List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Pourya Hedayati Bought #24 Black Mamba 6/30/2021 $ 650 000
Volodymyr Konyushenko Bought 3Tria 7/6/2020 $ 318 500
Gojart Mathias Bought Albertosauri Fichissimi 7/26/2022 $ 828 400
Clint Fritz Bought Alpen Gold Poznań 12/21/2020 $ 255 000
Zaccaria Bersano Sold Altayistan 8/25/2023 $ 510 000
Wilfredo Barrios Bought Amoxidal 500 8/26/2023 $ 250 000
Josep Maria Chicategui Bought Anorthosis -Leyend- 10/27/2021 $ 1 000
Gaël Leau Bought Ariane BC 1/11/2025 $ 1 100 300
Erotas Lagonikakis Sold Arlong Fanboys 8/24/2023 $ 200 000
Ferruccio Sbardella Sold ARSCELONAS 6/12/2024 $ 150 000
John Gelinas Bought Arsenal 98 6/9/2024 $ 450 000
Roberto Antoniani Sold Arsenal 98 4/10/2019 $ 1 000
Volodymyr Konyushenko Sold athlos 12/11/2020 $ 200 000
Mirel Buf Bought B.C Steaua Bucuresti II 6/9/2023 $ 850 000
Shaked Gilad Bought BalambGP 2/2/2019 $ 75 000
Shao Rumin Bought Basket Rzeszów 2/18/2022 $ 622 200
Fernando Sanz Magallón Sold Basket Setubal 12/11/2020 $ 450 000
Luca Cannata Sold Bayram Madrid 2/3/2019 $ 169 400
Ross Angel Sold BBMM 6/5/2020 $ 402 300
Remigiusz Ziembla Sold BC Bulldozers 12/4/2020 $ 450 000
Drasutis Nikitinas Sold BC Heraklis 12/25/2024 $ 950 000
Arnoldas Skerys Bought BC Languoti Tapetai 10/27/2021 $ 2 000
Davide Mughini Bought BC Vilnius Vanagai 2/18/2023 $ 510 000
Alessandro Monazza Sold bcnaljamehed 2/18/2020 $ 875 000
Remigiusz Ziembla Bought Beyond II 6/13/2020 $ 619 700
Evandro Mastrangelo Sold BK " BAUSKA" 1/29/2024 $ 1 000
Enrique Calvís Sold BK Dobronínští draci 10/1/2021 $ 350 000
Giuseppe Cassarà Sold BK Roso Piešťany 3/1/2022 $ 312 200
Egor Raev Sold Black Demons 11/15/2019 $ 25 000
Jim Spittal Sold Boxford Celtics 1/2/2024 $ 212 300
Drasutis Nikitinas Bought C.A. Calamares 12/18/2023 $ 1 000 000
Carlos Alemany Sold C.B. Águilas 12/3/2023 $ 500 000
Fernando Sanz Magallón Bought Cal Bulldogs 11/14/2020 $ 530 700
Pericle Pagnini Sold Canelas Magic 3/9/2024 $ 18 000
Enrique Calvís Bought Carcassonne 12/6/2020 $ 350 000
Ignacio Ríos Martinez Bought Carpuco Efesé 6/5/2020 $ 1 000
Zefos Fanopoulos Bought Cassoulet Forever 2/13/2024 $ 990 000
Davide Boldizzoni Sold CBA Lakers BC 12/28/2024 $ 800 000
David Maestre Sold Croz 04 5/20/2023 $ 800 000
Ambroży Zaborowski Sold CSUFC 11/26/2019 $ 27 000
Adam Teunion Sold Cupcakes 7/25/2022 $ 400 000
Vladislovas Kirvaitis Bought Czarni Kobyle 7/6/2020 $ 2 000
Shao Rumin Sold Czarni Słupsk# 4/15/2022 $ 714 000
Ciro Maione Bought Delfino Pescia 10/27/2021 $ 1 000
Giuseppe Bonifaci Sold Dix Leurres 4/10/2019 $ 7 000
Shaked Gilad Sold Duke Devilz 6/23/2020 $ 84 800
Herbertas Krounaitis Bought EA 7 5/12/2019 $ 10 000
Eismantas Katykinas Sold ESPM Grizzlies 5/15/2020 $ 298 900
Veli-Matti Passila Bought Espoo Seals 1/31/2019 $ 1 000
Ezequiel Pannero Sold Estela Marnis 5/16/2019 $ 10 000
Jaanus Aavasalu Sold Forever21 Eternals 1/29/2022 $ 320 600
Margus Vana Bought Free Agent 4/18/2024 $ 525 800
Jim Spittal Bought Free Agent 11/4/2023 $ 78 800
