List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Bertalan Kádasi Bought "ROAD RUNNER" HAIFA 8/12/2019 $ 3 000
Vincent Pacaud Sold "SK Raja" 4/26/2015 $ 569 107
Martinš Žvinklis Sold 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic 10/17/2014 $ 601 500
Artis Cibulis Sold AbuserMan 7/7/2019 $ 13 000
Saulius Paviržis Sold Accra United 2/4/2011 $ 300 000
Gustavs Tabaks Sold Ačiukai TM 3/22/2019 $ 428 800
Costante Gallina Bought Ajax Brasov 12/11/2019 $ 10 001
Polat Tetiker Bought Amoxidal 500 9/23/2019 $ 16 000
Edmunds Cukstens Bought Amoxidal 500 9/23/2019 $ 7 000
Idris Jacoby Sold Arena Zagreb 2/8/2011 $ 408 000
Didzis Teraudkalns Bought Arkls 8/10/2015 $ 30 000
Sentis Karols Sold Armored Saints 4/5/2015 $ 84 700
Martinš Straupe Sold Arona Vikings 7/13/2014 $ 6 000
Diogo Quental Bought Arranca mas não faças Pó 10/7/2019 $ 3 950 000
Grigoris Lagoudakis Bought Aurora BC 4/24/2018 $ 2 000
Guillermo Villafaña Bought Banco Roma 2/1/2013 $ 4 000
Vilnis Šusts Bought Basketball elite 2/8/2016 $ 955 200
Sławomir Rybak Bought Bay City Pirates 8/12/2019 $ 3 000
Maarek Villemson Bought BC Beerserkers 12/17/2019 $ 8 000
Sebastiano Bastianoni Bought BC Durkan 6/8/2019 $ 1 000
Saulius Paviržis Bought BC Ganz 4/17/2010 $ 700 000
Jaro Puchegger Bought BC Hellas Ioannina 10/7/2009 $ 129 100
Ugis Vašers Bought BC kipucis 2/5/2019 $ 4 000 000
Vitaly Shevchenko Bought BC Kitse 35 6/29/2019 $ 11 000
Jesús González Blanco Sold BC Pantheras 2/11/2010 $ 249 200
Vladukas Veiveras Bought BC Polonia Vilnius 4/14/2010 $ 130 400
Gunnar Tammearu Sold Bc Shooters 8/18/2013 $ 29 000
Drosmis Poga Sold BC sõõrik 10/10/2009 $ 7 000
Edgars Spredzis Sold Beckhambg 2/11/2010 $ 519 600
Aldris Engelis Sold bersa team 4/12/2015 $ 181 500
Didzis Teraudkalns Sold BetoniBasket 2/18/2016 $ 850 000
Jordi Carreras Bought Bk Aizkaplicha 9/28/2014 $ 899 999
Dins Dobulans Sold BK Latvian 1/24/2015 $ 108 400
Leonids Paipele Bought BK Šķaune 12/24/2012 $ 1 000
Roberts Bauksis Bought BK Valmieras Vilki 2/6/2015 $ 1 000
Jukums Višs Bought BK Vilki 5/26/2009 $ 300 000
Chance McPherson Bought black hawks of cuzorn 12/23/2019 $ 5 000
Zigismunds Gabrans Bought BLAZMA78 1/9/2016 $ 995 300
Celso Lopes Cruz Bought BOSTON CELTICS!🏀 7/3/2018 $ 1 000
Henno Rae Bought Boston Katowice 10/7/2019 $ 5 000
Gervazas Gailiušis Bought Bravor 11/3/2011 $ 1 000
Fredis Vebers Sold Brennos Bros 7/31/2009 $ 1 000
Vincent Lamby Sold BROOKLYN JABBERS 12/31/2009 $ 50 000
