List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Valter Vooremaa Bought 🏀 BC Viiratsi 🏀 7/31/2022 $ 50 000
Nemanja Petrović Bought ☆TC☆ Ottoman Power 12/3/2019 $ 9 000
Osman Çigal Bought 6ix9ine BC 8/25/2019 $ 2 000
Alborz Nosrati Bought a.c.milan 10/25/2018 $ 10 000
Austris Troksnis Sold Adjoras 11/3/2019 $ 40 000
Davide Lenci Bought aequipa 2/9/2022 $ 191 800
Xu Wenhui Bought Ajman Wild Cats 12/13/2024 $ 56 700
Oriol Martínez Pérez Bought Alas de Júpiter 2/11/2019 $ 1 000
Khashayar Jalilian Sold Allll Stars 7/30/2022 $ 4 000 000
Zygfryd Tajchert Bought ASPK 6/18/2022 $ 2 643 210
Högni Grímkelsson Bought Atenas10 11/19/2024 $ 169 200
Luigi Anelli Bought B0STON C3LTICS 10/21/2018 $ 1 000
Cristóbal Juárez Sierra Bought Ball Street 3/8/2024 $ 117 400
Houshmand Hemmatzadeh Bought Barmbek Skunks 3/7/2020 $ 1 000
Nedjeljko Članković Bought Barri de baix 9/2/2023 $ 10 000
César Astigarraga Bought Baterijelo 2/11/2023 $ 503 800
Kastytis Jakuševas Bought BC "Hakeriai" 2/11/2023 $ 1 121 200
Aghil Vahedi Sold BC Bambukai 3/29/2020 $ 500 000
Edoardo Teodoro Equizi Sold BC Barbaria 89 1/30/2019 $ 153 000
Fermí Salamo Bought BC Fenerbache Slavkov 5/8/2019 $ 17 000
Yao Ande Bought BC KAUKE 2/2/2019 $ 5 000
Jordan Birtwistle Bought BC Lietuvos Latviai 8/15/2022 $ 1 200 000
Yao Ande Sold Bikainak 8/10/2019 $ 1 000
Gonzalo Vasallo Sold BoBB84er 6/14/2020 $ 70 000
Nijaz Deket Sold Boston Boston Celtics 8/10/2019 $ 32 000
Oskar Männa Sold Carpathian Trolls 3/6/2022 $ 309 600
Fermí Salamo Sold CB.Chewere 8/10/2019 $ 22 000
Andranik Ghadiri Sold CD Grinch Navidad 5/17/2023 $ 4 000
Gastone Sarchiapelli Sold Celestial Wrath 11/12/2018 $ 10 000
Andreas Sõber Sold Ch248 1/16/2019 $ 5 000
Jody Tonietti Sold Ch248 1/15/2019 $ 4 000
Italo Zito Bought Chemnitz Knicks 1/13/2019 $ 54 300
Cezary Ropel Bought Chomiczówka´s Boys 4/21/2020 $ 12 000
Mimis Thanos Sold Cicibona 10/19/2020 $ 62 800
Ireneo Ferreira Sold Club Atletico Juventud 7/21/2024 $ 5 000
Ceslovas Zandšauskas Bought Club Estudiantes de Concordia 4/22/2022 $ 127 400
Edoardo Teodoro Equizi Bought Costa M 1/12/2019 $ 55 400
Adrian Kudlinski Sold CVLM LEGENDS 8/28/2023 $ 130 000
Xavier Touchard Bought Dark Young Team 2/14/2023 $ 2 346 000
Farzan Asemani Bought Deportivo de la Montaña 8/8/2022 $ 120 000
Florian David Sold Doboj-Jug Bulls 7/27/2022 $ 2 500 000
Virgilio Polizzi Sold E37 10/13/2022 $ 750 000
Kwok Soo Sun Bought eastern warriors 1/31/2019 $ 1 000
Deusdede Adrianes Bought Emma BC 11/3/2022 $ 30 000
Ian McCulloch Bought Encroaching Darkness 1/12/2019 $ 3 000
Albert Mikushkin Sold Erelių perykla 11/16/2024 $ 3 000
Tan Aowen Bought Faberge Egg 11/12/2019 $ 1 000
Bruno Volovc Bought FADSP 6/5/2020 $ 198 300
