List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Livio Simari Bought Long Island Bears 3/27/2010 $ 100 000
Gregor Metsaoja Bought TALLINCLUB 3/27/2010 $ 50 000
Hisanobu Sugase Bought "Gorillaz" 3/27/2010 $ 50 000
Vardis Liaskos Bought Parthenon Wonderers 3/27/2010 $ 15 000
Bert Deliège Bought Antwerp 69ers 3/31/2010 $ 50 000
Teodoras Rasadovskis Bought Bc Nevėžis 4/1/2010 $ 14 000
Bernardo Ros Ramis Bought Partaloa 4/17/2010 $ 1 000
Angeliunas Bielis Sold CB Girona 1714 4/20/2010 $ 68 200
Christian Landis Bought KK POLE 4/20/2010 $ 87 200
Daunoras Brukštus Bought Lord of Rings 5/24/2010 $ 475 000
Teodoras Rasadovskis Sold BC ,,Šventas gralis“ 5/26/2010 $ 13 000
Mark Khasanov Bought Madag14 7/3/2010 $ 100 000
Marc Hofman Bought Maantie 7/21/2010 $ 3 000
Christian Landis Sold BC Nekas 8/25/2010 $ 115 000
Jaugedas Šliuželis Sold Blue DragonsDB1FFD637 9/16/2010 $ 750 000
António Lemos Bought Gold Fangs 10/8/2010 $ 750 000
Paadu Lokko Bought Cestistica Etnea 10/8/2010 $ 700 000
Voulis Sotiriadis Bought Real Perciò 10/8/2010 $ 120 000
Edvardas Kontvydas Bought BC KupiskisFF3 10/31/2010 $ 1 000
Luis Jalón Bought Lokomotiv Imola 11/12/2010 $ 212 300
António Lemos Sold royal anciens 13 11/27/2010 $ 244 800
Zigis Vilvuds Bought aalstar okapi 11/28/2010 $ 306 000
Kergailas Buslskis Sold BC ,,Šventas gralis“ 1/31/2011 $ 1 000
Paulos Camariñas Bought Lidl.Bg 2/6/2011 $ 6 000
Aramis Togzonas Sold tsa`aq 2/22/2011 $ 1 300 000
Tomasz Narloch Bought Fenerbahçe Ülker S K. 2/22/2011 $ 450 000
Vacys Zaveckis Bought mohammad2200 2/22/2011 $ 350 000
Bert Deliège Sold Orion Stars 2/26/2011 $ 1 000
Xico Fortes Bought Dolary11 2/26/2011 $ 520 200
Daunoras Brukštus Sold BC ,,Šventas gralis“ 2/26/2011 $ 250 000
Sebastião Fabião Bought EricUnited 3/27/2011 $ 484 900
Justinas Zeveckis Bought Twice556 4/21/2011 $ 132 600
Daryl Ricks Bought Somlyói Sasok KK. 4/21/2011 $ 12 000
Vacys Zaveckis Sold AC River 6/21/2011 $ 51 000
Sebastião Fabião Sold DarkBallers 7/8/2011 $ 371 500
Xico Fortes Sold Rosa Ustronie 9/26/2011 $ 400 000
Altoun Galustyan Bought BC Lizard Arad 2/10/2012 $ 194 700
Bartautas Keblikas Bought KK Varažbas 2/10/2012 $ 81 600
Alejandro Valentín Bought SCB Ionut 2/10/2012 $ 200 000
Aleix Pratginesta Bought Bee Baskets 2/10/2012 $ 300 000
Tomasz Narloch Sold Aurrera SBT 2/13/2012 $ 122 400
Šarunas Andrikas Sold BC ,,Šventas gralis“ 2/13/2012 $ 5 000
Paadu Lokko Sold Éveil Recy Saint-Martin 5/3/2012 $ 114 100
Zigis Vilvuds Sold SangriaStar 5/3/2012 $ 25 000
Justinas Zeveckis Sold hapoel shahak 5/3/2012 $ 63 800
Lukošius Jurgelis Sold B.C. Žalgiris 6/8/2012 $ 248 000
Tautvilas Astromskas Sold galatasaray1619 9/9/2012 $ 60 000
Klausas Cibirauskas Sold Filadelfija 76 9/13/2012 $ 1 000
Akis Stavris Bought Free Agent 12/26/2012 $ 394 100
Ivan Šaponja Bought Free Agent 12/26/2012 $ 613 700
Carlo Holden Bought Indians13 12/26/2012 $ 500 000
Luis Orleans Bought Free Agent 12/26/2012 $ 473 200
Mikey Spencer Bought FC FAPPERz 12/29/2012 $ 357 000
Luis Jalón Sold Phoneix Moons 12/29/2012 $ 5 000
Bartautas Keblikas Sold Scalabrines UnitedEAB 12/29/2012 $ 46 000
Alejandro Valentín Sold Karsspor Fc 12/29/2012 $ 115 000
Aleix Pratginesta Sold Dinamo Ödenburg 12/29/2012 $ 122 400
Przemysław Salbut Bought Jim Bardetts 12/29/2012 $ 100 000
Altoun Galustyan Sold the army 1/1/2013 $ 100 000
Jacint Giner Bought Brooklyn ulker 1/22/2013 $ 10 000
Riccardo Corazzari Bought CpDenver 1/22/2013 $ 10 000
Gaivenis Kondreckas Sold Wentiansong 3/11/2013 $ 10 000
Reinhard Worret Bought soproni team 4/9/2013 $ 450 000
Tasos Tsiaris Bought Trojská Helena 7/7/2013 $ 612 000
Total Sales: $ 4 603 200
Total Purchases: $ 9 286 500
Transfer Balance: $ -4 683 300