Noel Calatañazor Bought BSR Berlin 4/26/2010 $ 90 700
Serhat Oguzbala Bought BTRO 9/23/2019 $ 2 000
Marvin Michael Luxburg Bought Bulaşık Süngeri 11/26/2019 $ 3 000
Ahmad Yunus bin Othman Bought Cacuia 1/31/2011 $ 150 000
Valdis Rinnis Bought Çamlıcaspor 7/30/2015 $ 600 000
Paolo Naccari Sold CASPERFATHER 11/20/2017 $ 2 000
Brian Hughes Bought Castello Stars 12/2/2019 $ 2 000
Kleanthis Vogiatzakis Bought CELTICS. 3/7/2013 $ 105 200
Mikelis Zeilišs Bought cements 8/6/2015 $ 106 200
Fabien Jouve Bought Charleville basket club 3/1/2018 $ 1 001
Ludovic Brianchon Bought CHRALEX BC 9/4/2019 $ 9 000
Afik Sheetrit Sold Chulenque BC 1/28/2010 $ 81 600
Egon De Castro Bought Club Bigua 8/14/2013 $ 305 400
Alejandro Desgual Bought Clube Atlético de Queluz 11/26/2019 $ 4 000
Jordi Carreras Sold Colo-Coló 4/26/2015 $ 650 001
Bobby Barmettler Sold Columbus Airplane 3/26/2010 $ 20 000
Nic Carroll Bought Combos 11/3/2011 $ 50 000
Eduardo Ortiz Mexia Bought Cospeito Knicks 9/16/2019 $ 13 200
Vincent Lamby Bought Courts FC 9/29/2009 $ 32 000
Sergio Gianangeli Bought Cowgers 2/10/2013 $ 100 000
Ty McMillan Bought Crazy Brewers 12/3/2019 $ 11 000
Jacobo Latino Bought Crazy Rats Baloncesto.- 7/30/2009 $ 10 000
Eduardo Pereyra Bought Crows Essen 11/2/2009 $ 32 000
Demetrius Fennell Bought Csapatás 8/26/2019 $ 3 000
Emir Pešic Bought CSPbonat 12/23/2019 $ 5 000
Ilias Filipakis Bought CSPbonat 12/23/2019 $ 5 000
Yang Haijin Bought Cuppaz 8/12/2019 $ 1 000
Aivis Vitkovskis Bought Curythiba GKBC 12/10/2019 $ 7 000
Egon De Castro Sold Dark Dynasty 1/4/2015 $ 97 100
Sergio Gianangeli Sold Debussys Darts 3/14/2015 $ 6 000
Hayri Baykir Bought Dede19 10/30/2009 $ 1 000
Süheyl Cenap Bought Dede19 10/30/2009 $ 2 000
Gianvito Valenza Sold Dennitas 4/17/2010 $ 40 000
Yiorgos Karipidis Bought Desfina state 12/16/2019 $ 19 200
Venâncio Fizziolli Sold Detroit Wolverines 11/24/2017 $ 2 000
Zintis Kungs Sold Diggity dogs 4/17/2010 $ 389 000
Jesús González Blanco Bought DÍNAMO ROJO C.B 1/22/2010 $ 16 000
Sebastián Davi Bought Donaimon Team 12/2/2019 $ 5 000
Bobby Barmettler Bought Double Zero 10/10/2009 $ 21 000
Anders Åhlborn Bought DrapetsonaBC 8/14/2013 $ 169 000
Omer De Neef Sold Ducks United9A8 3/30/2011 $ 2 700 000
Rudis Ernstreits Sold DUNKsager 3/22/2019 $ 77 800
Idris Jacoby Bought Dupki 1/5/2011 $ 204 000
Zigismunds Gabrans Sold eagle_paw 1/27/2017 $ 300 000
Hasim Tugtekin Bought Edmonton Earthquakes 5/20/2019 $ 2 000
Gianvito Valenza Bought England Accents 12/8/2009 $ 21 000