Vyacheslav Antoshchenko Bought Fair Kings 11/3/2018 $ 30 000
Adrian Kudlinski Bought Fifi Zhl 7/31/2022 $ 3 000
Virgilio Polizzi Bought Fragrance Collectors 8/9/2022 $ 703 800
Tomasz Rezner Bought Free Agent 5/14/2021 $ 510 000
Zaharie Cubalevski Bought Free Agent 4/29/2021 $ 3 000
Stepan Takesyan Bought Free Agent 7/18/2019 $ 73 340
Ma Yom Tov Bought Free Agent 11/10/2018 $ 497 300
Yann Malherbe Sold Furabolos 11/13/2018 $ 1 000
Stepan Takesyan Sold Galatasaray Cafe Crown 8/22/2019 $ 100 000
Ma Rucheng Sold Gavanades 1/29/2019 $ 1 000
Vlasis Kottikas Sold Generation of Miracles 8/2/2022 $ 3 876 000
Célio Leme Sold Giling Pilipinas 4/20/2022 $ 1 224 000
Alfredo Marco Stanglini Bought GinTonici 8/7/2019 $ 1 000
Bruno Volovc Sold Gli Eroi di Madrid 10/19/2020 $ 112 500
Farzan Asemani Sold Globo de mi vida 7/9/2023 $ 20 000
Gastone Sarchiapelli Bought GRANDE INVERNO 10/25/2018 $ 1 000
Carlos Alberto Oliveira Bought GreenDragons 4/30/2021 $ 1 000
Alexandrino Nascimento Sold GTBoys 7/15/2020 $ 357 000
Borivoj Rojnić Sold Guarda Arriba 5/17/2023 $ 12 000
Steffen Harmeling Sold Guasones 12/16/2023 $ 19 000
Fang Chuan Sold HAHA001 12/16/2024 $ 284 300
Tamir Swissa Bought Hapoel kapufiot 10/25/2018 $ 20 000
Oriol Martínez Pérez Sold Hay-den 3/10/2020 $ 3 000
Chen Rongbiao Bought HB Legendkillers 4/6/2020 $ 22 000
Hermenexildo Andrés Bought HellasVerona 3/24/2021 $ 100 000
Alfredito Tupaz Sold HFCAR 4/20/2022 $ 300 000
Stanley Cardona Bought Hobbit-Gang 1/31/2019 $ 71 000
Nijaz Deket Bought I LOVE THIS JAMES 5/15/2019 $ 523 200
Jody Tonietti Bought I Marsigliesi Basket 10/20/2018 $ 7 000
Michelangelo Arvanitis Sold Icarus´team 1/30/2019 $ 2 000
Clifton Swanson Bought Ich Roque 2/10/2023 $ 418 500
Teymour Hesabi Sold Imagine Doors 8/3/2021 $ 1 000
Paadu Okspuu Sold -INVICTUS- 3/10/2020 $ 2 000
Christopher Wynn Sold Iverson75ers 11/26/2019 $ 3 000
Maciej Puk Bought Jakarta Warriors II 10/16/2021 $ 207 600
Jérôme Bourgon Sold JDA Dijon 8/10/2019 $ 136 000
Mouloud Benarouche Sold jenisei 11/21/2021 $ 88 700
Leung Soo Jung Bought jimforever 4/29/2021 $ 4 999
Zhang Rongkai Bought Kardanova lhota 8/31/2023 $ 307 900
Florian David Bought kaskarots 7/1/2022 $ 2 012 200
David Nylan Bought KINGS OF DORNBACH 8/7/2019 $ 1 000
Ronald Hörtnagl Bought KINGS OF DORNBACH 8/7/2019 $ 1 000
Philipp Knabel Bought KINGS OF DORNBACH 8/7/2019 $ 1 000
Gonzalo Vasallo Bought KK Buducnost Ivanjica 4/19/2020 $ 18 000
Jérôme Bourgon Bought KK Losers 4/26/2019 $ 200 000
Borivoj Rojnić Bought KK Torcida Kaštela 11/5/2022 $ 10 000
Virgilio Palacios Bought Koenigsclass 10/23/2021 $ 250 000
Paadu Okspuu Bought Kohtla-Järve Bulls 10/19/2018 $ 1 000
