List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Markos Delagrammatikas Bought .:Champions BC:. 3/9/2024 $ 26 000
Mohamed Slimani Bought Albertville Basket Ball 6/4/2024 $ 150 000
Zisis Roussos Sold Batsi 9/2/2023 $ 1 020 000
Clément Désert Bought BC-O 3/7/2024 $ 1 000
Luo Kuanxing Bought CI PENSA ROCCO 11/12/2023 $ 228 500
Luis Alberto Barrionuevo Bought CM Basket Academy 8/23/2023 $ 26 000
Vaios Vdelas Sold Forgot to Warm-up 12/4/2023 $ 150 000
Maxence Delettre Bought Free Agent 9/6/2023 $ 31 540
Porter Lockwood Bought Globo Gym 8/24/2023 $ 24 000
Kadir Sümer Bought Istanbul Eagles 9/8/2023 $ 9 000
Panagos Kourmentalas Sold KBPeja 2/21/2025 $ 1 790 000
Chenbagarajan Ali Bought KK ALIJA 11/27/2024 $ 76 600
Tilen Lenarčič Bought KK Audi 3/7/2024 $ 1 000
Adonis Logothetis Bought KK Sostine 5/2/2024 $ 3 000
Yiorgos Keskeridis Sold Kokaroni 12/28/2024 $ 5 000
Szymon Biesiadecki Bought KS Aluminium Konin 8/23/2023 $ 40 000
Fotis Stravelakis Bought Olympiacos Piraeus 8/25/2023 $ 7 000
Luis Alberto Barrionuevo Sold ORC ORGANIZATION 10/31/2024 $ 16 000
Panagos Kourmentalas Bought Osfpg7 8/25/2023 $ 51 000
Abel Palmas Bought Portland Trail Blazers 11/14/2023 $ 1 000
Abel Palmas Sold Realm93 1/7/2024 $ 1 000
Dimosthenis Anemopoulos Sold Red army z II 9/20/2024 $ 2 000
Gheorghe Bãlan Bought Rudari Sa Istoka 6/4/2024 $ 220 000
Tilen Lenarčič Sold SBC13 11/12/2024 $ 1 200 000
Antipas Panagoulias Sold Sturbridge Woods 3/9/2024 $ 5 000
Efstathios Vafopoulos Sold The Mud Droppers 10/7/2024 $ 2 000
Erotokritos Fouskidis Sold WOLVES92 6/14/2024 $ 3 000
Takis Tsaganos Bought ΑΡΙΑΝΑΡΑ 5/2/2024 $ 1 000
Arthur Hoyle Bought Ένωση Ελαφρόμυαλων 9/20/2024 $ 198 600
Luo Kuanxing Sold 北京北控 12/1/2023 $ 200 000
Total Sales: $ 4 394 000
Total Purchases: $ 1 095 240
Transfer Balance: $ 3 298 760