Adriano Gusmão Bought Estrelas Brigantinas 5/27/2019 $ 3 000
Dino Bracek Bought ETI DUAL UNITED 11/5/2019 $ 2 000
Diks Dudins Sold Fakes Team 2/2/2011 $ 5 000
Rolf Håkansson Bought Faktarinki 12/2/2011 $ 175 000
Afik Sheetrit Bought Famiglia 1/20/2010 $ 61 200
Ed Tadaj Bought fc barcelona barça 5/7/2019 $ 3 000
Olafs Reinicans Sold Fr. Mathews 1/17/2010 $ 29 000
Jurgis Livzieds Bought Free Agent 3/9/2017 $ 1 421 600
Morics Daudis Bought Free Agent 7/15/2016 $ 765 000
Zigismunds Resnais Bought Free Agent 3/16/2016 $ 230 000
Sentis Karols Bought Free Agent 11/21/2012 $ 226 000
Lionel Gaillard Bought Free Agent 3/7/2012 $ 99 200
Jarryd McGrath Bought Freo Anchors 4/19/2010 $ 312 200
Jaro Puchegger Sold Garcidus team 12/31/2009 $ 357 000
Šarunas Dilius Sold GAREAULOUPS 4/17/2010 $ 400 000
Demur Kaldani Bought Goopy Globetrotters 8/20/2019 $ 1 000
Indris Paeglis Sold Greek Freak 34 2/10/2018 $ 3 000
Homer Logan Bought Greensboro Generals 9/15/2019 $ 9 999
Vincent Pacaud Bought GS_Warriors 3/8/2015 $ 505 600
Eusebi Massaguer Sold Gtown Bulldogs 11/20/2017 $ 1 000
Péter Gyulai Bought Halasi Csipke 2/11/2011 $ 18 000
Zoltán Perger Bought Halasi Csipke 2/11/2011 $ 40 000
Eduardo Pereyra Sold Hawks Atlanta 4/22/2010 $ 41 000
Vedran Železnik Bought HOMO-sapiens 9/5/2019 $ 1 000
Aivars Bagatais Bought Hospitāļu ielas bruģis 4/7/2018 $ 1 521 800
Indars Zvagulis Bought Hungry Artists 5/20/2019 $ 1 000
Nyathi Hlalele Bought ikai 12/2/2019 $ 4 000
Adrián Szviták Bought Ilguciеms Ваd Danсеrs 6/30/2019 $ 1 419 500
Adriano Casciaro Bought IloveBeer 8/20/2019 $ 1 000
Fredis Timulis Bought Imanta 5 5/1/2015 $ 1 000
Felix Wren Bought Indiana 1 10/7/2009 $ 38 600
Javier Miguel Rubalcaba Bought Infernali 9/30/2019 $ 1 001
Adrián Szviták Sold Inside Man 7/14/2019 $ 1 020 000
Pauls Zutis Sold JDA Dijon 5/22/2015 $ 20 000
Aldris Engelis Bought Jones&Bones 11/30/2012 $ 40 000
Lóránt Petőfi Bought Jundyork 7/3/2018 $ 3 000
Mauro Gonsenheim Bought K23 Cokes 4/19/2010 $ 1 050 000
Tedis Salitis Bought Kaunas Team 11/21/2012 $ 55 000
Eralp Bartik Bought Kauno minmat 2/10/2011 $ 265 500
Daniel Michalecki Bought Kawaleria Przemysl 12/27/2009 $ 51 000
José Egea Bought KhimkideBarrio 11/3/2011 $ 16 000
Alexandros Chachlakis Sold King Nader 6/4/2015 $ 940 000
Mark Swinford Bought KK BARSTYCIAI 6/17/2019 $ 6 000
Michaël Barre Bought KK Igman Istočna Ilidza 4/11/2010 $ 298 000
He Jiunn Pyng Sold KK LUR 10/10/2019 $ 1 432 700
Alexandros Chachlakis Bought KK_Željezničar 4/8/2015 $ 800 000