Wiesław Błaszczuk Bought Kolorowy S 4/21/2020 $ 1 000
Danilo Petrović Bought ktlp panathinaikos 2/28/2021 $ 260 000
Kwok Soo Sun Sold La Castilla 8/22/2019 $ 298 400
Cristóbal Juárez Sierra Sold La WestVirginia 6/30/2024 $ 87 222
Vyacheslav Antoshchenko Sold Laugh Tale 1/17/2019 $ 6 000
Mitar Bajić Sold LBk6 1/30/2019 $ 27 000
Italo Zito Sold LBk6 1/30/2019 $ 3 000
Yann Malherbe Bought Le coyote des plaines 10/25/2018 $ 1 000
Mouloud Benarouche Bought Les Hommes Intègre de Ouaga 7/31/2021 $ 72 500
Maciej Puk Sold Les loups du Nord 3/6/2022 $ 400 000
Ceslovas Zandšauskas Sold LionPride 7/3/2022 $ 65 000
Albert Mikushkin Bought Los Angeles kings 7/6/2023 $ 517 200
Preston Kerali Bought Los Penúltimos 7/31/2022 $ 20 000
Xu Wenhui Sold Los Pitucos B.C. 2/15/2025 $ 2 000
Mamadou N'Dao Sold Los Saltamontes 7/15/2020 $ 500 000
Ireneo Ferreira Bought LS Dragons 12/11/2023 $ 275 500
Voldemars Cakars Bought Maccabi Ramat-Gan 5/4/2019 $ 1 000
Umberto Lusini Bought Magallanes Spurs 3/30/2020 $ 50 000
Armantas Sardaugas Sold marik team 8/10/2019 $ 106 200
Jewell Tobin Sold MiembruStein 1/29/2019 $ 75 000
Steffen Harmeling Bought Mindsilvania 8/20/2023 $ 190 000
Kastytis Jakuševas Sold Montesacro Warriors 8/18/2023 $ 863 100
Danilo Petrović Sold Mortdale Maulers 5/20/2021 $ 13 000
Ian McCulloch Sold Mortdale Maulers 1/30/2019 $ 1 000
Jewell Tobin Bought Motown Monstars 10/25/2018 $ 27 000
Osman Çigal Sold mutos bt 11/3/2019 $ 3 000
Noah Emil Magleby Sold MV Team 4/18/2020 $ 200 000
Jordan Birtwistle Sold new jersey2 10/17/2022 $ 1 250 000
Clifton Swanson Sold Newells OB 8/18/2023 $ 7 000
Mohammad Reza Yegane Sold Ølstykke Beerlovers 2/14/2023 $ 24 000
Tan Aowen Sold Olympik Shark29 11/26/2019 $ 9 000
Lauri Ülem Bought Opteck 4/23/2022 $ 124 900
Kamyar Imanpour Sold Oranjie Academy 9/10/2020 $ 1 000
Mamadou N'Dao Bought Oversea 6/6/2020 $ 530 700
Zygfryd Tajchert Sold P Team 8/2/2022 $ 2 000 000
Ramin Aghili Bought panelinios 10/24/2018 $ 20 000
Vlasis Kottikas Bought Panikaionios 11/28/2019 $ 732 200
Nadim Ficel Bought Petokissat II 7/31/2022 $ 1 000
Marcis Puris Bought Picaflores 3/13/2022 $ 5 000
Meysam Parhizgar Sold Piiiterios 4/6/2020 $ 92 300
Voldemars Cakars Sold PilsSalas 8/14/2019 $ 1 000
Azael Cabrera Bought Piltrafas. 11/12/2019 $ 1 000
César Astigarraga Sold Pirate King 10/13/2023 $ 102 000
Daniel Dube Sold PLUMBERS VILNIUS B.C. 12/31/2023 $ 60 700
Christopher Wynn Bought Pobesnele Krave 11/12/2019 $ 1 000
Virgilio Palacios Sold Polas team 2/12/2022 $ 93 600
Nadim Ficel Sold Polonia Parte Przemysl 2/12/2023 $ 12 000
András Fajth Bought PonyvaLegények 4/29/2021 $ 1 000
Aghil Vahedi Bought Pooch 8/19/2019 $ 1 000
Davide Lenci Sold Porto Alegre Stars 3/26/2022 $ 123 456
