List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Modesto Bouzas Bought Žalvarinis Kalavijas 3/26/2016 $ 5 000
Christopher Malcolm Bought Free Agent 3/30/2016 $ 45 070
Danny Hamor Bought saplayanlar 3/31/2016 $ 50 000
Keith Rõõm Sold SAKMAL 4/5/2016 $ 44 200
Sílvio Girafa Bought galatasaray suns 4/8/2016 $ 1 000
Anthony Jamin Bought Free Agent 4/10/2016 $ 104 100
Goffredo Alicino Bought Prismenoi B.C. 4/10/2016 $ 6 000
Fãnus Nicola Bought Sid & Co 4/11/2016 $ 5 000
Ilija Petričković Bought Carabassó 4/15/2016 $ 100 000
Henrik Laos Sold Klaipeda BC 4/15/2016 $ 15 555
Christopher Malcolm Sold LA@CLIPPERS 4/17/2016 $ 55 400
Modesto Bouzas Sold los guerreros liryos 4/17/2016 $ 1 001
Sílvio Girafa Sold CBS Giant4B3 4/20/2016 $ 7 894
Sergiusz König Bought Young All Stars 4/25/2016 $ 3 000
Li Quanyun Bought 人间理想175 4/25/2016 $ 12 000
Stipo Špoljarević Bought 人间理想175 4/25/2016 $ 4 000
Viki Kirjazov Bought GravoPix 4/26/2016 $ 199 000
Goffredo Alicino Sold Palazzolo Thunder 4/28/2016 $ 26 587
Vidoje Purovic Bought I.B.D.I.M. 2022 5/1/2016 $ 110 000
Kert Klandorf Bought Free Agent 5/4/2016 $ 47 340
Li Quanyun Sold xTEAM KCx65B0F0 5/6/2016 $ 22 400
Anthony Jamin Sold Furious Frog 5/10/2016 $ 104 444
Jaanus Poopuu Sold Ηλιούπολη 5/10/2016 $ 2 100
Stipo Špoljarević Sold Montreal Legends 5/10/2016 $ 8 888
Vidoje Purovic Sold Ηλιούπολη 5/10/2016 $ 12 222
Sergiusz König Sold BC Tiigi Lion 5/10/2016 $ 25 000
Luther Keith Bought Viator 5/11/2016 $ 50 000
Jack McCauley Bought Free Agent 5/11/2016 $ 53 200
Ruprecht Kürten Bought KK Mega Leks 5/13/2016 $ 45 000
Alan Veevo Sold Smokin` Team 5/16/2016 $ 1 000
Heiki Kivi Sold Smokin` Team 5/16/2016 $ 1 000
Peter Pollock Bought Hadess 5/26/2016 $ 150 000
Lawrence Ryan Bought Sierra Oaks Cougars 5/26/2016 $ 12 000
Martin Maripuu Bought BossArt 5/27/2016 $ 55 000
Viki Kirjazov Sold Golden Bears 5/30/2016 $ 204 000
Danny Hamor Sold Cangr Cangr 5/30/2016 $ 12 365
Kert Klandorf Sold Cangr Cangr 5/30/2016 $ 51 002
Xaver Dörflein Sold OrlandinaBasket 5/30/2016 $ 3 200
Jack McCauley Sold SOA baby butchers 6/9/2016 $ 57 200
Martin Maripuu Sold IRUP 6/9/2016 $ 57 890
Michael Webb Bought Los Lanceros 6/12/2016 $ 20 000
Peter Pollock Sold Asymmetrical Explosion 6/16/2016 $ 177 700
Slobodan Aleksandrić Bought KamiCáceres CB 6/18/2016 $ 1 000
Oralcan Efe Bought Alaplı Devils 7/2/2016 $ 75 555
Aniol Cerqueda Bought Swish Kebabs 7/11/2016 $ 64 350
Nugzar Gavasheli Bought Çeşme Spor Kulübü 7/11/2016 $ 100 000
Erkki Nõlve Sold BROLA 7/20/2016 $ 1 000
Slobodan Aleksandrić Sold Hanamichis Squad 7/20/2016 $ 1 555
