List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Floyd Christian Bought 94Magic95 9/19/2013 $ 25 000
Sam Graf Sold Aháninka 11/21/2009 $ 4 000
Alex Cordonnier Sold Alcorcon Bulls 1/3/2009 $ 1 000
Corey Brower Sold Alien City Creatures 4/8/2014 $ 124 900
Pablo Cortecedo Bought Almacelles Rockets 12/28/2008 $ 1 000
Jack Browne Sold Altezza БК 4/26/2012 $ 3 600
Ed Breen Sold Anacletos lakers 7/2/2010 $ 1 000
Peter Perera Bought Angels Starogard Gdański 7/24/2010 $ 398 200
Felix Bowling Appleton Club de Sport 1/14/2014 $ 510 000
Malcom Gaines Sold Assassins Creed 12/1/2008 $ 1 000
Stefan Orenhult Bought Atlanta Israelites 8/22/2011 $ 108 600
Gayle Caldwell Sold Avalon Utd 6/16/2014 $ 1 000
Alex Cordonnier Bought Barcolone 12/25/2008 $ 1 000
Cornell Childers Sold basket392 3/22/2009 $ 77 666
José Dantas Bought Basketball Pitza Team 9/6/2008 $ 106 500
Corey Valle Sold BC Brasilia Riders 6/17/2009 $ 1 000
Vítor Almeida Bought BC Fanfaros 3/23/2009 $ 520 200
Daniel Las Heras Valle Sold BC Fenster 8/16/2011 $ 173 700
Livio Amendola Sold BC Kahjulik 7/29/2010 $ 200 000
Daniel Schalow Sold Bc väiksed Kunnid 8/6/2011 $ 600 000
Jakub Kulus Sold Ben Hur de Rafaela 8/31/2009 $ 73 201
Roy Metz Sold Bergen Breakers 10/8/2013 $ 12 000
John Paul Piamonte Bought Billcrushers 10/3/2010 $ 75 900
David Martínez Mendez Bought biog dauwgs 10/26/2011 $ 150 000
Shannon Jones Sold bizimkilerC4E 1/3/2014 $ 55 400
Conor MacGlashan Bought Black Scots 10/10/2013 $ 4 000
Lou Swan Bought Blue Rovers 6/23/2013 $ 25 000
Eugen Haugwitz Sold Braavos Titans 3/22/2009 $ 34 400
Javier Antonio Araujo Bought C.B. Castilla 9/1/2008 $ 1 000
Enrique Montoro Bought CB León 4/24/2012 $ 34 000
Wilson Gatto Bought CBA Lakers BC 4/29/2012 $ 5 000
Daryl Breaux Sold Célo Team 6/17/2009 $ 1 000
Svens Ginters Bought Celtics Brasil 9/22/2008 $ 1 000
Iker Herrementeria Bought Chi City Michigans 8/18/2011 $ 6 000
José Winslow Bought Chicago Pelicans 4/19/2012 $ 3 000
Mark Henson Sold Cleveland Heatlakers 9/26/2010 $ 371 500
Daniel Las Heras Valle Bought Copenhagen Tempest 6/10/2011 $ 500 000
Carlos Roberto Carneiro Sold Crabbers 1/6/2011 $ 45 000
Uruguay Forlan Sold Creenshaw 662 Dawgs 12/8/2009 $ 624 300
Corey Brower Bought Crusaders 6/29/2013 $ 85 000
Hasan Cihat Çeri Bought Csak a Zete II. 1/6/2014 $ 13 200
José Dantas Sold Dél-Raúl 8/20/2010 $ 150 000
Giancarlo Bisazza Bought Dinamo Onnia 9/11/2013 $ 35 000
Dezsõ Lengyel Bought District XII 6/14/2014 $ 200 000
Abel Williamson Sold Dominatoriai 12/15/2008 $ 81 400
Ricky Lemon Bought dream chasers league 1/3/2014 $ 250 000
Jakub Kulus Bought DUNKsager 3/27/2009 $ 34 000
Ettore Borgia Sold Edmonton Eagles 8/16/2011 $ 56 200
Joaquín Valdés Bought El Papuchos 3/2/2009 $ 1 000
Cory Medrano Sold Er Sole 2/14/2010 $ 1 000
Ettore Borgia Bought ESL Heells 1/9/2011 $ 214 200
Joey Rojas Sold Estelares 12/6/2008 $ 2 000