Tsimur Zabiratski Bought Free Agent 9/20/2023 $ 454 500
Hadar Mosinzon Bought Free Agent 6/23/2023 $ 1 230 600
Erotas Lagonikakis Bought Free Agent 2/10/2023 $ 65 480
Adam Teunion Bought Free Agent 2/27/2021 $ 245 900
Gaspare Pagniello Bought Free Agent 1/6/2021 $ 40 230
Gojko Parić Bought Free Agent 1/6/2021 $ 41 110
Joel Costa Rosa Bought Free Agent 5/15/2020 $ 400 000
Thomas Carroll Bought Free Agent 3/25/2020 $ 398 500
Ross Angel Bought Free Agent 11/3/2019 $ 780 400
Miklós Sükösd Bought Free Agent 12/19/2018 $ 91 560
Ezequiel Pannero Bought Free Agent 12/7/2018 $ 97 330
Stefano Peren Sold Fundación CB Granada 6/25/2021 $ 102 000
Davide Mughini Sold G.S Ano Patision 12/6/2023 $ 550 000
Irving Jones Bought GALVATRON 2/11/2023 $ 780 400
Margus Vana Sold GGC team 1/10/2025 $ 600 000
Andrian Baciu Sold Glourious Basterds 9/15/2023 $ 520 200
Paavel Rooberg Bought Golden S. Warriors 2/12/2023 $ 612 000
Luca Galletto Sold GREEN SEPOLIA 2/11/2023 $ 600 000
Cesare Masiero Sold Guasones 2/19/2020 $ 1 000
Pourya Hedayati Sold Igalo Čagalj 8/25/2023 $ 357 000
Giuseppe Cassarà Bought IloveBeer 12/17/2020 $ 122 400
Ignacio Ríos Martinez Sold isekTEAM 6/18/2020 $ 5 000
Reggie Baer Bought Jakarta Warriors II 2/1/2022 $ 526 300
Hadar Mosinzon Sold Jebanito 8/25/2023 $ 1 020 000
Jean-Michel Merrien Bought Jr. Jazz All-Stars 6/10/2021 $ 265 500
Giosue' Filippin Sold KALLISTI BULLS II 2/17/2023 $ 41 000
Stepan Zhmakin Sold KK Buducnost Ivanjica 9/13/2020 $ 765 000
Paavel Rooberg Sold KK Črenšovci 11/30/2023 $ 650 000
Kemal Čekić Bought KK Lisac 6/5/2020 $ 1 000
Wilfredo Barrios Sold KkAnwil Włocławek 11/30/2023 $ 400 000
Ambroży Zaborowski Bought KKS Rybnik 2/4/2019 $ 4 000
Miroslav Neumaier Bought komunisti 3/27/2021 $ 300 000
Marko Lovec Bought KRISHNAITES 11/30/2023 $ 300 000
Joel Costa Rosa Sold Kukások 12/17/2020 $ 650 000
Swen Trieb Sold La Estrella Roja 2/18/2020 $ 3 000
Davide Boldizzoni Bought La Ribera Oilers 2/24/2024 $ 969 000
David Maestre Bought Lady Ducks 5/1/2022 $ 918 000
Jean-Michel Merrien Sold Les Pingouins 10/19/2021 $ 275 400
Herbertas Krounaitis Sold Lobos de Juarez 11/12/2019 $ 58 600
Waldo Himes Bought Lochbach 5/13/2019 $ 542 700
Lucas Rivarola Bought Los Vascos 7/6/2020 $ 1 000
Egor Raev Bought Lulu & Cookie 1/30/2019 $ 150 000
Mario Crudo Sold Luomo in più 6/13/2021 $ 1 000
Massimiliano Danovaro Sold Lynchburg Legends 2/3/2023 $ 200 000
Bujar Duraj Sold Lyse Konie 1/9/2024 $ 800 000
Reggie Baer Sold MaccabiTel 2/27/2023 $ 728 300
Stepan Zhmakin Bought Macko Warriors 6/7/2020 $ 1 015 000
Rocco Luly Sold Madeira Poço Racing 3/19/2024 $ 55 000
Marko Lovec Sold Magia Verde 3/26/2025 $ 572 300
Waldo Himes Sold Magic Lakers 6/5/2020 $ 700 000
Alex Undurraga Bought Maipú Scammers 12/29/2024 $ 271 400
Ferruccio Sbardella Bought Marotiri Warhawks 1/26/2024 $ 92 300
Rino Luccarini Sold Meister Bozz 12/4/2020 $ 1 000
Jan-Willem Hilgersom Bought MoeraClub 2/28/2020 $ 60 000
Jerome Flaherty Bought Moltas Matsson Academy 12/29/2024 $ 1 232 300
