List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Pigmalionas Mpanis Bought 凉亭坳小学女子篮球队 3/15/2024 $ 666 666
Bálint Szegletes Sold dakdakers 1/15/2025 $ 661 000
Galván Lavadores Bought Neiras Bravús 6/14/2024 $ 650 000
Ladislav Foltán Sold Beiskrepšis☆ 12/28/2024 $ 612 000
Farken Straume Bought Telecasters II 3/16/2024 $ 612 000
Ladislav Foltán Bought Dorostol_SS 10/23/2024 $ 510 000
Farken Straume Sold RUŽOMBEROK NETS 5/27/2024 $ 510 000
Marcel Darby Bought The Rugarus 1/28/2025 $ 484 600
Bálint Szegletes Bought KS Barwałdzianka 10/11/2024 $ 408 500
Galván Lavadores Sold Pedrintxi B.C. 10/13/2024 $ 350 000
Pigmalionas Mpanis Sold 万狗奔腾之牛逼闪闪:我们要的就是气势!亲,你怕了吗? 6/15/2024 $ 300 000
Michael Johnson Bought BC Klaipedos Briedziai 1/20/2025 $ 220 000
Andrea Corveddu Sold 皮皮熊 9/17/2024 $ 208 100
Andrea Corveddu Bought Asburgica 9/8/2024 $ 204 000
Michael Johnson Sold Legia Warszawa 2/2/2025 $ 200 000
Corey O'Kennedy Sold wka 2/2/2025 $ 200 000
Miro Valentinčič Bought Lions City 6/16/2024 $ 200 000
Boleslav Gabibov Bought PIPOU TEAM 6/10/2024 $ 200 000
Nikolas Filakouris Sold ZBW Diavoli UK II 1/15/2025 $ 190 900
Valentín Camiño Bought Free Agent 1/17/2025 $ 170 840
Corey O'Kennedy Bought Highland Warriors 1/25/2025 $ 170 000
Yiorgos Goutanis Bought Free Agent 3/1/2025 $ 161 100
Sotos Driggopoulos Sold BC "Pikti Paršiukai" 4/11/2024 $ 159 300
Thanassis Zikas Bought Free Agent 1/16/2025 $ 124 740
Dias Fourtoulakis Bought Ktiniatroi B.C II 9/6/2024 $ 122 400
Erotas Kampitakis Bought ROMA PALLACANESTRO 3/10/2024 $ 120 000
Tom Balon Bought The Lynnies 6/13/2024 $ 112 200
Jelle Fastré Bought The Lynnies 6/13/2024 $ 110 000
Sotiris Karadimas Bought ΑΕΝΚ 1/6/2024 $ 107 400
Lefteris Riganopoulos Bought Radomir Measures 1/26/2024 $ 102 000
Dave Brightbill Bought Relentless Sin 1/24/2024 $ 102 000
Rüdiger Keur Sold YzzY 10/22/2024 $ 100 800
Paris Mpaxevanidis Bought Slap Daddies II 1/21/2024 $ 100 007
David Novak Sold B45 5/7/2024 $ 90 400
Erotas Kampitakis Sold Jackets 5/27/2024 $ 90 000
Yiorgos Nikitaras Bought Free Agent 6/21/2024 $ 87 270
David Novak Bought Free Agent 4/18/2024 $ 86 500
Antipas Panagoulias Sold No Limit BPE 10/13/2024 $ 83 700
Rüdiger Keur Bought Team Infinity Jr. 9/21/2024 $ 80 000
Lefteris Riganopoulos Sold Club Sportivo Ballester 3/11/2024 $ 70 000
Sotos Driggopoulos Bought rendeta 3/31/2024 $ 65 100
Aljoša Kastelic Sold 小一些 1/15/2025 $ 64 100
Chen Mansdorf Sold La Squilibrata 4/21/2024 $ 61 200
Antipas Panagoulias Bought Ktiniatroi B.C II 9/19/2024 $ 51 000
Nikolas Filakouris Bought CSPbonat 12/29/2024 $ 50 000
Jelle Fastré Sold Red Eagles BC 12/22/2024 $ 50 000
Konstantinas Rimonis Bought Rusnės "Žuvis" 6/13/2024 $ 50 000
Rafael Walker Sold Botte Star Team 3/17/2024 $ 50 000
Rafael Walker Bought Dunking Demons 1/24/2024 $ 50 000
Dave Brightbill Sold ellelibon70 4/29/2024 $ 44 000
Daniel Císler Bought Free Agent 1/24/2024 $ 43 340
Vyacheslav Syundyukov Bought Free Agent 1/5/2024 $ 41 810
Frederick Ezell Bought West Palm Beach 8/2/2024 $ 40 000
Adolfo Angarita Bought Homer Glen Hydræ 1/7/2024 $ 39 999
Tom Balon Sold Aris 7 Hills Legacy 9/11/2024 $ 30 000
Frederick Ezell Sold Ghrum 9/7/2024 $ 30 000
Christos Mitsikostas Sold ellelibon70 5/7/2024 $ 25 000
Chen Mansdorf Bought TheGoats 4/13/2024 $ 23 000
Kostis Spazopodis Sold BC piibe hirmud 12/17/2024 $ 22 000
Asimakis Liolidis Bought Limerick Lions 4/19/2024 $ 22 000
Yiorgos Nikitaras Sold Poulette Basket 10/22/2024 $ 21 000
Asimakis Liolidis Sold 世界和平 5/14/2024 $ 12 000
Paris Mpaxevanidis Sold ΟΣΦΠ BC 5/11/2024 $ 11 000
Spiros Chatzoudis Sold Inzago Jazz 3/5/2025 $ 10 000
Aljoša Kastelic Bought 3nD rockets 12/28/2024 $ 3 000
Adolfo Angarita Sold 狂奔的羊驼 3/26/2024 $ 3 000
Isiodos Fitsios Bought Tsoutsoureli 1/14/2024 $ 3 000
Konstantinas Rimonis Sold Ghrum 9/7/2024 $ 2 000
Daniel Císler Sold Poco National Team 3/26/2024 $ 2 000
Sándor Cigány Bought Helllas Norwest 04 12/18/2024 $ 1 000
Isiodos Fitsios Sold the flys 5/6/2024 $ 1 000
Vyacheslav Syundyukov Sold DB TEAM 3/26/2024 $ 1 000
Yiannis Psaris Sold BK " BAUSKA" 1/8/2024 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 4 266 500
Total Purchases: $ 6 395 472
Transfer Balance: $ -2 128 972