Žanis Zirdzinš Sold Klusums pirms vētras 7/31/2009 $ 1 000
Alexandre Thiry Bought Köln Pistons 5/7/2019 $ 3 000
Šarunas Dilius Bought Konzum 1/2/2010 $ 331 400
Michaël Barre Sold Korvosa Rogues 4/17/2010 $ 249 500
Alexandre Descamps Bought L.B.C 5/13/2019 $ 3 000
Juan Román Delorte Bought LA APLANADORA DEL ROCK AND ROLL 2/28/2018 $ 1 001
José María Osuna Bought La Pelada 8/8/2018 $ 1 000
Roberts Puntulis Bought labakie33 12/2/2012 $ 110 000
Cédric Dreux Bought Latające Kurczaki 5/13/2019 $ 1 000
Roberts Udris-Udritis Sold LemonJonioBasket2023 11/5/2015 $ 4 329 800
Eralp Bartik Sold les kangoos 2/15/2011 $ 212 300
Valery Tverdokhleb Sold LIWERPOOL 11/20/2017 $ 3 000
Chua Kwan Ying Bought Loki no Words 9/16/2019 $ 11 200
Frank Goodwin Bought Lokotrakai 9/9/2019 $ 5 000
Tonis Dimakakis Bought London Ballers 6/5/2019 $ 9 000
He Jiunn Pyng Bought Los Angeles Lords 2/16/2019 $ 1 999 800
Edmund Hołod Bought los guerreros liryos 9/2/2019 $ 3 000
Zdzisław Janeczko Sold Los Marañones 4/30/2015 $ 946 800
Danilo Tórres Obleas Bought LOS MAS MALOTES 4/17/2018 $ 1 000
Rafael Garza Bought los MENT 9/9/2019 $ 1 000
Rudolfs Vilumanis Bought MACEDONIANS 8/14/2018 $ 4 000
Rudis Ernstreits Bought Malaysia Tigers 6/26/2017 $ 4 293 900
Ákos Ráth Bought Maros KK 9/5/2019 $ 3 000
Giancarlo Torchia Bought Memphis Jaguars 5/7/2019 $ 2 000
Barry Anderson Bought MGM Tigers 12/23/2019 $ 11 000
Ilmars Bahmanis Bought Minny Lumberjacks 7/4/2018 $ 1 000
Ansis Juknevics Bought Miño Baloncesto 2/28/2018 $ 1 001
Ding Chuxian Bought Misevi 10/3/2017 $ 1 000
Matteo Batini Bought Mocchi Basket 11/26/2019 $ 9 000
Pavel Čech Sold Mortar Blasts 12/13/2010 $ 204 000
Pascual Garrote Bought Motorhead BC 8/20/2019 $ 2 001
Gil Cadieux Bought Motown Monstars 12/16/2019 $ 11 000
Delbert Rees Bought My Entire Team Sucks 2/28/2018 $ 1 001
Kingsley Lankester Bought Nanooks of the North 7/24/2019 $ 4 000
Ernesto Meles Bought Neapolis Basket 11/5/2019 $ 2 000
Omer De Neef Bought nepals baller 2/10/2011 $ 2 000 000
Artis Cibulis Bought Newcombers 7/14/2018 $ 221 000
Andreu Xalabar Sold Nike Club 4/17/2010 $ 428 400
Kaspars Diks Bought niknie suni 4/7/2016 $ 1 000
Mareks Metelis Bought NK AFRICA 10/7/2019 $ 3 000 000
Carmelo Rivera Bought noinsieme 8/20/2019 $ 2 000
Digmars Beteris Sold Noteć 2/5/2010 $ 10 000
Franks Nabags Sold Nusikalstama grupuotė Varpelis 4/12/2015 $ 103 100
Valdis Rinnis Sold Oldham Knights BC 2/10/2018 $ 1 000
Gustavs Tabaks Bought Olivik Vikings 7/14/2018 $ 1 499 000