Beppino Ruggieri Sold Napoli Basket Knights 12/4/2018 $ 1 000
Swen Trieb Bought NETFLIX 1/31/2019 $ 6 000
Kemal Čekić Sold Odin.Turtles 6/18/2020 $ 1 000
Clint Fritz Sold Olimpia Lugano 6/30/2021 $ 364 200
Luca Galletto Bought ORLANDO M@GIC 1/16/2022 $ 685 000
Mirel Buf Sold Pandurii Targu Jiu 12/3/2023 $ 900 000
Thomas Carroll Sold Perama Lions 6/24/2020 $ 260 200
Stefano Peren Bought Pouthenades Bc 11/28/2020 $ 71 400
Mo Jiaqing Sold Primorsko 6/14/2023 $ 357 000
Irving Jones Sold Pupazzia 6/18/2023 $ 816 000
Gesuele Favini Sold Puravidadiving 6/30/2021 $ 22 000
Pascual José Chiruzi Bought Raptorsi Pułtusk 12/15/2023 $ 800 000
Jimmy Grott Sold Real Stars 12/4/2020 $ 1 000
Arif Onganer Sold red bad boys 12/6/2023 $ 676 300
Ezio Toni Sold Roanne NYK 12/7/2018 $ 1 000
Aldo Montella Bought RocketsFire 11/11/2021 $ 5 000
Miklós Sükösd Sold Sakarya Devil's 4/10/2019 $ 125 000
Jaanus Aavasalu Bought SALME 10/15/2021 $ 304 200
Yang Puan Loon Sold Sao Magnolao 4/22/2022 $ 600 000
Federico De Marzi Bought Scarrupati 2.0 12/3/2023 $ 70 000
Veli-Matti Passila Sold Sea Urchins 4/10/2019 $ 1 000
Tsimur Zabiratski Sold siteler 11/30/2023 $ 561 000
Eismantas Katykinas Bought Sm - 1939 11/19/2019 $ 220 000
Giovanni Neviani Sold SOFIA PACERS 3/27/2025 $ 19 000
Osman Gökçiçek Bought Space Barcelona BC 1/19/2020 $ 494 300
Giorgio De Palma Sold Spega City Dancers 10/8/2021 $ 1 000
Miroslav Neumaier Sold Stokersi 2/16/2022 $ 530 700
Attilio Diamante Sold Surikatas Company from Litvínov 12/4/2018 $ 1 000
Gojko Parić Sold SV Krückau 5/13/2023 $ 250 000
Osman Gökçiçek Sold Team OT 2/18/2020 $ 159 800
Aldo Montella Sold The Blitzkrieg Boys 5/4/2022 $ 12 000
Jörn Nolte Bought The Dutch Lions 2/28/2020 $ 56 200
Mirjan Malbašić Sold TheReapers 2/18/2020 $ 120 000
Gojart Mathias Sold TIAGO BC 2/10/2023 $ 1 020 000
Cuono De Felice Sold Tired Turtles 12/5/2018 $ 1 000
Pascual José Chiruzi Sold Tiro de Morteros 3/12/2025 $ 500 000
Vidmantas Dubinas Sold Trustal United 11/27/2023 $ 1 122 000
Gaspare Pagniello Sold Ukoil Europa 10/18/2021 $ 142 800
Rocco Luly Bought Vicofaro Gators 12/3/2023 $ 50 000
Mario D'Agostini Sold Virtus Mortadella 3/26/2025 $ 1 000
Gary Hemphill Sold Warroad 4/27/2020 $ 306 000
Jan-Willem Hilgersom Sold Wolvertem Wolves 12/18/2020 $ 728 300
Pericle Pagnini Bought WONDERWALL 12/4/2023 $ 5 000
Jörn Nolte Sold WürschnitzBallers 1/6/2021 $ 1 000 000
Gianfrancesco Vigani Sold Xalki 4/15/2022 $ 1 000
Nasihat Utegenov Bought Yunost Almaty 2/21/2024 $ 400 900
Gary Hemphill Bought Zellars 1/30/2019 $ 499 000
Barnaba Petrillo Sold Zola Predosa Bulldog 3/7/2024 $ 1 000
Mirjan Malbašić Bought Камарати Бор 5/8/2019 $ 500 000
Arif Onganer Bought 休斯顿火箭人 6/14/2023 $ 600 000
Yang Puan Loon Bought 你咁樣係唔會令到我驚㗎 9/16/2021 $ 574 700
Andrian Baciu Bought 刁的来 8/18/2023 $ 550 000
Carlos Alemany Bought 四线训练营 1/16/2023 $ 299 999
Mo Jiaqing Bought 昊昊队 4/30/2021 $ 221 000
Vidmantas Dubinas Bought 求雨鬼 8/26/2023 $ 1 238 100
Total Sales: $ 29 497 600
Total Purchases: $ 29 682 109
Transfer Balance: $ -184 509