List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Aldo Maria Frisenna Sold CRVENI YORK 1/13/2022 $ 50 000
Alexey Mishenev Bought BK Alians 9/1/2021 $ 5 000
Andrea Chiezzi Porrini Sold LA Angels C 9/17/2023 $ 2 000
Andrea Barillari Sold Green New Devils 10/6/2021 $ 61 200
Andrea Solari Sold Ragnars Revenge 3/25/2021 $ 1 000 000
Andrea La Cognata Sold Andjeli 10/26/2020 $ 1 000
Anthony Tisselli Sold wildcats-kent 11/4/2022 $ 2 000
Birol Vesime Bought 3d club 2/16/2023 $ 10 000
Ciro Fiumani Sold Gsquad 8/5/2023 $ 1 000
Dallas Dean Bought Pinhal Novo Magic 10/11/2021 $ 13 200
Dave Moore Bought Swiss Cheese Defense 11/2/2020 $ 156 100
Dou Jingwen Sold Lisbon Cool 6/18/2023 $ 21 000
Dou Jingwen Bought Free Agent 3/4/2021 $ 359 200
Dušan Jagla Sold Charlotte Vodkas 6/7/2024 $ 1 000
Dušan Jagla Bought modena spurs 11/12/2022 $ 450 000
Federico Allegra Sold Dartmoor Pumas 10/7/2021 $ 3 000
Filimon Psalidas Bought Supernova Elites 2/18/2021 $ 23 000
Gian Luca Simone Bought Downtown Celtics 2/19/2021 $ 16 000
Jovas Samusevas Bought Bc PeP4Ro 11/11/2020 $ 4 000
Juan Jesús Miarons Sold snoopteam 9/23/2022 $ 50 000
Juan Jesús Miarons Bought Team Quende II 11/20/2021 $ 15 000
Mario Timpanaro Sold Harlequinsss 11/4/2022 $ 50 000
Massimiliano Pittoni Bought Durantina 9/24/2021 $ 5 000
Matas Backunas Sold Juana_Diaz_Gopro 11/15/2022 $ 24 000
Matas Backunas Bought Free Agent 7/28/2022 $ 104 190
Michel Cance Sold Walla Magic 9/25/2021 $ 200 000
Pere Verea Bought La Estación 6/11/2023 $ 344 900
Pietro Paolo Mereu Sold Radio_Prača 10/7/2021 $ 5 000
Pompeo José Liano Sold Parthenon Wonderers 9/27/2023 $ 35 000
Radoslav Hrabárik Sold 台北雷霆隊 1/8/2024 $ 4 000
Radoslav Hrabárik Bought FC Volcano 3/31/2021 $ 7 000
Rafael Molina Montes Bought Gekko Go 11/11/2020 $ 4 000
Riccardo Capaccioli Sold Tricolor de MDQ 7/12/2021 $ 51 000
Rodrigo Baniela Sold ADASTRA 1/14/2024 $ 73 500
Rodrigo Baniela Bought ŁKW Rings 9/29/2021 $ 174 700
Rossano Caini Sold ES Arnould 7/6/2021 $ 1 000
Sergio Serafini Sold Milano Public Enemies42D 3/5/2021 $ 40 000
Sergio Calaiò Sold ME BE ERRE 2/26/2021 $ 51 000
Stefano Temperini Sold Tranquility Base 3/25/2021 $ 3 000
Szilárd Sárközy Sold Kavarsko Kupiškis 6/7/2024 $ 50 400
Szilárd Sárközy Bought MadriZ KnIcKerBocKerS 7/2/2021 $ 601 500
Total Sales: $ 1 780 100
Total Purchases: $ 2 292 790
Transfer Balance: $ -512 690