List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Masław Galeja Bought 05,08.1995 7/12/2015 $ 950 000
Zaim Stupar Sold 86 Speed 12/12/2011 $ 319 300
Risto Lend Bought ABARA 12/29/2015 $ 1 938 000
Márton Kövesfalvi Sold ACMarinhense 11/25/2010 $ 93 700
Erick Audet Bought Acton Lions 6/10/2009 $ 5 000
Saad Bouchadou Sold Albertville 73ers 2/12/2012 $ 216 600
Hades Olego Bought Alcardete Sport 10/11/2010 $ 100 000
Konstancjusz Szczepinski Sold Alley Up 5/24/2011 $ 1 000
Igor Fiutak Sold Alley Up 5/24/2011 $ 1 000
Kerim Avinç Sold Alley Up AO 4/4/2011 $ 15 000
Bernardas Dapšis Bought am back 11/24/2013 $ 238 100
Geordy Charlier Bought Amicale Liers Basket 0706 10/2/2017 $ 11 000
Camille Delattre Bought AMZ 6/5/2009 $ 48 000
Adolfo Aldasoro Sold Antalya Hawks 7/1/2010 $ 239 100
Beniamin Górnikowski Sold Aris b.c.t 4/4/2011 $ 104 100
Carl Bilodeau Sold astrit 8/22/2010 $ 2 000
Gonzalo Cornado Bought B.C Amigos Alameda 6/4/2009 $ 3 000
Diego Roses Ferrer Sold baller623 2/8/2009 $ 1 000
Edward Cieslicki Sold baller623 2/8/2009 $ 1 000
Camille Delattre Sold Bamhill Bears 6/10/2009 $ 11 000
Michel Bergese Bought Baragiano 6/23/2013 $ 140 900
Jakub Myślicki Sold Basketballclub Truckstadt 7/27/2015 $ 204 000
Igor Backović Bought BASKET-GROS 6/9/2009 $ 22 000
Vydunas Lebeliunas Bought BC Sengo 3/17/2011 $ 250 600
Remigiusz Reich Bought BC Toxics 11/23/2014 $ 174 000
Bernardas Dapšis Sold Beantown Trash Talkers 5/30/2014 $ 115 200
Jerzy Margiel Sold Benedetto XIV 6/11/2009 $ 4 000
Zheng Guojing Sold Bennyartos226 3/28/2011 $ 129 200
Konrad Soltys Sold BEST ELITE 12/12/2011 $ 1 000
Desiderio Ascuí Bought bi lakers 11/7/2008 $ 20 000
Mateusz Brys Sold Bierzo Team 8/26/2011 $ 7 000
Iván Serrano Bought BK Konečná 6/11/2010 $ 153 000
Rovie Montecillo Bought Black Wolves 3/24/2011 $ 306 000
Artur Olechowski Sold Blue Warriors578 9/21/2012 $ 34 000
Sebastian Weilandt Sold Bucks Team 6/8/2009 $ 51 000
Carlos Daniel Greco Sold Bullsy 8/31/2009 $ 95 000
Miroslav Tuchyna Bought bungee Gum 9/7/2009 $ 25 000
Paweł Hopa Sold Butkiškė 6/26/2013 $ 62 100
Karol Wieczkowski Sold BXNY 5/26/2014 $ 1 000
Stanisław Kubicki Sold C.B. Girona 1/27/2010 $ 1 000
She Huaiyang Sold Çamlıcaspor 8/31/2009 $ 44 000
Gonzalo Cornado Sold Çamlıcaspor 8/31/2009 $ 24 000
Boštjan Udovšek Bought casalecchio 69ers 8/29/2011 $ 130 100
Szymon Stepak Sold CBReus 5/24/2011 $ 1 000
Hades Olego Sold CBTambara 1/31/2011 $ 21 000
Oscar Thomas Bought CD Numancia 7/1/2017 $ 1 082 600
Janek Weremko Sold Chodaków 6/4/2009 $ 221 000
Juliusz Frey Sold Chomiczówka´s Boys 5/11/2015 $ 1 000
Ernest Wiaderna Sold Cincinnati Bungles 1/15/2015 $ 1 000
Michel Bergese Sold CN丶PHOENIX 5/30/2014 $ 300 000
Tzur Shakrooka Bought couilles de loup 5/3/2010 $ 305 000
Marcel Rafał Sold Crazy clop 8/26/2012 $ 102 000
Erick Audet Sold CrazyBasterds 8/31/2009 $ 72 200
Artur Chwilkowski Sold CS Beaugency 2/12/2012 $ 1 000
