ 100 000
Janis Svilans Sold BBC Falco Gent 10/10/2013 $ 499 000
Janis Svilans Bought Senbis BasketBall Academy 12/1/2012 $ 416 200
Joakimas Ciciškinas Sold Green New Devils 12/26/2011 $ 630 000
Joakimas Ciciškinas Bought Visoko Meaters 10/24/2011 $ 510 000
Joel Joan Tutusaus Sold Usta BC 3/2/2011 $ 370 000
Joel Joan Tutusaus Bought Malaga de Unicaja 2/9/2011 $ 210 000
Johann Zäch Sold ieras1 12/11/2010 $ 300 000
Johann Zäch Bought Kavala Lionhearts 9/28/2010 $ 135 300
John Sartor Sold KK Karjaküla 4/15/2018 $ 50 000
John Sartor Bought Kilerzy 10/24/2017 $ 50 000
Jorge Carbajo Sold KSG ONUFER 4/7/2012 $ 60 000
Jorge Carbajo Bought Arteixo Team 2/18/2012 $ 46 000
Juán Moss Bought Free Agent 11/20/2015 $ 489 300
Kirill Tkachenko Bought Starboys 8/12/2010 $ 1 000
Klaudio Rajcic Sold Bourrins BC 11/27/2011 $ 480 000
Klaudio Rajcic Bought Free Agent 4/27/2011 $ 454 000
Klement Nartsev Bought Mezőberényi Tigrisek 7/27/2010 $ 1 000
Kleovoulos Sakoulidis Sold Cold Fish 3/26/2011 $ 200 000
Kostas Mersinias Sold BC Jurbarkas 10/1/2012 $ 185 000
Leonard Hartley Bought 12363 1/29/2010 $ 196 500
Lidan Kaspi Sold BunnyTeam 2/23/2012 $ 550 000
Lidan Kaspi Bought Pall. Urbania 1/1/2012 $ 510 000
Luca Mocessi Sold KK Kasker 8/13/2011 $ 100 000
Luca Mocessi Bought les korrigans 6/5/2011 $ 204 000
Luís Saldanha Sold MKS marchewki szczecin 4/28/2011 $ 300 000
Luís Saldanha Bought Los Angeles Turin 2/22/2011 $ 329 100
Ma Baojian Bought indesit tarchomin 10/17/2017 $ 8 000
Makis Drakopoulos Sold Safir Tower Istannul 12/12/2010 $ 150 000
Manolo Puppolo Sold TOPINO 11/27/2010 $ 99 000
Manolo Puppolo Bought vazeloi 10/23/2010 $ 50 000
Marc Pujol Bought Huskies Basketball 10/15/2017 $ 2 300
Margiris Kumskis Sold KS Ústí nad Labem 2/9/2014 $ 126 200
Margiris Kumskis Bought FJ Dragon 10/13/2013 $ 170 000
Markus Toompere Bought Wujasy 4/24/2018 $ 31 000
Maxim Kovrizhkin Sold sefabasket 5/10/2013 $ 510 000
Maxim Kovrizhkin Bought Spartak Hirova 3/17/2013 $ 160 000
Michael Frankreiter Sold UnitedComeback 2/9/2014 $ 299 000
Michael Frankreiter Bought 波士顿甲壳虫小队 11/17/2013 $ 306 100
Mickaël Maréchal Sold Ofeks Team 3/1/2013 $ 199 999
Mickaël Maréchal Bought Orleans Kings 2/10/2013 $ 357 700
Miloš Milanić Sold FTCIsti II 7/13/2014 $ 72 900
Miloš Milanić Bought Évora Killer Penguins 5/4/2014 $ 182 000
Mimis Glentzes Sold SlowMo team 5/20/2014 $ 1 000
Miquel Marín Bought Fistikovoutiroi B.C. 7/17/2018 $ 306 000
Mitja Novelli Bought panathinaikos-samos-bc 3/24/2010 $ 193 000
