213 online at 03:18:49
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Nicola Minola Bought Brianza Panthers 9/3/2008 $ 106 200
Olivér Mélykúti Bought Gladiátorok 9/16/2008 $ 200 000
Erinç Dilhayat Bought DarkLords 11/23/2008 $ 5 000
Zoran Grbovic Bought Crvena Zvezda 89 11/23/2008 $ 102 000
Saúl Ramirás Bought c.b. vettonia 11/23/2008 $ 1 000
Carlos Garré Bought Quei fighi del don bosco 11/25/2008 $ 100 000
Enrico Caloni Bought Szentgotthárd VSE 1/5/2009 $ 224 400
Andrzej Dmuchowski Sold florida fB13 1/8/2009 $ 54 300
Maciej Bonda Sold The SaintsSsCE8 6/9/2009 $ 204 000
Paweł Sierzega Bought Spartakus RadomB946BF 6/22/2009 $ 25 000
Adriano Leal Bought MKS Sanok 7/10/2009 $ 20 000
György Hercegfalvy Bought MKS Sanok 7/10/2009 $ 10 000
Lech Wyszomirski Sold Brooklyn Knixks 10/14/2009 $ 300 000
Enrique Vesga Bought Klaipėdos Ruoniai 11/4/2009 $ 600 000
Kim Steine Bought Spartakus RadomB946BF 12/21/2009 $ 200 000
Ernest Utrata Bought teambuzzerbaeter 12/24/2009 $ 102 000
Paweł Sierzega Sold tomki 12/27/2009 $ 1 000
Zdzisław Korzeniewski Sold 91 Squad 12/27/2009 $ 204 000
Kim Steine Sold gomban 1/2/2010 $ 2 000
Ambroży Suminski Sold Allonnes72 1/5/2010 $ 406 000
Zenón Baiona Bought tomki 1/16/2010 $ 884 800
Huang Jia Rong Bought 最無敵 7/4/2010 $ 204 000
Vitalis Žalebarštis Bought OrangeVirusas176 7/4/2010 $ 71 400
Agustín Falces Bought BC Gabonas 7/8/2010 $ 17 000
Sükrü Özer Bought AZS Koszalin* 7/8/2010 $ 31 000
Manuel Hipólito Bought Astures team 7/10/2010 $ 1 000
Andrea Ostengo Bought Suicide_squad 7/16/2010 $ 67 400
Tillmann Habermeyer Bought Rihanna 7/20/2010 $ 1 000
Nuno Cardia Bought NY All Stars 7/23/2010 $ 22 000
Gilmar Macedo Bought peace and love 7/25/2010 $ 32 000
Lucjan Ertel Bought Jaga Człuchów 7/26/2010 $ 1 000
Lucjan Ertel Sold Tunis fennec 7/30/2010 $ 4 000
Aristofanis Mazonakis Bought starkwas 1/14/2011 $ 299 000
Konstantinos Frosinakos Bought Reykjavik White Bears 5/27/2011 $ 520 000
Benjamín Vojtecka Bought FC Knights 5/31/2011 $ 130 000
Grgur Goričan Bought Free Agent 6/16/2011 $ 160 000
Iván Olmo Sáenz Bought Free Agent 7/6/2011 $ 150 000
Benjamín Vojtecka Sold Radleris 7/15/2011 $ 10 000
Putinas Vicinskas Bought Eivor 5/16/2012 $ 260 000
Alfredo Sastre Bought Machaquitos mix 5/16/2012 $ 100 000
Crisanto Rivarola Bought Mji Ibex 5/22/2012 $ 3 000
Lõrinc Pomper Bought torontohuskies 5/23/2012 $ 59 800
Paul Kaspar Bought The Tankers 5/25/2012 $ 61 200
Tullio Giannuzzi Bought Ptwmanation B.C 6/1/2012 $ 48 000
Elram Tishberger Bought הבלתי משוחדים 7/8/2012 $ 71 900
Justus Schwarzenbach Bought Wilder Boys 7/15/2012 $ 79 400
Piotr Gierlot Sold C.B. Cepa 7/18/2012 $ 1 000
Vassilis Fitrakis Bought Αφροδίτη Ζωγράφου 9/2/2012 $ 119 400
Janusz Dutczak Sold Prah Dynamite 10/3/2012 $ 51 000
Vassilis Fitrakis Sold Tigre BBC 2/5/2013 $ 10 000
Lõrinc Pomper Sold Wrights Wranglers 2/6/2013 $ 3 000
Justus Schwarzenbach Sold Los QwErTy’s 2/6/2013 $ 2 000
Lesław Gorączko Sold Iron Hills 2/6/2013 $ 1 000
Crisanto Rivarola Sold Oriali C.B. 2/6/2013 $ 3 000
Elram Tishberger Sold The Fellowship of the RingC44 2/6/2013 $ 30 000
Daniel Jędrszczyk Sold Dziksony 2/6/2013 $ 1 000
Tomasz Latusek Sold Los Cafres 2/6/2013 $ 5 000
Putinas Vicinskas Sold Los Vegas 2/6/2013 $ 102 000
Józef Bogusławski Sold Fatine Rosa 2/7/2013 $ 1 000
Gustaw Swiatkowski Sold Codemasters 2/7/2013 $ 2 000
Marcin Sloma Sold Auriense Afiadores 2/7/2013 $ 20 000
Paul Kaspar Sold BOSTON CATS 2/7/2013 $ 7 000
Tullio Giannuzzi Sold ROWESKIE ROWY 2/7/2013 $ 6 000
Alfredo Sastre Sold SEDDÜLBAHİR 2/7/2013 $ 58 000
Dobrogniew Biniek Bought Poluna Bud 5/4/2013 $ 2 500
Alfred Truszczyński Bought Poluna Bud 5/4/2013 $ 1 000
Lech Tomkiewicz Bought Poluna Bud 5/4/2013 $ 1 000
Remigiusz Machnik Bought Mothmen 5/22/2013 $ 150 000
Marcel Chromcák Bought KK Bosnaa 7/22/2013 $ 465 200
Iraklis Fournarakos Bought Svemirci 7/24/2013 $ 127 400
Mariusz Czyżasty Sold Wittges 10/16/2013 $ 6 000
Marcel Chromcák Sold abanuka 10/16/2013 $ 299 000
Remigiusz Machnik Sold m.A.A.d City 10/16/2013 $ 28 000
Robert Łukasik Sold Vigo_Snails 10/16/2013 $ 2 000
Piotr Różyc Sold Garusinthemarus 10/17/2013 $ 2 000
Adam Majowski Sold SweBasket 10/17/2013 $ 1 000
Iraklis Fournarakos Sold 新疆宇宙队 10/17/2013 $ 150 000
Total Sales: $ 1 976 300
Total Purchases: $ 5 837 000
Transfer Balance: $ -3 860 700