List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Usurpio Peñaredondo Sold Mortdale Maulers 5/15/2023 $ 306 000
Usurpio Peñaredondo Bought Free Agent 3/25/2021 $ 936 400
Sebastián Ernesto Rodriguez Bought 300 Espartanos 9/6/2022 $ 2 000
Rod Williamson Bought Village Idiots 2/9/2023 $ 832 400
Ng Kim Wee Bought Free Agent 11/13/2020 $ 98 200
Milinko Nadoveza Sold gli STOPPAFIKA 12/18/2021 $ 208 100
Milinko Nadoveza Bought Desert Dogs 11/8/2020 $ 293 500
Maxim Viktorovich Bought Фотографы любители 9/21/2020 $ 1 000
Marcos Paulo Bruno Sold Fantasy Warriors 12/4/2021 $ 5 000
Marcos Paulo Bruno Bought SMPCB 9/21/2020 $ 15 000
Marc Lelièvre Sold mia raki akoma 1/30/2024 $ 477 600
Laurent Bonté Sold A.R.I.S 5/18/2023 $ 800 000
Laurent Bonté Bought Pericos Forever 4/9/2022 $ 300 000
Kevin Osman Sold CER1UM2CEM3 2/14/2023 $ 7 000
Jorge Alberto Suarez Ordoñez Bought 300 Espartanos 9/6/2022 $ 2 000
Jan Gałuszewski Bought Free Agent 2/6/2021 $ 296 200
Jacek Długa Bought US DAGGERS 10/31/2020 $ 331 400
Gildo Paulista Bought Bc”Klipatoriai” 12/4/2023 $ 212 300
Gao Hoi Fung Bought The Cockers 5/13/2021 $ 100 000
Fu Kung Yang Sold 無名火 1/15/2025 $ 503 400
Fu Kung Yang Bought Horror City 9/21/2024 $ 1 060 200
Eric Fullwood Sold Bettmeralp Buckets 10/16/2022 $ 956 500
Eric Fullwood Bought Xillia 7/25/2022 $ 832 400
Ellis Shelley Sold Pokurcze z PGRu 5/15/2023 $ 918 000
Ellis Shelley Bought Gainesville Gamblers 4/20/2022 $ 486 600
Bernie Harris Bought Ceair Ballerz 5/19/2023 $ 1 061 300
Bartas Šajauka Sold Pensionatas ''Atgrubnagiai'' 5/15/2023 $ 100 000
Bartas Šajauka Bought Extreme Kings 2/24/2023 $ 355 100
Alessandro Arlotti Bought Celestiale2.0bis 12/23/2020 $ 11 000
Total Sales: $ 4 281 600
Total Purchases: $ 7 227 000
Transfer Balance: $ -2 945 400