Igor Vodkin Sold Lucas_Drink_Team 7/20/2016 $ 1 000
Oralcan Efe Sold Oceans 7 7/20/2016 $ 6 587
Nugzar Gavasheli Sold Bababooeys4A2 7/20/2016 $ 96 600
Aniol Cerqueda Sold KK Vinni Kelluke 7/20/2016 $ 65 239
Ruprecht Kürten Sold Gengszterpónik 8/3/2016 $ 1 000
Michael Webb Sold Delaware Ballers 8/3/2016 $ 18 732
Gao Erguang Bought Ferian Kan 8/4/2016 $ 208 700
Eerik Niidu Sold poilardteam 8/11/2016 $ 1 000
Valter Vaher Sold Utah Jazz 89 8/11/2016 $ 1 234
Slobodan Ðordević Bought poilardteam 8/11/2016 $ 300 000
Gao Erguang Sold SG Prisoners 8/31/2016 $ 306 300
Slobodan Ðordević Sold Bg redvolfs 8/31/2016 $ 255 000
Ted Dixon Bought Winnetka Wizards 9/5/2016 $ 101 000
Carlo Borro Bought Trenton Golden Hawks 9/7/2016 $ 650 000
Lloyd Schuster Bought the mean machine 9/7/2016 $ 1 000
Joey Joyce Bought Galzenberger TEAM 9/9/2016 $ 75 000
Fred Thomas Bought Terrorym Włocławek 9/10/2016 $ 70 000
Francesco Moro Bought Virtus Bologna 197526358A2B3 9/10/2016 $ 1 000
Luther Keith Sold LS Dragons 9/12/2016 $ 8 800
Ilija Petričković Sold 24Lakers 9/12/2016 $ 11 400
Fãnus Nicola Sold Scandone Avellino Basket 9/22/2016 $ 1 000
Joey Joyce Sold Ethereal Rabbits 9/22/2016 $ 110 000
Petri Pärnamets Sold BC MJO 9/22/2016 $ 1 000
Fred Thomas Sold Poseidonas Karpathou 9/22/2016 $ 84 600
Carlo Borro Sold Evil Empire 9/22/2016 $ 798 213
Lloyd Schuster Sold Tonio Team 9/22/2016 $ 1 697
Fernando Héctor Andrijasevic Bought Legends Factory 9/26/2016 $ 10 000
Jazep Zhurkevicz Bought HCBaskech 9/26/2016 $ 50 000
Anton Marakuev Bought BC Tartu Ballerz 9/27/2016 $ 100 000
Anthony Cioffi Bought Los Rastafari 9/28/2016 $ 220 000
Juozas Romaniukas Bought Pagėgių Uliss 9/29/2016 $ 5 000
Fabian Miciński Bought Romagna Pacers 10/3/2016 $ 60 000
Mabel Kofojo Bought SybTe@m 10/9/2016 $ 185 000
Brent McFarland Bought BC Kuzulagach 10/10/2016 $ 94 600
Moustafa Diop Bought Bolero team 10/10/2016 $ 1 000
Anton Marakuev Sold BK Enzymaticos 10/12/2016 $ 2 222
Fernando Héctor Andrijasevic Sold BK Enzymaticos 10/12/2016 $ 5 698
Fabian Miciński Sold No iIdea 10/12/2016 $ 51 212
Kermo Sokk Sold BK Enzymaticos 10/12/2016 $ 1 000
Vatan Hadice Bought Free Agent 10/22/2016 $ 43 150
Gustaf Gyllendahl Bought Free Agent 10/22/2016 $ 56 900
Moustafa Diop Sold Stavros Imathias B.C. 10/24/2016 $ 1 000
Brent McFarland Sold BC Raiders 10/24/2016 $ 82 300
Mabel Kofojo Sold Ursos da Cruz 10/24/2016 $ 85 000
Andres Rand Sold Plot Twist 10/24/2016 $ 2 000
Ted Dixon Sold Bot Team 10/24/2016 $ 54 100
Cosimo Gallagher Bought Johor Southern Tiger 10/28/2016 $ 80 000
Perry Gelera Bought The Rinnengans 10/28/2016 $ 150 000