Ion Banciu Bought CSA Turabo Steaua Bucuresti 4/8/2010 $ 362 400
Johnnie Frey Sold Czarni Defence 7/1/2010 $ 1 000
Fryderyk Fic Sold Danny’s Chinos 8/17/2012 $ 11 000
Otis McCracken Bought Debela kokoška 9/4/2012 $ 200 000
Dick Barron Sold dnt 10/8/2009 $ 2 000
Isidro Ortiz Marmolejo Sold Dog River Riverdogs 1/27/2010 $ 3 000
Jerzy Masser Sold Dortmunder Jungs 7/28/2011 $ 1 000
Erwin Kosla Sold Dotze Castells 10/10/2015 $ 260 000
Przemysław Petryszyn Sold Drunk Team CBDAA 7/5/2017 $ 821 700
Maurizio Irace Bought Dung Basket 8/19/2012 $ 188 400
She Huaiyang Bought dunkgjj 6/4/2009 $ 50 000
Alfredo Piga Sold Dutch Knicks 5/30/2014 $ 44 000
Selmo Gándara Sold Dutch Knicks 5/30/2014 $ 46 000
Otis McCracken Sold Dutch Knicks 5/30/2014 $ 103 600
Robert Soból Sold Dzicz S.A. 4/2/2010 $ 4 000
Jarema Trochimczuk Sold Eclipze 3/15/2012 $ 1 000
Ernest Cuch Sold Eclipze 2/3/2011 $ 3 000
Marc Bernard Bought edmondoww 11/28/2008 $ 29 000
Carlos Daniel Greco Bought Eisbären Bremerhaven 6/11/2009 $ 12 000
Erwin Kosla Bought Erichshagen Eagles 1/25/2015 $ 50 000
Ion Banciu Sold Faith Warriors 2/12/2012 $ 35 000
Włodzimierz Mroczek Sold FAZFAGS 11/13/2015 $ 15 000
Sebastian Szostak Sold FC CLOT 3/2/2012 $ 100 000
Beniamin Górnikowski Bought Fc Walczaki 12/29/2010 $ 200 000
Igor Boryca Sold FCB Barcelona Barca 12/12/2011 $ 3 000
Cezary Sosnica Sold Fenice Azzurra 3/4/2009 $ 1 000
Arthur Arys Bought FILOU Oostende7FF 3/5/2009 $ 30 000
Edon Rraci Bought Finchley Road BC 9/11/2014 $ 150 000
Maciej Klauzinski Sold Flaming Sky Chickens 3/28/2017 $ 3 000
Budimir Banjac Bought Free Agent 4/5/2018 $ 49 890
Meldutis Carukevicius Bought Free Agent 5/8/2013 $ 187 300
Monty Daffin Bought Free Agent 11/14/2012 $ 383 600
Zaim Stupar Bought Free Agent 7/7/2011 $ 249 000
Paweł Hopa Bought Free Agent 4/6/2011 $ 157 800
Adolfo Aldasoro Bought Free Agent 2/18/2010 $ 512 300
Jan Charzynski Sold FreeGo 11/16/2008 $ 4 000
Toke Smidemann Bought Frydenlund KFUM 3/5/2009 $ 10 000
Boštjan Udovšek Sold Gantzer 8/22/2012 $ 1 000
Kerim Avinç Bought Gat Negre 10/11/2010 $ 71 400
Tufan Alaçam Sold Gernika Basurdeak 2/21/2016 $ 1 000
Vydunas Lebeliunas Sold GKS Piast Nowa Ruda 5/1/2011 $ 177 500
Karol Jarosinski Sold Golden SW 3/9/2009 $ 6 000
Rovie Montecillo Sold Greybeards Jeszkowice 6/13/2013 $ 40 000
Remigiusz Reich Sold Guapiacu Renegades 5/11/2015 $ 1 000
Miroslav Tuchyna Sold GV Black rock 10/8/2009 $ 1 000
Remigiusz Raczek Bought HaifaGreen 5/2/2011 $ 385 600
Arthur Arys Sold Hapoel Kipodim 6/10/2009 $ 1 000
Cebrail Mergen Bought heeringas 6/8/2010 $ 200 000
Pablo Ceresoles Bought heihei 4/2/2010 $ 206 700
Jędrzej Kolski Sold Hellas Scaligera VR 8/22/2010 $ 43 000
Raúl Oliver Bought Hermes Club 2/6/2011 $ 540 200
Zheng Hongjin Sold hombres 10/10/2010 $ 130 000
Krzysztof Brzeszczak Sold Houston No. 7 1/1/2009 $ 24 257
Przemysław Petryszyn Bought İnanna 6/10/2015 $ 1 065 000
Jesús Navarro Sold Indulabusz 3/26/2010 $ 4 000
