List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Muhidin Kumro Bought AcadémicoFC 12/28/2010 $ 90 000
René Kainer Bought Arsenal_Simitli 8/3/2011 $ 408 000
Ícaro Cannas Bought AxlMA 1/13/2010 $ 355 100
Davide Fossati Sold C.A. Los Pinos 1/26/2021 $ 142 800
Peter Dunda Bought C.B. Gran Canaria 8/7/2019 $ 108 400
Aristomenis Xidas Sold Cruz Azul Basquete 2/29/2020 $ 1 000
Chau Lichong Bought DoubleSM Basketball 9/11/2019 $ 71 500
Nikolas Fouskas Sold Ferian Kan 11/26/2019 $ 2 000
Peng Diyuan Bought Free Agent 6/25/2020 $ 135 500
Immo Odonkor Bought Free Agent 12/25/2019 $ 510 000
Reno Barbey Bought Free Agent 4/21/2011 $ 215 000
Davide Fossati Bought Gabrielena 11/27/2019 $ 20 000
Smiljan Grado Bought HADŽIJE 8/19/2019 $ 112 900
Victor Lauzon Bought Hoopla Whoopers 2/25/2010 $ 169 900
Reno Barbey Sold I Narcos 6/27/2011 $ 140 000
Bamshad Mehdizade Sold IMAGEN C.B 6/7/2020 $ 190 000
Damiano Parisi Bought k.k. renault 04 9/11/2019 $ 70 000
Akis Parlapidis Sold KS Pawłów 11/21/2019 $ 200 000
David Poole Bought Lionheartz 7/26/2010 $ 208 100
Kévin Dechavanne Bought M.O.G. 11/24/2019 $ 53 200
Jim Johnson Bought Mortdale Maulers 1/24/2020 $ 350 000
Ali Tavousi Sold North Bp trainers 11/30/2019 $ 20 000
Themos Karkampasis Sold NS Snakes 4/25/2010 $ 110 200
Isiodos Tsourekas Sold Olympiakos Kavalas 11/21/2019 $ 18 000
Pedro Juárez Yepes Bought Orro Xabarín 12/21/2009 $ 293 500
Siavash Nakisa Bought Panhkeiakos 4/28/2011 $ 297 300
Ali Tavousi Bought poueze49522 9/11/2019 $ 20 000
Yahia Benidir Sold Sakarya Devil's 2/20/2020 $ 4 000
Immo Odonkor Sold sharkmen 1/26/2021 $ 563 400
Jan Oliver Raumer Bought SK Centauras 7/15/2011 $ 300 000
Kostas Demestichas Sold Spacefox 9/24/2020 $ 10 000
José Barbosa Bought Supreme_Team 7/26/2010 $ 2 000
Peter Dunda Sold Szerdahely Pokemons 6/28/2020 $ 71 400
Yahia Benidir Bought The Haters 1/21/2020 $ 153 000
Stratis Vitalis Sold Turbo Mruczki 6/11/2020 $ 9 000
Miron Mazonakis Sold TV Erlangen 1995 9/13/2020 $ 1 000
Bamshad Mehdizade Bought Venomous Scorpions 8/20/2019 $ 2 000
Maciej Rewera Bought WES Squad 5/28/2011 $ 310 000
Ermis Sapounidis Sold Yakuza BC 12/28/2019 $ 18 000
Austin Sorensen Bought Σούπερ Κατς 11/27/2019 $ 110 000
Total Sales: $ 1 500 800
Total Purchases: $ 4 365 400
Transfer Balance: $ -2 864 600