Francesco Moro Sold Kestane Spor Kulübü 10/31/2016 $ 16 999
Gustaf Gyllendahl Sold Amici Sportivi di Mehem 10/31/2016 $ 51 000
Nguénar Dia Bought Free Agent 11/2/2016 $ 74 880
Merv Styles Bought Z.Y.X 12/6/2016 $ 200 000
Perry Gelera Sold Tobosobasket 12/9/2016 $ 75 000
Priit Veske Sold 国家队 12/9/2016 $ 1 000
Cosimo Gallagher Sold Melo Ravens 12/9/2016 $ 1 199
Earle Swain Bought ETBU Tigers 12/9/2016 $ 50 000
Francis Endzinš Bought Bc Valmieras Gauja 12/9/2016 $ 1 000
Erik Terebenin Bought CSKA Moscow 12/13/2016 $ 1 000
Oliver Nelson Bought UnitedComeback 12/21/2016 $ 90 000
Ants Kalmus Bought popoteteam 12/21/2016 $ 1 000
Vatan Hadice Sold Astana Nomads 12/31/2016 $ 4 500
Nguénar Dia Sold Machete crew 12/31/2016 $ 18 200
Anthony Cioffi Sold Gios Devils 12/31/2016 $ 42 198
Erik Terebenin BC 12 Angry Mens 12/31/2016 $ 3 698
Andrew Williams Bought Ball Street 1/5/2017 $ 7 000
Dimitri Ehrlich Sold Panhleiakos 1/6/2017 $ 12 369
Ants Kalmus Sold BC Wendre Pärnu 1/6/2017 $ 1 000
Risto Nigula Sold Diagoras B.C 1/6/2017 $ 14 569
Juss Lõiv Sold Panhleiakos 1/6/2017 $ 1 000
Toms Zile-Zilitis Bought Angry Nerds 1/8/2017 $ 40 000
Andreas Oll Sold Acid Bulldogs 1/11/2017 $ 1 000
Yiannis Koukodimos Bought Free Agent 1/19/2017 $ 81 900
Ragnar Tiks Bought Free Agent 1/21/2017 $ 46 440
Margus Lõhmus Sold Boston_Celtics_ 1/27/2017 $ 7 812
Andrew Williams Sold Phenix city stars 1/27/2017 $ 23 654
Erik Terebenin Sold 摇晃单车要震动 1/27/2017 $ 1 001
Alva Bird Bought Baltimore Coll Of Mining & Eng 1/30/2017 $ 15 000
Charlie Steeler Bought Mortdale Maulers 2/7/2017 $ 1 000
Merv Styles Sold BK Geilordi 3/3/2017 $ 4 600
Earle Swain Sold Them Ninjas 3/3/2017 $ 1 500
Yiannis Koukodimos Sold Miami Hotness 3/3/2017 $ 21 000
Francis Endzinš Sold BK Jūrkalnee 3/3/2017 $ 3 600
Toms Zile-Zilitis Sold BK Jūrkalnee 3/3/2017 $ 5 000
Oliver Nelson Sold BC KiviRam 3/3/2017 $ 60 000
Walter Hatfield Bought C.B. LA FRAGUA 3/3/2017 $ 131 201
Jazep Zhurkevicz Sold KozzyClippers 3/6/2017 $ 1 000
Alva Bird Sold warriors 53 3/6/2017 $ 26 000
Walter Hatfield Sold Stade Clermontois Basket 3/12/2017 $ 2 654
Ragnar Tiks Sold Re di Copa 3/12/2017 $ 1 250
Charlie Steeler BC 12 Angry Mens 3/12/2017 $ 11 111
Jakub Velíšek Bought NTALIKERMAN 3/14/2017 $ 50 000
Tanel Kalev Bought ChewDogs 3/14/2017 $ 15 000
Zdravko Perišić Bought Dalmacija United 3/20/2017 $ 1 000
Francis Zalonis Bought C.B. Idoscar 4/1/2017 $ 1 000
Chandler MacCabe Bought Napredni botovi 4/2/2017 $ 215 400
Isaac Canales Bought Free Agent 4/8/2017 $ 43 610
William Guéant Bought Kashaps 4/8/2017 $ 250 000
Tanel Kalev Sold Chios B.C 4/11/2017 $ 1 111