Godert Dufrasne Bought F.C Olympiada Petr. 6/9/2011 $ 400 000
Joaquín Valdés Sold Fatenas 5/13/2009 $ 51 000
Alfredo Villadiego Sold FC Crocodiles 10/29/2013 $ 200 000
Boris Westrell Sold FC Real Warriors 7/29/2010 $ 208 100
Steven Allison Sold Fenerbahce SKc673 4/13/2014 $ 208 700
Milián Espiñeira Bought Free Agent 4/3/2014 $ 700 000
Marco Schröppel Bought Free Agent 8/17/2011 $ 260 200
Mark Henson Bought Free Agent 8/5/2010 $ 318 500
Mathew Armstrong Bought Free Agent 8/5/2010 $ 39 000
Uruguay Forlan Bought Free Agent 5/14/2009 $ 714 000
Javier Antonio Araujo Sold fumaos 3/24/2009 $ 22 222
Alexandre Fichaux Bought Galloway 4/22/2012 $ 67 400
Martín Porcel Bought Gasholes 12/25/2008 $ 3 000
Ronald Arnett Sold GksJastrzębie 12/6/2008 $ 1 000
Akira Fujino Sold Go GSW 1/3/2014 $ 470 000
Ariel Grimes Sold Gold Coast 76ers 11/29/2010 $ 1 000
Donny Grubbs Sold Grubbses & Scrubbses 4/21/2010 $ 1 000
Jorge Rhodes Sold Gunners FC Arsenal 12/27/2013 $ 26 000
Jonah Malloy Sold Gus Monkey 5/13/2009 $ 156 100
Eugen Haugwitz Bought Halle Giants 9/3/2008 $ 11 000
Nigel Bynum Sold Hamburg Albatrosses 2/8/2010 $ 1 000
Veljko Petrović Sold HB happy basket 8/17/2010 $ 599 999
Tracy Baxter Sold Hop Team 7/2/2010 $ 408 000
André Aukes Sold Hotspur Related 1/18/2011 $ 552 300
André Aukes Bought Ijana 3/25/2009 $ 117 800
Floyd Christian Sold IronSpider 9/30/2013 $ 70 000
Homer Anderson Sold Italian Mobsters 7/13/2014 $ 2 000
Ou Yuannan Bought İzmir Orcas 6/14/2014 $ 221 000
Justin Hearn Sold J.A.T 4/16/2009 $ 300 000
Livio Amendola Bought Jacks Five 2/8/2010 $ 220 600
Laurent Belaud Bought Joe Kleines Allstars 12/7/2011 $ 500 000
Adam Boykin Bought Joe Kleines Allstars 11/4/2011 $ 150 000
Antonio De Sousa Bought Joe Kleines Allstars 10/25/2011 $ 250 000
Gustavo Rojas Bought Kaminal Juyu 6/7/2011 $ 200 000
Martín Porcel Sold Katowice Miners 3/2/2009 $ 20 000
Carlos Roberto Carneiro Bought Keyboard Lions 8/2/2010 $ 50 000
Edgar Obregón Sold Kikil 4/13/2014 $ 171 800
Dino Borba Bought KK BANGA 11/16/2012 $ 154 100
Siniša Vasilj Bought KK Jadera 4/22/2009 $ 153 000
Daniel Schalow Bought KK Saka 2/5/2010 $ 2 320 000
Liang Ancai Bought L.A. Invictus 11/10/2012 $ 104 100
Alfredo Villadiego Bought La Banda Roja 6/20/2013 $ 70 000
Allen Laws Sold La Clayette 8/16/2011 $ 108 400
Otis Lindley Sold La Plata 96ers 11/12/2012 $ 5 000
Walerian Binek Bought Lance Armstrong 3/23/2009 $ 1 000
Scott Cartwright Sold Las Vegas ScorpionsB3D 4/3/2014 $ 260 200
Vydunas Syrus Sold LegionK 12/21/2010 $ 70 000
Lou Swan Sold Linndale 4/13/2014 $ 32 000
Todd Way Bought Los Angeles Nights 7/30/2010 $ 2 000
Dimo Chavdarov Bought Luomo in più 7/20/2014 $ 81 600
Felix Bowling Bought Lynchburg Legends686 12/30/2013 $ 250 000
John Paul Piamonte Sold LynxCats 6/7/2011 $ 399 999
Mirosław Wiącek Bought Magics Oleśnica City 4/19/2012 $ 25 000
Darin Spruill Sold MainFrame 2/26/2009 $ 37 000
