List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Mario Modica Bought AngelTeam 12/1/2023 $ 1 000
Guillaume Place Bought Armurs Team 12/1/2023 $ 1 000
Fulvio Boisio Bought ATAKAN 2/28/2024 $ 12 000
Yiannakis Kavalis Bought Athens Lions 2/23/2024 $ 50 000
Caetano Ermida Sold Auri-Negros 2/27/2025 $ 44 444
Elran Alberman Bought Bence All Star 2/27/2024 $ 55 555
Miloud Yahlaoui Sold BK Ventspils 12/4/2023 $ 99 999
Saloum Pene Sold C. B. Red Dragons II 12/24/2023 $ 44 444
Lionel Forrado Sold C.B Master Locanda 3/31/2024 $ 201 000
Giorgio Oberti Sold Caimani del Secchia basket 6/5/2024 $ 198 765
Xing Huaijie Bought Cardinals 3/17/2024 $ 35 000
Adán Amoedo Bought CI PENSA ROCCO 9/1/2024 $ 51 000
Modesto Folha Seca Bought Coluche Basket Club 2/23/2024 $ 10 000
Yiannakis Kavalis Sold Dementes GB 2024 4/9/2024 $ 166 666
Sezgi Yavçin Bought Free Agent 12/12/2024 $ 107 400
Mohammad Sad Aziz Bought Free Agent 3/29/2024 $ 85 510
Moritz Tauber Bought Free Agent 2/23/2024 $ 123 400
Alberto Chaperón Sold GINGINHAS 6/8/2024 $ 300 000
Julien Morieux Bought Green beach 12/1/2023 $ 3 000
Joni Bandzeladze Sold ikä loput 1/10/2024 $ 124 100
Emmanuel Calabrèse Sold ikä loput 1/4/2024 $ 99 999
Arkadz' Sushkevich Sold ikä loput 1/4/2024 $ 87 655
Joni Bandzeladze Bought IL CALIFFO DI CHIARBOLA 12/2/2023 $ 1 000
Alberto Chaperón Bought IMAGEN C.B 4/11/2024 $ 240 000
Emmanuel Calabrèse Bought Indiana Pacers HM 12/1/2023 $ 1 000
Alfredo Trigueros Bought Irun Bulls 12/2/2023 $ 1 000
Rafaelis Jakulis Bought Joga Bonito 4/2/2024 $ 40 000
Manolo Bulnes Sold Kelnotajai 12/24/2023 $ 99 999
Huang Sung Joo Bought KK Dusko Vujosevic 2/24/2024 $ 5 000
Timo Oll Bought Kuraditosin 6/19/2024 $ 1 000
Leo De Paoli Bought Kwanfa 6/19/2024 $ 5 000
Lionel Forrado Bought Laguna Buko Mixers 2/28/2024 $ 159 900
Timo Oll Sold Latrimbekoa 11/29/2024 $ 102 000
Víctor Villa Bought Les Homards De Vinci 2/22/2025 $ 7 000
Franklyn Fugate Bought les rouroux 9/20/2024 $ 51 000
Chris McEvoy Sold Lixouri Spurs 6/16/2024 $ 54 321
Alex Habeck Bought Los Saltamontes B 6/18/2024 $ 5 000
Addolgar Voyle Sold Malaga City 3/29/2024 $ 66 666
Andrus Perens Bought Minni 8/21/2024 $ 1 000
Xiao Chew Sold MyBBTeam 12/28/2024 $ 299 999
Xing Huaijie Sold Nusantara Frost 9/19/2024 $ 800 000
Julien Morieux Sold Omonia Lipnica 4/19/2024 $ 456 789
Chris McEvoy Bought ORLANDO M@GIC 3/10/2024 $ 38 000
Gaikaani Seatile Bought Saint-Pierre Papangz 1/6/2024 $ 1 000
Huang Sung Joo Sold sderenati team 4/2/2024 $ 49 999
Manolo Bulnes Bought Seba Utd. 12/2/2023 $ 5 000
Giorgio Oberti Bought Septyni nykštukai 4/11/2024 $ 140 900
Omer Abbas Khuldi Sold SHENYANG CITY 6/20/2024 $ 199 999
Reinaldo Gomes Sold Smokey Mountain Bears 9/19/2024 $ 49 999
John-Joe Ellis Bought The bulls 8/14/2024 $ 1 000
Vasil Rangelov Bought Tiatordos 1/19/2024 $ 1 000
Mai Diyang Bought tutu 2/23/2024 $ 1 000
Agapito Sánchez-Bedoya Sold Universidad Católica 12/8/2024 $ 71 400
Ricardo Ramalho Bought vancouver eagles 3/7/2025 $ 153 000
Adán Amoedo Sold Visokoleteči asi 10/20/2024 $ 100 900
Luděk Kadlec Sold VSD Windshield 1/28/2024 $ 43 213
Björn Håkansson Sold whisper 3/13/2024 $ 499 999
Mario Modica Sold Wocka’s Juniors 3/18/2024 $ 299 999
Agapito Sánchez-Bedoya Bought XALANDRI BC 8/30/2024 $ 75 000
Arkadz' Sushkevich Bought БК "ОЗАА" 11/30/2023 $ 1 000
Chai Chuanxiong Bought 一马平川 3/11/2024 $ 3 000
Aisingiorro Xulong Bought 上机大黄狗 3/7/2024 $ 75 300
Franklyn Fugate 八线青训营 12/8/2024 $ 42 000
Mohammad Sad Aziz 八线青训营 12/8/2024 $ 53 200
Fang Yuze Bought 波士顿半兽人 3/8/2024 $ 51 000
Lazaros Fourtounakis Bought 矮人与龙 3/3/2024 $ 21 000
Fulvio Boisio Sold 艾泽拉斯联盟 4/13/2024 $ 99 999
Mohammad Sad Aziz Sold 行者 3/12/2025 $ 166 666
Total Sales: $ 4 829 019
Total Purchases: $ 1 619 965
Transfer Balance: $ 3 209 054