List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Yiorgos Softis Bought Free Agent 10/30/2017 $ 63 640
Yeo Yeng Lee Sold Lengends 5/1/2020 $ 1 000 000
Yeo Yeng Lee Bought Free Agent 3/6/2020 $ 497 800
Vadim Evtikhov Sold 垂死病中惊坐起,笑问客从何处来 8/1/2021 $ 800 000
Vadim Evtikhov Bought ИШИМ 9/28/2017 $ 93 500
Tautrimas Gaudinskas Sold BallKnights 2/25/2018 $ 40 000
Tautrimas Gaudinskas Bought WCAT09E 10/3/2017 $ 4 000
Rolando Pressi Bought Free Agent 10/30/2017 $ 59 700
Pekka Viitanen Sold Boston Boston Celtics 7/23/2020 $ 30 000
Pekka Viitanen Bought The Players 2/16/2019 $ 510 000
Olivier Morel Sold Bossy 11/16/2019 $ 104 100
Olivier Morel Bought destroyers basket 3/31/2019 $ 255 000
Matías Rodríguez Bought MEGA LEKS BASKET 10/30/2017 $ 149 000
Massimiliano Miccoli Sold CBC Corbetta 2/25/2019 $ 70 000
Massimiliano Miccoli Bought Aristanis Basket 10/30/2017 $ 255 000
Marlon Schuler Sold Davao Durians 7/16/2020 $ 2 000 000
Marlon Schuler Bought Southpoint 9/28/2017 $ 75 500
Luis Iñiguez Sold BC_PANEVEZYS 3/9/2020 $ 1 000 000
Luis Iñiguez Bought Elbflorenz Supernova II 10/3/2017 $ 1 000
Lee Kok Hao Sold Laugh Tale 5/1/2020 $ 1 723 300
Lee Kok Hao Bought Free Agent 3/6/2020 $ 1 245 000
Jaime Torruella Bought Free Agent 10/30/2017 $ 150 200
Herrmann Mehrlich Sold Bugojno 2/26/2020 $ 1 200 000
Herrmann Mehrlich Bought Elefantitis Basket 10/3/2017 $ 16 000
Herman Paulik Sold Vásárhelyi KS 4/12/2018 $ 100 000
Herman Paulik Bought Hazers 11/25/2017 $ 107 600
Gergő Fenyő Sold KARASAY BC 11/19/2019 $ 100 000
Gergő Fenyő Bought Demonios Santarroseños. 10/25/2018 $ 499 000
Francesco Lulli Bought S.C. Vinho de Pacote 1/20/2018 $ 121 560
Érnest Cathelin Bought Serwety 11/17/2020 $ 1 500 000
Eliseo Lataste Sold SA SPURS 10/6/2017 $ 200 000
Eliseo Lataste Bought Real Senmesta 9/28/2017 $ 102 000
Deke Hawthorne Sold Tenerife NBA Legends 4/4/2019 $ 190 000
Deke Hawthorne Bought Great Lakes Glaciers 10/25/2018 $ 191 100
Andrea Marasco Sold „Delmanai“-Vytinta Bernų dešra. 1/30/2019 $ 71 400
Andrea Marasco Bought GFW 4/29/2018 $ 102 000
Total Sales: $ 8 628 800
Total Purchases: $ 5 998 600
Transfer Balance: $ 2 630 200