Sender Llanos Sold Málaga CB 6/16/2014 $ 1 000
Antonio Maccioni Sold Malavita BC 6/18/2013 $ 1 000
Pedro Riddick Sold Meridian Hill McMornings 2/4/2010 $ 3 570 000
Pablo Cortecedo Sold Mufloni 4/19/2009 $ 1 000
Reno Sauter Sold N1丶浅生离y 7/31/2013 $ 26 000
Antti Tanttinen Bought neekerit 12/11/2009 $ 745 000
Stan Davis Sold newmaster 8/31/2009 $ 150 000
Johnny Shackelford Sold No nsmes 6/7/2011 $ 249 999
Godert Dufrasne Sold OnceLeones 8/16/2011 $ 100 000
Reno Sauter Bought OossumStars 6/22/2013 $ 6 000
Jin Bangzhi Bought Os Rosario 6/10/2010 $ 712 100
Vital Lorenz Bought Palestra Itália 10/27/2014 $ 250 000
Ricky Lemon Sold Piaski Yellow Hornets 4/13/2014 $ 377 400
Pier Carlo Barbizzi Bought picasso bc 8/22/2011 $ 150 000
Walerian Binek Sold Piscuis 4/13/2010 $ 156 100
Peter Perera Sold PMCC 4th Watchers 6/7/2011 $ 599 999
Vítor Almeida Sold Porno o Północy 8/16/2011 $ 137 800
Ralfas Šauciukenas Bought Raptors BCC2D 6/20/2013 $ 45 000
Ralfas Šauciukenas Sold Ratnici Trga Stanise Stosica 12/22/2013 $ 102 000
Boris Westrell Bought Rauman Lukko 9/9/2009 $ 649 600
Alberto Copertino Bought realmadrigal 6/14/2013 $ 2 002
Giancarlo Bisazza Sold Reds Torino 12/31/2013 $ 51 000
Erwin Hofer Bought Richmond Tigers 10/27/2014 $ 180 500
Aljoša Judež Bought Rochester Grizzly Adams 4/5/2014 $ 520 200
Herschel Wheatley Sold Romagna Basket05B 4/22/2010 $ 42 000
Bernie Wilson Sold Saneik 4/7/2014 $ 104 100
Siniša Vasilj Sold Scooby-Doo 8/31/2009 $ 320 000
Vydunas Syrus Bought Sex and Beer 3/28/2009 $ 57 400
Edgar Obregón Bought Sharpshootersss 9/26/2013 $ 165 000
Thomas Roberts Sold SouthSide Wolves 10/12/2013 $ 31 000
Aistis Raikalas Bought Supernormalos 8/17/2010 $ 575 600
Izaak Broekhof Bought TEAMJOJO 8/17/2011 $ 49 000
Dusty Wilson Sold TeamSeventeen 8/12/2010 $ 48 000
Michael Staley Bought The Knights Watch 6/17/2014 $ 3 000
Lance Denton Sold The Smarties 4/26/2012 $ 1 000
Dean Hamm Sold The Wailers 8/6/2011 $ 1 000
Paul Bruno Sold thesmasher52 4/13/2014 $ 306 000
David Lopez Sold Thunderstorm 9/21/2008 $ 7 000
Svens Ginters Sold Toronto Rappers 1/20/2009 $ 2 000
Adrian Jackson Sold unseen 1/28/2009 $ 1 000
Svetislav Bojadić Bought Varvari 11/10/2012 $ 115 000
David Hayward Sold venividiveni fb 1/20/2009 $ 1 000
Mathew Armstrong Sold Visser BT 9/26/2010 $ 165 800
Johnny Shackelford Bought Viviera Express 1/18/2011 $ 104 100
Timana Border Bought West Island Tigers 6/4/2011 $ 416 200
Felix Bowling Sold Westbury Whalens 4/13/2014 $ 439 300
Dean Markham Sold WookieSauce 6/26/2013 $ 4 000
Antti Tanttinen Sold Xamos 6/7/2011 $ 112 200
Veljko Petrović Bought 专打狗熊 3/29/2010 $ 541 400
Akira Fujino Bought 丢丢开开心 6/24/2013 $ 115 200
Scott Cartwright Bought 九霄70B506 12/28/2013 $ 500 000
Irwin Vann Bought 塞尔提克1024 4/22/2012 $ 67 400
Xosé Ganoya Bought 牛lu 8/17/2011 $ 388 888
Total Sales: $ 14 187 785
Total Purchases: $ 16 539 690
Transfer Balance: $ -2 351 905