464 online at 08:09:22
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Aleksander Moj Bought The Golden State Warriors 6/27/2012 $ 400 000
Andrea Pascale Bought Argentino Quilmes 1/1/2010 $ 10 000
Antonio Héctor Vales Bought Börta Cavaliers 10/6/2012 $ 297 500
Antonio Archetti Sold AnswerQuestion 9/11/2012 $ 1 000
Antonio De Lamarque Sold ES Chalon 6/20/2012 $ 2 000
Artur Chrapek Bought dinamo raresh lucca 8/2/2010 $ 300 000
Carlos María Carrizo Bought Opex 2/22/2009 $ 300 000
Clint Brower Bought stooges 2/9/2011 $ 76 600
Cristian Daniele Bought Real Fadiga 1/15/2011 $ 2 000
David Ventura Bought LosPibesDelBarrio 8/28/2012 $ 12 000
Dean Sheppard Sold Gevi NapoliA8C 9/21/2012 $ 1 000
Edielson Nardo Bought Brasília B.CCDA 9/8/2012 $ 1 000
Eduardo Alberto Delaporte Bought Los Angeles Del Municipal 12/13/2007 $ 50 001
Federico Manuel Marino Bought MAR DEL PLATA JAZZ 8/3/2009 $ 300 000
Gerardo Ruiz Díaz Bought Makuka Team 4/25/2011 $ 5 000
Gian Franco Zerbo Sold Arsy Basket Club 6/20/2012 $ 1 000
Hugo Norberto Delaporte Sold Paraponiarides 6/23/2012 $ 2 000
Idriss Ben Balla Bought virtusroma79 12/27/2009 $ 201 400
Nicolás Agustín Spinelli Sold Madonas Auna Pieres 12/11/2012 $ 1 000
Oliver Vool Bought The Lazy Ones 8/18/2012 $ 108 400
Pablo Daniel Scotto Bought Makuka Team 4/25/2011 $ 5 600
Saturdi Lezeta Sold Club Deportivo Universidad Catolica 2/5/2011 $ 165 300
Saturdi Lezeta Bought Ferran BC 1/15/2011 $ 2 000
Sebastían Rognoli Sold FCL Feytiat 6/20/2012 $ 1 000
Sebastián Augusto Rodríguez Sold Dark Moon 6/20/2012 $ 2 000
Vladas Bendoravicius Bought Orion Stars 12/29/2009 $ 204 000
Total Sales: $ 176 300
Total Purchases: $ 2 275 501
Transfer Balance: $ -2 099 201