List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Àlex Permanyer Bought Fereviento 9/30/2012 $ 1 000
Óscar Goroneta Bought Fereviento 9/30/2012 $ 2 000
Quentin Rombaut Bought le bal des quenelles 9/30/2012 $ 70 000
Maximilian Schleude Bought Bilderberger Club 9/30/2012 $ 50 000
Erotas Kapranidis Bought Μετεωρα B.C. 9/30/2012 $ 23 200
Délio Guerra Bought Rurek 9/30/2012 $ 7 000
Oldřich Kutílek Sold RedStars Florence 10/3/2012 $ 1 000
Paul Saule Bought ReimsYoungBoys 10/3/2012 $ 50 000
Tolga Kilavuz Bought Currys legion 10/5/2012 $ 30 000
Antone McNeill Bought ZZIA 10/5/2012 $ 54 300
Vakho Baratashvili Bought SAN-ANTONIO SPYRS 10/5/2012 $ 1 000
Rudolf Verbovský Bought MecsekBasket 10/9/2012 $ 8 000
Erki Lass Bought Suzzara Nuggets 10/17/2012 $ 100 000
Nadir Ester Bought Sarajevo Mountains 10/27/2012 $ 3 000
Xavier Farto Bought Decapod 10 10/28/2012 $ 35 000
Tsihan Baravik Bought Guadalajara Wolves 11/11/2012 $ 33 000
Demetrio Pérez Bought Slylette 11/23/2012 $ 5 000
Ramón María Arroyo Bought Tabotateam 11/29/2012 $ 137 800
Tomáš Výborný Sold Ledai team 12/14/2012 $ 1 000
Martin Budil Sold Thanos 12/14/2012 $ 1 000
Ji Congyun Bought pijos tramposos 12/20/2012 $ 50 000
Mitar Mrnjavčević Bought Grosminet 1/13/2013 $ 120 000
Berke Lynch Bought Warriors of Light810 2/26/2013 $ 273 000
Sergiusz Wójtewicz Bought Dailaba 3/25/2013 $ 120 000
Mieczysław Budnik Bought Kartal United 8/23/2013 $ 100 000
Zsolt Mikola Bought Pobieraczki 11/5/2013 $ 32 000
Nate Marquez Bought Chicago Hedgehogs 11/14/2013 $ 81 600
Edgardo Molina Bought Tanqueray Lemon 1/19/2014 $ 250 000
Brian Pérez Bought Alopeñ 4/1/2014 $ 325 000
Mario Peleman Bought bestofplayers 4/3/2014 $ 86 930
Ginvilas Korkusas Bought KK Jordan 3/5/2015 $ 65 400
Cheung Chan Kiew Bought Les Jaguars Aventuriers 4/15/2015 $ 99 600
Daniel Jaimes Bought Boyera star 9/17/2015 $ 7 000
Rostislav Kovač Sold Brontosauri Grignano 9/20/2015 $ 25 000
Ferenc Iváncsik Bought Széchényi Egyetem Győr 9/24/2015 $ 29 000
Savvas Papadoyiannis Bought Karşıyaka All-Star 2/25/2017 $ 199 999
Pavel Mikolášek Sold Tortelli al Burro Fuso 6/23/2017 $ 6 000
Vlastimil Šoufl Sold SFQ 6/23/2017 $ 106 200
David Dolenský Sold koroni magara 4/12/2018 $ 12 000
Ivo Dorotík Sold Serapo Gaeta 4/12/2018 $ 142 800
Ivan Doktor Sold statyba777 4/13/2018 $ 1 000
Kostas Brunevicius Bought Free Agent 4/13/2018 $ 44 360
Hannu Lähdesmäki Bought all star18071989 4/28/2018 $ 50 000
Vojtěch Dohnálek Sold SK BK Přerov 11/10/2019 $ 6 258 900
Marc Llimona Bought Streetballers 12/9/2019 $ 2 222 222
Milan Bolek Sold Czech Young Boys 6/2/2020 $ 1 172 000
Vít Bulka Bought HammerPlay 6/6/2020 $ 500 000
Gunnleifur Hugleiksson Bought The Red Hammers 7/6/2020 $ 1 156 800
Marc Llimona Sold Slovenia Bears BC 9/17/2020 $ 900 000
Tomáš Lošták Sold ourlanderlts 9/17/2020 $ 88 300
Pavel Rozsypal Sold Sofia Scrubs 1/15/2021 $ 954 200
Libor Hráský Sold MassaMadense B.C 3/11/2021 $ 636 800
Pavel Bureš Sold BK Lions 10/17/2021 $ 433 100
Mihails Daugavietis Bought 刺 客 10/30/2021 $ 283 333
Karel Cudrák Sold SeattleSuperSonics 5/1/2022 $ 52 100
Vladimír Burián Sold Wekerle Saints 12/21/2023 $ 1 716 700
Ego Alva Bought CHOLO MENA 12/21/2023 $ 153 000
Zdeněk Čábelka Sold Sofuegg 9/20/2024 $ 58 400
Jukka Utter Bought Apostoli 9/20/2024 $ 520 200
Gervásio Barros Souza Bought ASPK Gostynin 10/2/2024 $ 395 000
Daniel Křenek Sold Lenoši 12/31/2024 $ 14 000
Total Sales: $ 12 580 500
Total Purchases: $ 7 774 744
Transfer Balance: $ 4 805 756