Chandler MacCabe Sold Ačiukai TM 4/11/2017 $ 38 600
Jakub Velíšek Sold Los Sabios 4/11/2017 $ 3 500
Francis Zalonis Sold BC Perlas 4/11/2017 $ 3 300
Zdravko Perišić Sold juncool8F7 4/11/2017 $ 1 000
William Guéant Sold M7 Eighters 4/21/2017 $ 35 900
Charlie Steeler Sold Efforfred 4/21/2017 $ 1 001
Charles Almtorp Bought Dinozauri no citas dimensijas 4/25/2017 $ 20 000
Paul Evans Bought Equippo United 4/26/2017 $ 20 000
Isaac Canales Sold WildTipatinas 4/28/2017 $ 26 700
Charles Almtorp Sold Frogs team 5/4/2017 $ 12 200
Dallas Hummel Bought Crazy Ballers 5/8/2017 $ 1 000
Cornelis Hecker Bought The House of Pain 5/13/2017 $ 175 000
Paul Evans Sold scurzòn 5/16/2017 $ 1 222
Cornelis Hecker Sold 4epubeli 5/23/2017 $ 147 800
Mykhaylo Titov Bought Postojna1 5/23/2017 $ 50 000
Pavel Zeman Bought Ištvan most 5/24/2017 $ 5 000
François Marceau Bought Roman Madryt 5/28/2017 $ 20 000
Radoslav Zlatev Bought Centro Vasco II 5/28/2017 $ 229 000
Giuseppe Nastasi Bought Free Agent 6/1/2017 $ 53 430
Radoslav Zlatev Sold BC Raiders 6/29/2017 $ 25 987
Dallas Hummel Sold Blue Sox 6/29/2017 $ 13 201
Mykhaylo Titov Sold Postojna1 6/29/2017 $ 73 700
François Marceau Sold Barrio del Pilar 7/5/2017 $ 19 878
Ivan Dipasupil Bought Free Agent 7/5/2017 $ 61 070
Taavi Mägi Sold Athens Metalheads 7/12/2017 $ 1 003
Pavel Zeman Sold Dominos pizza 7/12/2017 $ 14 500
Margus Must Sold CapoBasketLim 7/12/2017 $ 3 004
Ben Erik Köpping Bought Asseln Hills Tigers 7/12/2017 $ 9 999
Ivan Dipasupil Sold Seattle thunder 7/14/2017 $ 21 980
Oscar Gotianjo Bought Free Agent 7/15/2017 $ 31 290
David Gregor Bought BK 2 promile 7/15/2017 $ 1 000
Reinar Vaik Sold Fredland 8/24/2017 $ 1 000
Ben Erik Köpping Sold The RedBulls 8/24/2017 $ 9 000
Oscar Gotianjo Sold LUDDI 8/24/2017 $ 1 000
Lawrence Ryan Sold LUDDI 8/24/2017 $ 1 000
Giuseppe Nastasi Sold 万狗奔腾之牛逼闪闪:我们要的就是气势!亲,你怕了吗? 8/24/2017 $ 2 009
Henrik Lepp Sold 運籌帷幄 9/6/2017 $ 1 589
Nikolaos Ntinopoulos Bought BK Zelts 9/9/2017 $ 2 000
Marcello Cerutti Bought Cement Factory 9/9/2017 $ 195 000
Przemysław Troka Bought Parowozy Jarocin 9/10/2017 $ 1 000
Peep Pärn Sold Jonzzies 9/13/2017 $ 1 000
Andreas Luts Sold Jitty Sports 9/13/2017 $ 1 000
Anton Kukk Sold WildBandanas 9/13/2017 $ 1 001
Efto Celeski Bought sacramento16 9/17/2017 $ 187 321
Tom Davis Bought Free Agent 10/1/2017 $ 45 170
Calvin Baxter Bought tigerman8C2 10/1/2017 $ 30 000
Moktar Faye Bought Les fins gourmets 10/1/2017 $ 35 000
Alvin Conway Bought Prairie Dogs 10/1/2017 $ 1 000
Marcello Cerutti Sold ŠIAUDUVA 10/4/2017 $ 45 898
Nikolaos Ntinopoulos Sold MTE&GYŐR 10/4/2017 $ 20 000