Naron Kelmendi Sold Stan&Linda 5/17/2013 $ 99 000
Naron Kelmendi Bought poncs defensor 10/21/2012 $ 169 700
Nasos Korompilis Sold SPIDERS Herálec 11/13/2015 $ 660 000
Nasos Karnoupakis Sold Green New Devils 9/2/2012 $ 1 000
Nicolás José Pergolini Sold Metfor Players 2/13/2014 $ 50 000
Nicolás José Pergolini Bought BĒBJI LV 10/27/2013 $ 130 000
Nikolakis Paltakis Sold Radiant Zee 8/22/2010 $ 51 000
Nikos Makrionitis Sold Koukeliakos 7/10/2014 $ 99 000
Nikos Makrionitis Bought Pahkavuoren Kori 3/25/2014 $ 99 999
Nikos Zigouropoulos Sold Werder Brigno 10/21/2012 $ 112 900
Nikos Fevgatos Sold Kenosha Kingfish 2/19/2012 $ 700 000
Nikos Zigouropoulos Bought Manna Lakers 12/4/2011 $ 275 400
Nikos Kalantzidis Sold minahouet team 11/2/2011 $ 140 000
Nikos Kalantzidis Bought Argoporiakos B.C. 8/11/2011 $ 30 000
Nikos Almpanis Sold batanetes 4/1/2010 $ 43 000
Nunzio Ardifio Sold Looney Heat 8/12/2011 $ 1 000 000
Nunzio Ardifio Bought Ostrali 4/29/2011 $ 824 900
Orestis Gasparatos Sold Baltic Cafe 9/17/2011 $ 1 000
Oswald Broekmans Sold KK Elektronai 2/16/2012 $ 275 000
Oswald Broekmans Bought Free Agent 11/3/2011 $ 304 200
Panayiotis Skartados Sold ZTE120 10/23/2010 $ 251 400
Paolo Zanoni Sold DidNothingWrong 9/1/2013 $ 199 000
Paolo Zanoni Bought Astoria 1924 Bydgoszcz 5/19/2013 $ 169 900
Patvakan Torosyan Sold Vativan Monks 6/9/2012 $ 187 300
Patvakan Torosyan Bought Pryor Clerics 5/27/2012 $ 219 900
Piero Callegari Sold Poker Dassi 9/8/2012 $ 461 100
Piero Callegari Bought Free Agent 6/13/2012 $ 444 700
Ploutonas Kallitzakis Sold Ck 11/23/2011 $ 216 000
Ploutonas Kallitzakis Bought Bermuda Falcons 8/28/2011 $ 221 000
Prokopios Pontikis Sold Spartakos 5/12/2015 $ 1 000
Redžad Vanovic Sold BARMASO 4/25/2012 $ 94 600
Redžad Vanovic Bought allways for fun 4/7/2012 $ 85 000
Reitze van Puffelen Bought Amsterdam StealerDC 11/9/2017 $ 13 000
Remigiusz Niewiadomski Sold Bk Aizkaplicha 10/30/2010 $ 390 000
Remigiusz Niewiadomski Bought SK Wisła Płock SA 10/27/2010 $ 259 300
Ricardo Baquerizo Sold BC Mount Doom 7/1/2015 $ 25 000
Ricardo Baquerizo Bought The A Team 5/18/2014 $ 153 000
Richardos Paridis Sold Magic stars Celje 8/1/2010 $ 9 000
Rino Introddi Sold Lochem Phoenixs 7/3/2011 $ 45 000
Rino Introddi Bought Monteveglio Fagians 5/12/2011 $ 5 000
Rodrigo Elorrieta Sold Marciapaises 2/16/2012 $ 185 000
Rodrigo Elorrieta Bought Free Agent 11/24/2011 $ 134 600
Rodulfo Secorata Sold Cheers TomaGuyz 5/20/2011 $ 469 200
Rodulfo Secorata Bought Kleen X 12/14/2010 $ 357 000