Marcius Mochnickis Bought Practice?! 7/15/2024 $ 1 238 300
Hossein Aghaei Sold Pullitajad 8/9/2022 $ 2 500 000
Andreas Sõber Bought Rakveres Tibus 10/24/2018 $ 92 700
Mitar Bajić Bought REAL CATTIVISSIMO 1/12/2019 $ 48 000
Hafez Mansourian Sold Roses City 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Stanley Cardona Sold S.A.M.U.R.A.I. 8/22/2019 $ 586 200
Fang Chuan Bought Salmon poke 12/7/2023 $ 505 300
Kasperi Rekonen Sold Santos Stingrays 6/9/2020 $ 22 000
Máximo Charún Bought São Gonçalo City Basket 8/6/2022 $ 46 000
Bytautas Kiuras Bought SaungHninPwint 10/21/2018 $ 3 000
Hamid Davoudnabi Sold Scorchers 8/24/2023 $ 175 000
Tsang Weizhi Bought Severno Kosovo 5/14/2021 $ 1 000 000
Yariv Omer Bought SG-12 12/23/2023 $ 198 600
Valter Vooremaa Sold SlowMo team 8/28/2023 $ 52 100
Luigi Anelli Sold Sportivo Ben Hur 8/10/2019 $ 1 000
Tamir Swissa Sold Stekson KC 11/13/2018 $ 1 000
Michelangelo Arvanitis Bought STIPE TO THE MOON 11/18/2018 $ 3 000
Tsang Weizhi Sold Subie Nation 10/16/2021 $ 100 000
Noah Emil Magleby Bought Super Dupers 2/29/2020 $ 152 000
Preston Kerali Sold TamTeam 2/15/2023 $ 4 000
Tomasz Rezner Sold Tbilisi Mavericks 10/15/2021 $ 104 100
Hipólito Estrela Bought TeamDobby 2/9/2023 $ 4 597 500
Lauri Ülem Sold Territorial Thunder 6/25/2022 $ 175 000
Ma Rucheng Bought The Golden Bricks 10/28/2018 $ 2 000
Célio Leme Bought The Originals 3/19/2022 $ 2 000 000
Azael Cabrera The White Bunnies 2/28/2020 $ 4 000
Chen Chun Sung Bought Trolololo 10/19/2018 $ 37 000
Mimis Thanos Bought TSakoTuM 6/12/2020 $ 150 000
Chen Chun Sung Sold TTT Bears 10/31/2018 $ 100 000
Sauli Saavalainen Bought Tucson Totalitarians 7/7/2021 $ 255 000
Behrad Parvin Sold Uchiha 5/18/2023 $ 5 000
Zhang Rongkai Sold Vagharshapat 12/6/2023 $ 199 000
Máximo Charún Sold Venomous Scorpions 10/21/2022 $ 102 000
Oskar Männa Bought Võru 96´ers 11/18/2021 $ 505 300
Alfredito Tupaz Bought W A S A L A K 2/21/2022 $ 324 900
Austris Troksnis Bought Wolmar Stars 8/19/2019 $ 1 000
Ma Yom Tov Sold y menos en tanga 7/16/2019 $ 1 224 000
Segev Kirshenbaum Bought Young_B_Boys 3/24/2021 $ 1 000
Alexandrino Nascimento Bought Zyzz 6/6/2020 $ 803 500
Yariv Omer Sold Костоломы 3/9/2024 $ 162 500
Mei Pingan Bought מכבי מלכים 6/5/2020 $ 153 000
Kasperi Rekonen Bought 国教 11/12/2019 $ 1 000
András Fajth Sold 大龄中二病患者 8/3/2021 $ 3 000
Akbar Zarnegar Sold 手动挡北极熊 10/21/2018 $ 1 000
Daniel Dube Bought 曾哥沧海难自我,疯牛改名扬中国 2/18/2023 $ 411 700
Armantas Sardaugas Bought 江户川一 5/10/2019 $ 821 600
Mei Pingan Sold 烟星伴长梦 2/12/2021 $ 2 000
Guo Hongyu Bought 细细水长流 2/12/2023 $ 2 127 500
Total Sales: $ 27 089 778
Total Purchases: $ 33 369 449
Transfer Balance: $ -6 279 671