Holger Mänd Sold SKS Gwardia 1948 10/4/2017 $ 1 000
Efto Celeski Sold Sim Team 10/4/2017 $ 71 000
Lloyd Huffman Bought Randy Go Get ItB51 10/11/2017 $ 1 000
David Gregor Sold Zarky 10/21/2017 $ 1 000
Moktar Faye Sold .:Champions BC:. 10/21/2017 $ 36 987
Margus Leevike Sold Lsm Pistons 10/21/2017 $ 1 000
Benjamin McKenna Bought Bambas Negras 10/31/2017 $ 250 000
Calvin Baxter Sold Los Patriotas 11/2/2017 $ 5 698
Przemysław Troka Sold Fortitudo Bologna 1982 11/2/2017 $ 1 001
Alvin Conway Sold Los Patriotas 11/2/2017 $ 1 001
Indrek Ling Sold Rolandas Paksas 11/2/2017 $ 1 008
Terrance Robins Bought Jeil 11/3/2017 $ 150 000
Bryan Horner Bought A.A.Tchim 11/7/2017 $ 75 000
Emile Hamel Bought Free Agent 11/8/2017 $ 64 440
Jon Thomas Bought ATL Trappers 11/8/2017 $ 20 000
Emile Hamel Sold Żółte Pympy 12/15/2017 $ 115 741
Benjamin McKenna Sold Splash Basket 12/15/2017 $ 189 798
Marek Saar Sold FCCV 1/16/2018 $ 22 369
Bryan Horner Sold Free Smoke 1/16/2018 $ 30 000
Lloyd Huffman Sold Vishtuck 1/16/2018 $ 1 005
Elor Odar Sold Hunters II 1/16/2018 $ 30 000
Käsper Loomus Sold Bloodncr1me 1/16/2018 $ 127 400
Edgaras Pazdrazdis Bought Gouhl 1/21/2018 $ 1 000
Menno Tilman Bought DevrimSpor 1/23/2018 $ 51 000
Bo Junen Bought Bumblebee 1/31/2018 $ 50 000
Terrance Robins Sold Orahovice Wizards 2/21/2018 $ 2 685
Edgaras Pazdrazdis Sold KK "Avižieniai" 2/21/2018 $ 1 008
Bo Junen Sold Aristotele 2/21/2018 $ 51 000
Edwin Brooks Bought Academia de Basket 2/27/2018 $ 1 000
Slavekas Pikoraitis Bought Zellosi 3/5/2018 $ 2 000
Bartłomiej Otto Bought Syndra City 3/5/2018 $ 11 000
Douglas Medarts Bought Hloubětín Hunters 3/5/2018 $ 2 000
Vaclavs Fišmeistars Bought BK Kraukļi 3/5/2018 $ 1 000
Enn Hõlpus Sold #RedStar#NS 3/7/2018 $ 1 000
Jaak Mets Sold LegmskillAFB 3/30/2018 $ 1 000
Edwin Brooks BC 12 Angry Mens 3/30/2018 $ 7 777
Douglas Medarts Sold Madrid Street 3/30/2018 $ 1 000
Menno Tilman Sold MÖET Pruszków 3/30/2018 $ 128 400
Jüri Mänd Sold Madrid Street 3/30/2018 $ 2 100
Bartłomiej Otto Sold СпартакСевастополь 3/30/2018 $ 1 000
Shafiq Rahman Bought maccabi warriors 4/4/2018 $ 50 000
Slavekas Pikoraitis Sold 杯水寒 4/6/2018 $ 2 000
Jon Thomas Sold Fortitudo Bologna 1982 4/23/2018 $ 1 000
Melvin Lindquist Bought Planeta Zerch 4/23/2018 $ 35 000
Ralf-Peter Wohlkönig Bought Bieszczadzkie Anioły 5/15/2018 $ 892 800
Aleser Abu-Hussain Bought saplayanlar 5/15/2018 $ 36 000
Juozas Romaniukas Sold PP™ 5/24/2018 $ 1 200
Aleser Abu-Hussain Sold Málaga Lakers 5/24/2018 $ 3 000
Vaclavs Fišmeistars Sold Valmieras Ērgļi 5/24/2018 $ 1 000
Melvin Lindquist Sold mastro basket 5/24/2018 $ 33 200