Fabio Lupo Bought olympia cannaregio 12/2/2019 $ 1 000
Franks Nabags Bought One Hand Death Dunk 7/10/2014 $ 270 000
Andrzej Styrczula Sold osl garbagnate 2/4/2011 $ 982 800
Óscar Acero Sold PAOKNet BC II 11/20/2017 $ 10 000
Abel Seco Serrano Bought Paris Fight Club 5/27/2019 $ 3 000
Ilmars Bulvitis Sold PatriotiLV 3/24/2017 $ 45 000
Morics Daudis Sold Patzitzifiakos B.C. 8/26/2018 $ 357 000
Diogo Quental Sold peaceNroll 11/3/2019 $ 2 656 100
Pavel Čech Bought Pilisvörösvár Ciklons 4/19/2010 $ 104 100
Quique Sáez Bought Pirados Team 8/26/2019 $ 4 000
Eusebi Massaguer Bought Pixiya Bullies 10/8/2017 $ 1 000
Venâncio Fizziolli Bought Pixiya Bullies 10/8/2017 $ 1 000
Marek Matłoch Bought planets and stars 4/17/2018 $ 1 000
Sami Nüvit Bought platino 5/13/2019 $ 2 000
Ludovic Rougemont Bought platino 5/13/2019 $ 3 000
Geng Baihua Bought platino 5/13/2019 $ 4 000
Fausto Leanza Bought Prima Divisione 2009 5/20/2019 $ 2 000
Ernesto Palazzolo Bought Puffi Malefici 8/19/2019 $ 2 200
Peteris Vagolinš Sold Radnik 4/17/2010 $ 312 200
Ottokár Földes Bought Raketid 5/27/2019 $ 3 000
Leopold Trojański Bought Rakveres Tibus 3/1/2018 $ 1 001
Vasja Dežman Bought RI 23 3/28/2015 $ 150 000
Karol Skrzymowski Bought RINOCERONTES 8/26/2019 $ 6 000
Jimmy Gimenez Bought Rip City Utopia 10/7/2019 $ 2 000
Andreu Xalabar Bought Robur Basket Osimo 2/24/2010 $ 509 400
Valery Tverdokhleb Bought ROCK WAVE 11/4/2017 $ 1 000
Ling Jiawei Bought RRL 12/11/2019 $ 6 000
Jérôme Jolivet Bought RTS Widzew 6/20/2019 $ 3 000
Paolo Naccari Bought Saarekannu 10/3/2017 $ 1 000
Mikelis Zeilišs Sold Seinbergi sõdalased 2/18/2016 $ 836 900
Anxo Boado Bought Selanik 9/5/2019 $ 13 000
Armin Mollenkopf Sold SESE 4/17/2010 $ 759 500
Viktors Ucelnieks Sold Shadow Hunter 12/31/2009 $ 65 000
Mladen Aničić Bought sharkmen 7/3/2018 $ 1 000
Li Mingyao Bought Shohoku S.T. 9/9/2019 $ 2 000
Roberts Ilgacis Bought Silavāveres 1/23/2015 $ 1 000
Armin Mollenkopf Bought Silla BC 2/7/2010 $ 918 000
Gunnar Tammearu Bought SK Centauras 2/1/2013 $ 125 000
Didzis Reimanis Sold Skalice CB 3/9/2013 $ 4 000
Zhao Side Bought Skullcrackers 9/9/2019 $ 3 000
Roberts Puntulis Sold South Dragons 7/19/2015 $ 2 500 000
Luigi Franco Curto Bought SPORTING DE ELVASD79 9/29/2009 $ 410 400
Andrzej Styrczula Bought Stal Brzeg 12/11/2010 $ 1 200 000
Cordell Davis Sold Stardustt 7/19/2015 $ 700 000
Mahusay Mapa Bought Stawny Klub Sportowy Paśnik 9/23/2019 $ 5 000
Danúbio Barata Bought Stoppers 10/14/2019 $ 3 000