Brandon Degraeve Bought jojo équipe 12/26/2008 $ 10 000
Sergiusz Klotz Sold KaSta tychy 8/22/2012 $ 1 000
Joachim van Dedem Bought Kasztaniaki 11/26/2008 $ 25 000
Igor Backović Sold KK Besnica 7/11/2009 $ 50 000
Rinvidas Vadoklis Bought KK Dauglaukis 3/16/2017 $ 1 547 200
Isidro Ortiz Marmolejo Bought KK Lahomno 9/1/2009 $ 35 000
Mauro Palma Sold KK Slana Plazma 6/8/2009 $ 1 000
Henryk Data Sold KL-KoC 10/10/2010 $ 22 000
Edmund Lisiecki Sold Kocamustafapaşa Kocaları 6/22/2017 $ 2 000
Bernard Masna Bought KS LEGIA 7/1/2010 $ 50 000
Cezary Lara Bought KS Nowy Sącz 7/6/2010 $ 300 000
Ireneusz Lenarczyk Bought KS Wysokie 10/22/2014 $ 400 000
Eugeniusz Urbański Sold KwH Lakers 10/10/2010 $ 3 000
Gabriel Ludwiczak Sold Lakers58 11/12/2008 $ 1 000
Piotr Jarzębak Sold Lalkers Sofia 3/20/2017 $ 923 400
Christos Stavlas Sold Larisaikos 11/27/2014 $ 1 000
Zenon Giżyński Sold Latgalīte 6/8/2010 $ 3 000
Stanislaw Kustra Sold ldk thunder 11/16/2008 $ 65 000
Christos Stavlas Bought ŁDZ Heat 5/30/2014 $ 1 000
Tommaso Verdone Bought Les Pissenlits 9/18/2010 $ 183 600
Fausto Clementi Sold Les Poux 4/7/2010 $ 244 800
Fryderyk Stasiak Sold Levego Lakers 12/3/2012 $ 1 000
Fausto Clementi Bought Liska 1/28/2010 $ 127 400
Eugeniusz Urbański Bought Llanaves de la Reina 7/1/2010 $ 100 000
Maurizio Irace Sold Lobos Azules 11/26/2012 $ 189 500
Alfredo Piga Bought Lokomotiv Codroipo 12/5/2011 $ 257 800
Loris Lucchese Sold lonlon 11/27/2013 $ 66 400
Szymon Kosakowski Sold Los Bodegas Basket 9/20/2013 $ 2 000
Miłosław Tatur Sold Machete crew 7/1/2010 $ 1 000
Kosuke Takahashi Bought Maddas 4/10/2016 $ 1 488 400
Daniel Tomana Sold Malevorgia 8/31/2009 $ 419 600
Ryszard Otfinowski Sold mapoorio cantù 11/16/2008 $ 1 000
Zbigniew Nagajek Sold Masakratorzy 10/14/2010 $ 1 000
Timo Mainkusch Sold Matrix Mighty Dunkers 11/25/2010 $ 42 300
Faustas Denesevicius Bought Mazutas 8/2/2015 $ 700 000
Arkadiusz Amanowicz Sold miami heat59 9/21/2012 $ 71 400
Ryszard Zarycki Sold Mighty Moose Rockets 4/4/2014 $ 135 000
Janusz Guga Sold Morzyloeil Basketball 5/6/2013 $ 1 000
Marc Bernard Sold Mr skoop 4/7/2010 $ 200 000
Walerian Kawinski Sold Neapolitan Aztecs 7/16/2015 $ 1 000
Antonino Povolo Sold NEAR-EAST 3 3/26/2010 $ 200 000
Marian Paraschiv Bought New Porc 9/1/2009 $ 60 000
Bernard Masna Sold Nie_Lepsi005 10/10/2010 $ 1 000
Tobias Mahoney Sold Nikola Jokic 2/3/2011 $ 41 000
Przemysław Bownik Sold north Richmond 10/8/2009 $ 80 000
Zenon Hejzner Sold Nottre-Dame MAD 3/21/2011 $ 246 400
Piotr Marchlewicz Sold Occupiers 1/27/2010 $ 15 000
Alfons Belza Sold Oeste 7/27/2015 $ 200 000
Artur Czaicki Sold Only Draft 8/26/2011 $ 142 800
Walerian Tyszkowski Sold Pacers de Nantes 8/23/2012 $ 31 000
Iván Serrano Sold Palmasthinaikos 7/1/2010 $ 54 300
Zheng Guojing Bought Partizan 011789 10/17/2010 $ 131 200
Desiderio Ascuí Sold PJ Knicks8B2 8/31/2009 $ 10 000
Pablo Ceresoles Sold Ponzone Basket 7/5/2010 $ 100 000
