List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Adalbert Róbert Sold A.E.K B.C 1924 8/1/2011 $ 184 800
Vytis Bijeikis Sold A_Z RETARD 8/2/2011 $ 636 800
Garry Trahan Sold Alytaus Alytus 7/29/2011 $ 510 000
Károly Babos Sold Anarchy 212 7/1/2013 $ 591 400
James McCory Bought barsa regal 7/2/2010 $ 130 000
Tõnu Varvas Bought BC Angiin 8/3/2011 $ 75 000
Andrea Mayora Sold BC Gavrikai 3/10/2011 $ 60 000
James McCory Sold BC Močílky 4/24/2011 $ 50 000
Erik Szabó Sold BC.Khimky 8/17/2010 $ 127 400
Rudolf Jadlóczky Sold boooom 7/12/2010 $ 175 000
Jaime Gárate Bought Bucciateam 11/8/2014 $ 428 400
Nick Villorente Sold Cajov 2/14/2012 $ 11 000
Jud Ritter Sold caloncianos 4/1/2010 $ 60 000
Noah Buunk Sold CamisDeUfnet 3/6/2012 $ 185 000
Antal Gárdonyi Sold Carpathian Bears 6/13/2013 $ 1 000
Rodion Perepelitsa Sold CB Gran Canaria 7/12/2010 $ 7 000
Francesco Sciamenna Sold Con Currency 9/1/2012 $ 51 000
Pepe Luis Roca Bought Darth Vader 9/5/2012 $ 207 100
Allan Daniel de la Cruz Bought Davao Eagles 2/13/2013 $ 510 000
Ola Torsten Sold Debeściaki 5/27/2012 $ 728 300
Izsó Oroszlán Sold docholidaj 4/4/2015 $ 172 600
Dénes Vasas Sold Dorchester Bears 8/16/2014 $ 530 700
Haywood Lolohea Sold EidsvollLeoC8D 1/17/2011 $ 6 000
Levente Csizmadia Sold ELANCHALON 2/13/2013 $ 56 200
Turhan Üstüner Bought Erdemir Spurs 2/21/2010 $ 51 000
Hümér Hajszán Sold Fc Pautai 5/31/2012 $ 1 000
Drago Stagličić Bought Fenovete 8/5/2014 $ 160 000
Gregorio Crisostomo Sold FerroTEAM 4/4/2015 $ 52 100
Eduard Shvetsov Bought Field Runners 3/26/2013 $ 364 200
Norbert Soreg Sold Five Inazuma 7/28/2011 $ 52 100
Calvin-Alexander Steckeln Bought Forza Sankt Pauli 7/4/2010 $ 299 000
Xaime Báscones Bought Free Agent 9/5/2012 $ 200 000
Maido Niidu Bought Free Agent 3/10/2011 $ 255 100
Eugene Haskins Bought Free Agent 3/9/2011 $ 298 400
Sergey Kamenets Bought Free Agent 8/18/2010 $ 1 150 000
Jud Ritter Bought Fridays For Training 3/1/2010 $ 150 000
Sergey Kamenets Sold From Way Downtown 5/5/2011 $ 1 000 000
László Puskás Bought Gobliny 2/8/2012 $ 340 000
Dondon Tan, Jr. Sold Haljala Koolipoisid 8/16/2014 $ 412 000
Sébastien Bulteau Bought i tarzanelli 3/14/2010 $ 400 000
Antal Holló Sold ikéa 2/18/2010 $ 700 000
Levente Csizmadia Bought IMPERADOR 8/12/2011 $ 300 000
Haywood Lolohea Bought KHS Pikelos 7/11/2010 $ 25 000
Tony Mcmillian Bought Kirisaki Dai Chi 6/16/2010 $ 500 000
Tony Mcmillian Sold KK Grosupje 8/9/2011 $ 255 000
Pierre Receveur Bought Kk Lazarevac1389D10 7/1/2013 $ 500 000
Pierre Receveur Sold KK OMEROVAC73C44870364D 5/7/2014 $ 250 000
Noah Buunk Bought La Oca Loca 8/9/2011 $ 411 500
Turhan Üstüner Sold LA Times 6/23/2010 $ 330 000
Guy Lamb Bought Lee 7/26/2014 $ 750 000
Xavier Camacho Sold LKS Żuławy 4/4/2015 $ 441 400
Samuel Chajdiak Sold Lmdz Pirates 4/4/2015 $ 208 100