Iosif Telios Bought STRADALE B.C. 9/2/2019 $ 2 000
Kleanthis Vogiatzakis Sold StraightCash 8/18/2013 $ 62 800
Alejandro Caifero Bought Suller 9/23/2019 $ 14 555
Antonio Arandojo Bought sunce 8/12/2019 $ 3 000
Mauro Gonsenheim Sold Szikago Włocławek 2/8/2011 $ 626 200
Jurgis Livzieds Sold Teachers BC II 2/24/2019 $ 300 000
Borja Giménez Díaz Bought Team mökkiläiset 8/20/2019 $ 1 000
Arthuro Frank Bought Teo 7 BC 10/14/2019 $ 4 000
Cordell Davis Bought The Monsters BG 5/19/2015 $ 200 000
Vasja Dežman Sold The Persian Gulf 4/26/2015 $ 2 000
Voldemars Cakars Bought The White Bunnies 8/14/2019 $ 1 000
Zdzisław Janeczko Bought U.C. Fiches 1/6/2015 $ 636 800
Ludvigs Tracums Bought U13 7/23/2015 $ 345 100
Felix Wren Sold Vadmacskák Team 1/17/2010 $ 37 000
Algis Kreicis Bought Valmieras puikas 12/1/2013 $ 1 111
Ding Chuxian Sold venividiveni fb 12/5/2017 $ 2 000
Meldris Bambans Sold Veszprém KK 3/9/2013 $ 15 000
Cafer Arinç Bought Viet Nam 11/26/2019 $ 1 001
Emanuel Pędzik Bought Vilniaus Naujamiestis 4/17/2018 $ 1 000
Jarryd McGrath Sold Vilniaus Vilkai 7/23/2010 $ 104 100
Arben Damo Bought VinLAkers 6/8/2019 $ 2 000
Jack Lantink Bought Virtus Prati 11/26/2019 $ 4 850
Bazyl Kazlovich Bought Vitebsk Scorpions 8/4/2013 $ 561 000
Vilnis Šusts Sold vukovar817 2/3/2017 $ 400 000
Zigismunds Resnais Sold West Ham 9/27/2016 $ 31 000
Bazyl Kazlovich Sold Wild Toronto Raptors 3/14/2015 $ 202 000
Hristo Egemen Bought Worcester Wolves 7/11/2017 $ 4 200
Ghindã-Nicolae Tache Bought WroTeam 12/16/2019 $ 5 000
Aivars Bagatais Sold Wunder Bozz 3/22/2019 $ 344 900
Ruslanas Knecunas Bought 1/27/2010 $ 75 900
Óscar Acero Bought xorafa-4- 11/3/2017 $ 2 000
Karlis Menca Sold YSRTALL 7/7/2019 $ 2 000
Ugis Vašers Sold Zadar 77 11/21/2019 $ 1 147 900
Aivars Bagatais Sold Zāles ēdāji 10/17/2014 $ 102 600
Oren Anderson Bought ZaliaGiria 11/26/2019 $ 10 000
Adams Ceburaškins Sold Zugló City 11/12/2009 $ 20 000
Al Elrod Bought ΕΠΤΑΣΤΕΡΟΣ 4/25/2018 $ 1 001
Vyktor Bozhik Bought Нова 12/11/2019 $ 6 000
Peng Mingdan Sold 吸血鬼 11/3/2019 $ 4 500 000
Tadeu Palau Bought 大鳥 2/11/2011 $ 110 000
Romans Rapinš Sold 崔铁锤与二狗 8/9/2015 $ 12 000
Meitar Alberman Bought 河北省药监局代表队 8/12/2019 $ 1 000
Askolds Jepers Sold 渔歌互答,此乐何及 12/11/2016 $ 2 000
Peng Mingdan Bought 能不能勇敢說愛 3/16/2019 $ 10 500 000
Remigio Sapena Bought 運命のルーレット廻して 7/24/2019 $ 3 000
Daniel Michalecki Sold 風飄雪 4/14/2010 $ 11 000
Total Sales: $ 36 662 908
Total Purchases: $ 53 531 024
Transfer Balance: $ -16 868 116