Vidmantas Saukalas Bought SSG Ulm 99 5/26/2018 $ 159 500
Hafgrímur Arnþórsson Bought USC Lens 6/4/2018 $ 500 000
Hafgrímur Arnþórsson Sold Little Computer People 6/30/2018 $ 178 412
Williams Mande Bought Hojopeh FC 6/30/2018 $ 1 000
Branimir Obradović Bought GD Marte 7/2/2018 $ 76 000
Rodolfo Cirillo Bought Alliens 7/17/2018 $ 99 000
Ralf-Peter Wohlkönig Sold Nie_Lepsi005 7/22/2018 $ 511 000
Williams Mande Sold Luilin Nets 7/22/2018 $ 3 600
Margus Haav Sold zzapatistas 7/22/2018 $ 1 200
Branimir Obradović Sold Ursa Minor 10/15/2018 $ 1 000
Tom Davis Sold Stay off the Weeda 10/15/2018 $ 12 300
Shafiq Rahman Sold Lé Laykeursse 10/20/2018 $ 1 111
Otter Virunurm Sold Fortitudo BB 11/21/2018 $ 3 000
Taavi Pärn Sold Fortitudo BB 11/21/2018 $ 2 000
Edwin Brooks Sold Luisito Team 11/21/2018 $ 2 000
Eero Pregel Sold Houston Rockets ² 11/21/2018 $ 2 000
Vidmantas Saukalas Sold Golden 3 Assassins 11/21/2018 $ 3 000
Rodolfo Cirillo Sold AMB GRÀCIA 11/21/2018 $ 5 000
Jim Elmore Bought green fighters 11/26/2018 $ 120 000
Quentin Schell Bought Funky Peppers 11/27/2018 $ 130 000
Jackie Issah Bought BullDawgs69 11/27/2018 $ 7 000
Tirso Cruz Fojas Bought Brgy. Manresa Patriots 11/27/2018 $ 51 000
Eddie Hamilton Bought Free Agent 11/27/2018 $ 53 580
Amos Portillo Bought Wasted Potential 11/28/2018 $ 187 543
Kunnar Haldre Sold Giodimm 11/28/2018 $ 1 000
Ain Kangur Sold Local Hoops 11/28/2018 $ 1 001
Andri Leevike Sold Juuru Eagles 11/28/2018 $ 1 000
Dimitri Palk Sold Juuru Eagles 11/28/2018 $ 1 000
Don Truong Bought Free Agent 11/28/2018 $ 99 700
Freddy Kay Bought Free Agent 11/28/2018 $ 46 100
Apolinaras Gurauskis Bought Moumies 12/2/2018 $ 30 000
Edvardas Vaitkaitis Bought BK " BAUSKA" 12/2/2018 $ 22 000
Indrek Lend Sold Ilguciеms Ваd Danсеrs 12/5/2018 $ 1 001
Ingmar Öeren Sold Sant Mateu 12/5/2018 $ 1 000
Tirso Cruz Fojas Sold Chiki-Cziki-Chiki-Ta 12/5/2018 $ 6 200
Daago Palandi Sold Los Vaqueros de Bayamón 12/6/2018 $ 2 100
Aksentije Stojaković Bought without warning or mercy 12/31/2018 $ 89 000
Eddie Hamilton Sold Mig Coffee Gillies 1/17/2019 $ 1 001
Aksentije Stojaković Sold Szerdahely Pokemons 4/23/2019 $ 6 000
Don Truong Sold Diszkosz 4/23/2019 $ 20 600
Jim Elmore Sold U.K Nuggets II 4/23/2019 $ 26 200
Karl Voor Sold Minnesota Vikings90AAE6 4/23/2019 $ 1 000
Amos Portillo Sold Atelier 5/4/2019 $ 22 000
Giuseppe De Filippis Bought crete b.c 5/7/2019 $ 100 000
Zlatko Ustijanoski Bought D.C City 5/13/2019 $ 10 000
Jackie Issah Sold C. B. Barrionuevo 5/15/2019 $ 6 584
Freddy Kay Sold A.T.O.M 5/15/2019 $ 2 354
