List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Nir Fishman Bought Agamis Team 3/15/2021 $ 10 600
Neal Flood Sold ALE I NEMANI 1/25/2025 $ 255 000
Oto Kancilja Bought AOC Basket 1/4/2025 $ 140 800
Alberto Paz Sold Atletico Maremma 8/27/2024 $ 5 000
Derek Dingane Sold Aukštaitijos lokiai 2/4/2025 $ 24 000
Petr Svačina Sold b.c of amarousiou 3/14/2025 $ 25 000
Arman Toygun Sold Barangay Talon Dos 5/2/2022 $ 5 000
Rolf Virula Bought Bc Nagitsad 1/17/2025 $ 454 800
Mauri Valderrama Sold BK Sigulda 🔥 5/16/2022 $ 33 000
Xavi Espluga Sold Bolisticos III 10/21/2021 $ 22 000
Lee Man Lai Sold BSC Ērgļi 3/29/2024 $ 750 000
Miroslav Hlobil Sold Bulls da Mata 5/18/2022 $ 87 200
Radu Ioanid Bought C.B. Real Hesperides 3/14/2021 $ 2 000
Óscar López Sold CampoLeony 9/16/2021 $ 2 000
Vents Becs Sold Dallas Lakers 3/28/2024 $ 750 000
Miroslav Hlobil Bought DUFFMAN STARS 4/29/2022 $ 36 600
Lane Grant Sold Ereliai 9/7/2023 $ 208 100
Diego Armando Niño Sold Etoile of rades 5/16/2022 $ 104 200
Candranana Singh Bought Free Agent 3/29/2024 $ 66 900
Lee Man Lai Bought Free Agent 1/25/2024 $ 780 400
Bob Hamilton Bought Free Agent 6/14/2022 $ 171 850
Derek Dingane Bought Free Agent 5/17/2022 $ 307 100
Lane Grant Bought Free Agent 4/29/2022 $ 352 800
Jürgen Eistert Bought GBM 4/29/2022 $ 212 300
Ache Siles Sold Goleador CB 1/24/2025 $ 250 000
Sass Oago Bought Helovīns 2/1/2025 $ 609 200
Iago Adrián Gómez de la Cortina Sold Irvine Lakers 10/21/2021 $ 1 000
Yao Guiqiang Sold kingjames0514 II 8/31/2023 $ 22 000
Javier Muro Nájera Sold Kk Bukovi Tare 8/20/2024 $ 11 000
François Dieu Sold KozzyClippers 1/20/2025 $ 122 400
Jürgen Eistert Sold La Llagosta Locust 9/7/2023 $ 40 000
Cristovo Quiranes Bought Le Mans Caïmans 9/4/2023 $ 276 400
Assaf Benado Bought Lola marsh 3/14/2021 $ 5 000
Yousif Mahmoud Ibn-Latif Bought Lola marsh 3/14/2021 $ 1 000
Petr Svačina Bought Long Island Pioneers II 3/29/2024 $ 28 000
Francesc Porquet Sold los convictos II 9/22/2024 $ 1 000
Hugo Cora Sold Los Furlas Team 6/22/2023 $ 3 000
Máximo Morales Sold Mequetrefes 3/30/2021 $ 1 000
Lukman Widiantoro Bought Mumbai City 1/21/2025 $ 141 800
Radu Ioanid Sold Nuts Go Wild 3/30/2021 $ 16 000
Roberto Cabarrús Bought Passing Milicic 9/4/2023 $ 45 000
François Dieu Bought Pinhal Novo Magic 1/25/2024 $ 156 100
Assaf Benado Sold recan 8/31/2023 $ 1 000
Fabrizio Antoniello Bought Red Rocket 3/13/2021 $ 1 000
Vasfi Uygun Bought Retired_ 3/30/2024 $ 627 620
Mortadelo Eirei Sold Salmantica 3/30/2021 $ 1 000
Sirmantas Jusupovas Bought Sapanca Soldiers 5/15/2022 $ 67 600
Neal Flood Bought Sidneyin III 6/9/2024 $ 397 800
Bob Hamilton Sold Small Baller 8/7/2022 $ 80 000
Arman Toygun Bought St Pauli 3/17/2021 $ 1 000
Iago Laia Sold Swag Team 3/10/2024 $ 12 000
Mihkel Rosenbaum Bought Tallinna Vurled 1/25/2025 $ 237 800
Yao Guiqiang Bought the big black balls 5/13/2022 $ 170 000
Carlos Marañón Sold Totwart 9/16/2021 $ 2 000
José Velarde Enjuto Sold Trashers 1/4/2025 $ 1 000
Alejandro Aguilar Sold Unicaja Torremolinos 4/13/2022 $ 25 000
Vents Becs Bought Wataha Wroclaw 7/30/2022 $ 331 400
Total Sales: $ 2 859 900
Total Purchases: $ 5 632 870
Transfer Balance: $ -2 772 970