List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Alessio Callegari Sold Göztepe 19259B04F47FE36C597 12/15/2008 $ 21 000
Alfredo Tisselli Sold aragua de barcelona 7/10/2009 $ 3 651 600
Aristotele Violante Sold U.D.Boadilla 10/13/2009 $ 862 000
Baldassarre Todeschini Sold Vireix 12/18/2009 $ 90 700
Benxamín Lariño Sold Calango Magro 2/7/2010 $ 1 800 000
Benxamín Lariño Bought Navalmorales Olives 2/27/2009 $ 156 600
Bruno Mela Sold Dark Souls 5/4/2012 $ 1 000
Calogero Ulivieri Sold Mimmozzetto & Friends 11/25/2008 $ 1 000
Christian Pambuffetti Sold Sparta Pigża 7/16/2009 $ 56 600
Christian Pambuffetti Bought Turi FC 12/24/2008 $ 188 800
Claude Deleersnijder Bought FCBruges 12/15/2008 $ 6 000
Damiano Mini Bought Pinguini Utd. 3/28/2008 $ 50 000
Dino Thayer Sold SAC All-Stars 5/28/2009 $ 12 000
Dino Thayer Bought Free Agent 3/28/2008 $ 105 500
Èdgar Puig Sold docholidaj 5/4/2012 $ 879 300
Èdgar Puig Bought Guim Team 7/13/2010 $ 459 000
Eugenio Iafrate Sold SK Sárvár 12/21/2008 $ 185 000
Fabiano Negrin Sold amriswil boys 6/5/2009 $ 52 100
Fernando Castellsis Sold Montpellier Sénateurs 3/5/2009 $ 1 000
Fernando Castellsis Bought CB Aguilas 12/28/2008 $ 91 800
Fikri Nükte Sold 怼怼大队 5/4/2012 $ 714 000
Fikri Nükte Bought Anadolu Botaş 7/12/2010 $ 300 000
Florentino Mondariz Sold Fortitudo MMX 7/18/2009 $ 30 000
Florentino Mondariz Bought LosPotiños21 4/27/2008 $ 104 100
Francesco Lala Sold Fortitudo Nissa 11/8/2007 $ 23 000
Franco Morsiani Sold Ratatatata 4/13/2008 $ 1 000
Gabriele Majolino Sold MaaD City 5/2/2008 $ 204 000
Georges Lequeux Sold BK Priekuļi 7/14/2009 $ 102 000
Georges Lequeux Bought Thxnd 6/15/2008 $ 331 400
Gianantonio Urbano Sold Little Rock Rimrockers 7/1/2010 $ 51 000
Gianfranco Romanisio Sold lorrd takım 7/12/2008 $ 32 000
Gianni Fresu Sold Dark Souls 5/4/2012 $ 30 000
Gianni Fresu Bought chemeng 7/9/2010 $ 300 000
Giuseppe Peroni Sold juliaccys 5/4/2012 $ 24 000
Giuseppe Peroni Bought palladenzogna2 7/15/2009 $ 491 900
Goffredo Masi Sold gramagdan 11/8/2007 $ 1 000
Grég Violette Sold Kauno Liūtai 7/18/2009 $ 127 600
Grég Violette Bought AvocadoBurgers 12/18/2008 $ 67 900
Ignacio Borges Sold Comets007 2/7/2010 $ 714 000
Ignacio Borges Bought CB La Palma 95 7/13/2009 $ 574 700
Indulis Seilis Sold Mineszota Vúlvz 9/10/2009 $ 100 000
Indulis Seilis Bought Klandts Knights 7/20/2009 $ 200 000
Janusz Müller Bought Joe.City.Nets 4/10/2008 $ 142 800
Javier Ena Sold vojcicane 2/7/2010 $ 1 401 100
Javier Ena Bought Alytaus GRDD 7/12/2009 $ 704 300
Jimmy Pirrello Sold _STaRs_ 8/25/2008 $ 5 000
Juan Tellechea Sold Habomo 5/7/2012 $ 142 800
Juan Tellechea Bought CB Schnubu 2/9/2010 $ 3 500 000
Jurijonas Michelbertas Sold Los Diablos del Vaticano 7/5/2010 $ 260 200
Jurijonas Michelbertas Bought Swanyboy Team 7/11/2009 $ 622 200
Luiz Antonio Abreu Sold R&R Martis filii 7/7/2010 $ 1 971 100
Luiz Antonio Abreu Bought Potalanta 3/1/2009 $ 318 500
Manuel Palacio Sold S.S. Monza 2019 11/25/2008 $ 15 000
Manuel Palacio Bought acp28 7/10/2008 $ 80 000
Massimiliano Beneventano Sold Fc Młodzi 1/14/2011 $ 1 040 400
Narcizijus Mažeikis Sold Quarks 7/12/2008 $ 30 000
Narcizijus Mažeikis Bought Kapliadančiai 7/8/2008 $ 25 000
Oliver Sonsfeld Sold Dark Souls 5/4/2012 $ 66 500
Oliver Sonsfeld Bought miro bc 10/17/2009 $ 1 224 000
Olivier Ribeiro Sold End of the Line 5/4/2012 $ 300 000
Olivier Ribeiro Bought DarrylsB0A 7/9/2010 $ 2 913 200
Pedro Lumbreras Sold napolihbk 7/7/2010 $ 1 822 300
Pedro Lumbreras Bought Lille Koalas 7/11/2009 $ 950 000
Pedro Alexandre Leite Sold New Legacy 7/3/2010 $ 765 000
Pedro Alexandre Leite Bought HPlus 2/19/2010 $ 500 000
Rainoldas Avišius Bought Almeria Lions 4/27/2008 $ 71 900
Renaldas Maikštenas Sold ENVI_EE 5/4/2012 $ 587 600
Renaldas Maikštenas Bought Flashover 7/13/2010 $ 110 000
Riccardo Scandella Sold Mad Bears 3/31/2008 $ 1 000
Romolo Balbiano Sold luuzeri 6/30/2010 $ 104 100
Stefano Piazzi Sold EFES PLZEN 5/4/2012 $ 104 100
Tadas Pavliukovas Sold Chicago Bulls 1925 7/14/2009 $ 10 000
Tadas Pavliukovas Bought latras 4/20/2008 $ 16 000
Timo Dragar Bought Tutti Frutti 10/15/2009 $ 3 000
Ziad Bouhouda Sold S.O.Carcassonne 7/14/2009 $ 100 000
Ziad Bouhouda Bought Imphy 5/3/2009 $ 25 000
Total Sales: $ 18 493 100
Total Purchases: $ 14 633 600
Transfer Balance: $ 3 859 500