Edvardas Vaitkaitis Sold Semi-Croustillants 5/15/2019 $ 2 100
Ahti Kaljumäe Sold RedBull Olimpija 5/15/2019 $ 12 000
Apolinaras Gurauskis Sold Los Illuminatis 5/15/2019 $ 3 000
Scott Beard Bought Free Agent 5/21/2019 $ 55 310
Kent Hickey Bought The Chosen People 5/21/2019 $ 16 000
Zlatko Ustijanoski Sold kratovcani 5/24/2019 $ 1 000
Giuseppe De Filippis Sold jebodrom 5/24/2019 $ 189 000
Nicola Valenti Bought CC Mavs 5/26/2019 $ 1 000
Steve Stubbs Bought Super Sonics 5/29/2019 $ 50 000
František Kožmín Bought pijos tramposos 6/18/2019 $ 1 000
Ažuolas Lipšicas Bought BC CRANSWICK 6/19/2019 $ 10 000
Steve Stubbs Sold YvarZak 6/21/2019 $ 33 000
Riivo Püss Sold PONCHO1 6/21/2019 $ 5 600
Ernest Živko Bought Free Agent 6/22/2019 $ 60 810
Aleksandar Mrdak Bought Polugrina 6/25/2019 $ 2 000
Nicola Valenti Sold Kalevipojad 6/25/2019 $ 1 000
Quentin Schell Sold Pittsburgh Justice 6/25/2019 $ 41 205
Scott Beard Sold Kalevipojad 6/25/2019 $ 1 010
Maarek Eenmaa Sold Kalevipojad 6/25/2019 $ 1 000
Mait Levi Sold 飞舞自我 6/25/2019 $ 1 001
Sven Hovi Sold Kalevipojad 6/25/2019 $ 1 000
Tasos Vamvakaris Bought Free Agent 6/27/2019 $ 94 700
Sergiy Asauljuk Bought Full Send 7/18/2019 $ 86 000
Nikola Majstorovic Bought Free Agent 7/20/2019 $ 69 940
Mazin El-Shafiq Bought LST81 7/20/2019 $ 1 000
Napoleão Farmácio Bought Kanizsa Ants 7/21/2019 $ 290 000
Ernest Živko Sold Chorima 2.0 8/1/2019 $ 10 000
Mazin El-Shafiq Sold "Roninas" 8/1/2019 $ 1 000
Kent Hickey Sold Bence All Star 8/1/2019 $ 17 000
Tasos Vamvakaris Sold bbbsjklsdfjklsdf 8/1/2019 $ 25 000
Sergiy Asauljuk Sold Sociedade Esportiva do Gama 8/1/2019 $ 9 000
Nikola Majstorovic Sold Skafiskafnjak Svemirci 8/1/2019 $ 1 001
František Kožmín Sold Afiadores Ourense BBC 8/1/2019 $ 1 000
Donny Wren Bought No Idea 8/14/2019 $ 1 000
Mitch Zimmer Bought Hoops I Did It Again! 8/14/2019 $ 20 000
Tyler Benson Bought PINDAFOX 8/14/2019 $ 25 000
Lester Chaney Bought Maccabit 8/14/2019 $ 100 000
Tyrone Baum Bought Venezia Dragons 8/14/2019 $ 300 000
Rickie Baca Bought The Mjanstars 8/14/2019 $ 1 000
Wendell Cuevas Bought Westbury Whalens 8/18/2019 $ 4 000
Einar Laidroo Sold Alert Polar Bears 10/24/2019 $ 1 000
Viktor Lust Sold Alert Polar Bears 10/24/2019 $ 1 000
Tyrone Baum Sold B_R_O_O_K_L_Y_N 10/24/2019 $ 1 001
Tyler Benson Sold LIWERPOOL 10/24/2019 $ 2 002
Rickie Baca Sold Přerov Clones 10/24/2019 $ 1 111
Napoleão Farmácio Sold Lupacchiotti 10/24/2019 $ 31 000
Lester Chaney Sold BC Kirviai 10/24/2019 $ 7 100
Wendell Cuevas Sold -Pistolero- 10/24/2019 $ 6 666
Total Sales: $ 5 975 788
Total Purchases: $ 10 933 099
Transfer Balance: $ -4 957 311