List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Ástor Corbacho Sold The JIGGYS 10/17/2009 $ 649 800
Francisco José Parada Sold Imposters 10/17/2009 $ 351 800
Miguel Ángel Rubianes Bought the_Magics 10/27/2009 $ 350 000
Javier Alvir Bought the_Magics 10/21/2009 $ 300 000
Alf Boehm-Neudhart Bought auf die 10/16/2009 $ 300 000
Prodromos Glavakis Bought the_Magics 11/7/2009 $ 299 999
Omar Albertoni Bought Redblack Gypaetus 11/5/2008 $ 214 000
Pablo Barrero Bought CE Molins de Rei 11/5/2009 $ 200 000
Xosé García Sold GolanGutt 9/21/2008 $ 125 000
Bastian Feixe Sold Višňové 57%-ers 10/17/2009 $ 55 000
Christodoulos Mpartzos Bought olympiakos soudas 10/24/2009 $ 8 000
Aleix Òdena Sold BCTerrrassa 10/17/2009 $ 1 000
Alam Haytham Bought Drakonia Basket 5/19/2008 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 1 182 600
Total Purchases: $ 1 672 999
Transfer Balance: $ -490 399