Ernest Cuch Bought Przylesie Włocławek 7/1/2010 $ 1 000
Remigiusz Raczek Sold Purgos xalastras 6/14/2013 $ 4 000
Waldemar Barglowski Bought QSO Toruń 7/22/2015 $ 950 000
Tobias Mahoney Bought Raiders 8/22/2010 $ 280 000
Mauro Palma Bought Rallito 77´s 3/5/2009 $ 10 000
Joachim van Dedem Sold Rangerss 6/21/2009 $ 2 000
Saim Karakus Sold Rociga 95s 12/17/2011 $ 51 000
Tommaso Verdone Sold Romagna Mia Basket 5/24/2011 $ 289 900
Saim Karakus Bought rumuk 11/21/2010 $ 260 000
Toke Smidemann Sold RUŽOMBEROK NETS 6/8/2009 $ 3 000
Diego Roses Ferrer Bought San Antonio Veles 11/7/2008 $ 25 000
Igor Yablonskiy Sold San Colombano 5/12/2013 $ 32 000
Cezary Lara Sold San Sandomierz 8/22/2010 $ 228 500
Masław Galeja Sold SanVi Dolphins 1/1/2016 $ 875 000
Brandon Degraeve Sold Saran Sharks 6/17/2009 $ 2 000
Raúl Oliver Sold Saudi Sand Diggers 6/14/2013 $ 12 000
Antonino Povolo Bought Sbrindella 1/13/2010 $ 238 100
Marian Paraschiv Sold scfc 3/29/2010 $ 1 000
Ireneusz Lenarczyk Sold SE Palmeiras 8/1/2015 $ 35 000
Wiktor Bolek Sold sebcy 7/27/2015 $ 1 000
Cebrail Mergen Sold Sid & Co 7/1/2010 $ 2 000
Jesús Navarro Bought Skipin 9/1/2009 $ 20 000
Faustas Denesevicius Sold Slarol 4/13/2016 $ 652 800
Edon Rraci Sold St. Louis Arches 11/10/2014 $ 7 000
Maciej Klauzinski Bought Start Poznań 5/18/2015 $ 100 000
Carlos Galbete Sold Stockteam 8/31/2009 $ 13 000
Loris Lucchese Bought Stromp Kids 12/13/2011 $ 500 000
Igor Yablonskiy Bought SubSonics 5/24/2011 $ 410 586
Adrian Konowalik Sold Team Solo Weed 7/27/2015 $ 7 000
Carl Bilodeau Bought The 107th Infantry Regiment 4/4/2010 $ 108 400
Johnnie Frey Bought The Corner Threes 5/31/2010 $ 114 500
Márton Kövesfalvi Bought TheOnlyStPeter 6/4/2009 $ 88 300
Jakub Myślicki Bought Time Revolution 10/16/2014 $ 500 000
Arkadiusz Amanowicz Bought TitiTeam 8/17/2010 $ 400 000
Bertalan Pengo Bought Tomlakers 3/27/2010 $ 364 200
Saad Bouchadou Bought TORRENTAN 1/17/2011 $ 324 300
Tzur Shakrooka Sold Tótem BB 10/10/2010 $ 31 000
Konstanty Lorens Sold Totwart 3/15/2011 $ 1 000
Meldutis Carukevicius Sold Toulouse Ravens 5/30/2014 $ 62 800
Dick Barron Bought Ultrasonics 9/1/2009 $ 60 000
Władysław Karczmarz Sold Universitatea Craiova 9/20/2013 $ 10 000
Kamil Jagus Sold usoam athismons 3/15/2012 $ 1 000
Selmo Gándara Bought Vasas KK 2/28/2012 $ 300 000
Bertalan Pengo Sold Võitmatu viisik 6/8/2010 $ 206 000
Ilke Deniz Isinsoy Sold Võllid 1/27/2010 $ 1 000
Romuald Doroszuk Sold Vorpal_Swords 5/11/2015 $ 1 000
Piotr Jarzębak Bought Westsiders 7/28/2015 $ 1 249 400
Carlos Galbete Bought Xiuxiueig 11/25/2008 $ 35 000
Henryk Sekiel Bought Zira atletich 10/13/2015 $ 50 000
Ilke Deniz Isinsoy Bought מכבי מלכים 9/1/2009 $ 52 100
Monty Daffin Sold 能不能勇敢說愛 5/30/2014 $ 183 600
Maciej Mietła Sold 萝卜炖猪 8/26/2011 $ 3 000
Zheng Hongjin Bought 說對 6/21/2009 $ 130 000
Total Sales: $ 10 679 057
Total Purchases: $ 23 180 376
Transfer Balance: $ -12 501 319