Romaleos Naskos Sold aretina 4/23/2012 $ 1 015 000
Salvador Rubio Bought 蛋蛋卷 3/22/2015 $ 101 600
Sam Sommers Sold Amarillo Owls 8/18/2010 $ 3 000
Sam Sommers Bought Spring Station 8/5/2010 $ 2 000
Selim Sülün Sold MKA Basketball 5/2/2014 $ 115 000
Selim Sülün Bought Tizzmon Team 5/25/2013 $ 169 900
Senna van Eerdenburg Sold Black Jack Poznań 5/4/2013 $ 175 000
Senna van Eerdenburg Bought Handasses 7/22/2012 $ 275 500
Silvino da Queimada Bought minabo de moscu 7/12/2015 $ 244 300
Sokratis Itoudis Sold the mean machine 2/4/2011 $ 10 000
Stelios Alatzas Bought 野猪大改造 6/14/2011 $ 294 700
Stilianos Koumplis Sold 闪击 4/17/2012 $ 1 000
Svajus Gontys Sold BC-Majestic 4/26/2011 $ 375 000
Svajus Gontys Bought hawai force 11/10/2010 $ 270 900
Tasos Patoulas Sold Green New Devils 9/2/2012 $ 1 000
Teng Tingying Sold Dante HellDogs 1/20/2012 $ 102 000
Teng Tingying Bought Lucky Totz 11/16/2011 $ 50 000
Thodoros Fioridis Sold 桂系军阀 3/24/2012 $ 1 000
Thomas Asproyiannis Sold BK Jip Pardubice 9/11/2010 $ 138 100
Tim Huufnagel Sold Rodon 5/29/2012 $ 197 700
Tim Huufnagel Bought SuperYager 4/8/2012 $ 122 200
Timos Kampitakis Sold A kacsák! 9/9/2012 $ 800 000
Timos Kampitakis Bought ULIKS 3/28/2012 $ 683 400
Tomás López Diaz Sold C.A. Queluz 3/6/2012 $ 750 000
Tomás López Diaz Bought SFKrawężniki Elbląg 8/15/2011 $ 1 020 000
Trpimir Horvat Sold Killenx 4/15/2018 $ 50 000
Trpimir Horvat Bought Free Agent 1/25/2018 $ 70 550
Viktor Nukka Sold KK PropastB4A 9/18/2013 $ 42 000
Viktor Nukka Bought BC Dujos-Mėsa 6/6/2013 $ 71 400
Vladimir Benčič Bought Bc velniukai 10/14/2017 $ 51 000
Vladukas Juškievicius Sold Nba All stars West 5/1/2011 $ 216 600
Vladukas Juškievicius Bought RoccoPapapa018 1/28/2011 $ 255 000
Voulis Tsiampalis Sold _GHoSt_F70 1/26/2015 $ 1 000
Yau Chee Hien Sold ExileCampBDF 10/23/2011 $ 500 000
Yau Chee Hien Bought Free Agent 3/9/2011 $ 414 700
Yiorgis Markou Sold team mekel 10/30/2010 $ 10 000
Yiorgos Vassilakopoulos Sold C.A.D.E.R. 11/27/2011 $ 1 000
Yiorgos Tsilidis Sold bluebull 11/15/2011 $ 50 000
Yiorgos Tsilidis Bought New York GreeksAE3 5/19/2011 $ 10 000
Yip Ping sheng Sold BC Greenthumb 3/22/2012 $ 728 300
Yip Ping sheng Bought mirkes 12/4/2011 $ 706 800
Zdzisław Fryszkowski Sold Curitiba CATS 8/5/2011 $ 220 000
Zdzisław Fryszkowski Bought Arcanix Men 8/12/2010 $ 152 700
Zygmunt Komasa Sold Daria 5/20/2013 $ 310 000
Zygmunt Komasa Bought San Francisco ca 2/21/2012 $ 425 000
Total Sales: $ 25 660 998
Total Purchases: $ 25 671 049
Transfer Balance: $ -10 051