Ken Meehan Bought Lobstahs 7/11/2010 $ 1 000
Jaime Gárate Sold Los.Angeles.Lakers 4/4/2015 $ 320 700
Alexandre Prévost Bought madmax 8/23/2010 $ 190 000
Branislav Bjelić Bought Majami Ht 7/31/2010 $ 78 000
Nick Villorente Bought Manila Stars 8/9/2011 $ 100 000
Ysidro Almeyda Sold Milano Public Enemies42D 9/5/2012 $ 102 000
Kálmán Matolcsy Sold Mistrze Gdańsk 6/26/2010 $ 42 000
Eugene Haskins Sold Monstarrs 8/9/2011 $ 300 000
Francesco Sciamenna Bought Muhu Rüütlid 4/24/2011 $ 350 000
Stepan Putilov Bought NevSky 5/28/2012 $ 110 000
András Göndör Sold Oceanic Polar Bears 12/23/2012 $ 572 300
Allan Daniel de la Cruz Sold Olympos Budapest 4/4/2015 $ 9 000
György Uhrin Sold Orsetti Pucciosi Del Cuore 7/12/2010 $ 381 300
Gregorio Crisostomo Bought Osys 8/24/2014 $ 325 000
Xavier Camacho Bought Pablos Pueblos 8/22/2014 $ 799 000
Pransiškus Jurcevičius Bought PAMESA TORRENT 3/11/2012 $ 325 000
Antal Holló Bought Pécs Spurs 2/6/2010 $ 102 000
Sébastien Bulteau Sold pippense 7/12/2010 $ 173 300
Samuel Chajdiak Bought portland trail blazé 8/22/2014 $ 600 000
Vytis Bijeikis Bought psychosocial 5/5/2011 $ 900 000
Lázár Hetényi Bought Pup Magic 6/27/2011 $ 420 000
András Vitár Sold Rakštis 4/19/2011 $ 293 200
Svetozar Katzarov Sold Ranulfo E.C 7/7/2010 $ 153 000
Calvin-Alexander Steckeln Sold Real Madrid CF1 3/7/2011 $ 150 000
Branislav Bjelić Sold revenger pasos 8/20/2010 $ 127 600
Wesley Cathey Bought rgear147 Spartans 8/22/2014 $ 150 000
Rodion Perepelitsa Bought RodaguMonotoners 2/6/2010 $ 81 400
Maido Niidu Sold S.I.M.E.C.Q 8/9/2011 $ 229 600
Drago Stagličić Sold Sailers 4/4/2015 $ 2 000
Wesley Cathey Sold scurzòn 4/4/2015 $ 141 600
Ysidro Almeyda Bought Shamrock 76ers 5/28/2012 $ 116 700
Kleanthis Kalpis Sold Singapore Slingers BCC953063E4 4/4/2015 $ 586 600
Ola Torsten Bought Sipoo Legends 8/3/2011 $ 750 000
Eduard Shvetsov Sold Sium Squad 8/16/2014 $ 566 700
Svetozar Katzarov Bought Soproni Vasutas KC 2/18/2010 $ 550 000
Jonah Cary Bought The 3 Stooges 7/12/2010 $ 1 000
Lázár Hetényi Sold Tokyo Stars 3/2/2013 $ 1 000
Andrea Mayora Bought Tourrets b.c 1/8/2011 $ 100 000
Geniušas Benešiunas Sold Tsiflakos BC 3/26/2013 $ 774 200
Vajk Perger Sold Tyúkröplabda SE 3/17/2010 $ 30 000
Garry Trahan Bought unique龍 4/5/2010 $ 450 000
Dondon Tan, Jr. Bought Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 10/16/2013 $ 270 000
Tõnu Varvas Sold Westknights 7/16/2012 $ 800 000
Kleanthis Kalpis Bought Wolfchecky 8/22/2014 $ 500 000
Péter Bosánszki Sold wosigton 3/13/2010 $ 7 000
Stepan Putilov Sold Wuppi 10/6/2013 $ 600 000
Ken Meehan Sold Zebras and Kangaroos 9/22/2010 $ 5 000
Geniušas Benešiunas Bought Žemaitėj 7/18/2012 $ 625 000
Guy Lamb Sold Zlín Jaguars 8/16/2014 $ 800 000
Gábor Egressy Sold 飞鼠 3/5/2011 $ 210 000
Total Sales: $ 15 224 000
Total Purchases: $ 15 398 800
Transfer Balance: $ -174 800