List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Pancracio Melchor Sold ~*MyTh*~ 6/15/2013 $ 127 600
Leonard Carney Sold 420 Blazers 1/23/2015 $ 1 000
Xiong Caipeng Sold 69748 9/9/2015 $ 147 200
Miklós Hajszán Bought AaHunok 6/25/2016 $ 10 000
Luciano Losapio Bought Abbeddi gatti 6/8/2013 $ 2 000
Juan Mayor Bought achille team 8/7/2015 $ 229 600
Marcius Krolis Bought Akhenatens Fanatics 5/23/2015 $ 36 000
Gonzalo Daniel Gancedo Sold Alonei Abba 7/11/2013 $ 7 200
Rafael Maestro Sold Ambicarnes 5/19/2015 $ 225 000
Marcius Krolis Sold AmboII 6/2/2015 $ 50 000
Emil Kadavý Bought Andamana Harimaguada 6/27/2013 $ 157 900
Richard Land Sold Anderson Clout Lords 5/18/2015 $ 1 000
Jorge Garivell Bought antarès 7/18/2013 $ 75 000
Ivars Trans Sold Anteamblair 8/12/2015 $ 1 000
Novica Gazivoda Sold Antonio Raphtors 11/19/2013 $ 50 000
Bruno Lasciato Bought Arsenal Ballas 7/5/2013 $ 1 000
Vladimir Sergeenko Bought Bc Dievai 12 11/5/2013 $ 112 900
Amaresh Verma Sold bc geilordai 4/12/2014 $ 450 000
Song Yuanrong Bought Bc hiraeth 10/16/2013 $ 113 400
Boyko Andonov Sold Bc huntide meeskond 7/11/2014 $ 66 400
Buddy Williams Bought BC newmarket 7/11/2013 $ 3 000
Zane Rivera Sold BC Pärnu Kallur 8/13/2014 $ 1 000
Patrik Tonon Bought BC rePUBlic 7/8/2015 $ 115 000
Corneliu Stoica Sold BC SYK 3/12/2016 $ 100 000
André Vasco da Gama Sold BC Tarvas/Haljala 5/28/2013 $ 2 000
Liang Erren Sold Bewegungslegastheniker 10/23/2015 $ 50 000
Saša Jovanović Bought BK Kurchatov 4/13/2014 $ 100 000
Nat Waugh Bought BK Valmiera Glass/ViA 10/20/2015 $ 39 000
Zhang Fanglong Sold Black Bisons 5/13/2014 $ 4 000
Aleksandre Tetradze Sold Black Warriors 7/14/2014 $ 6 000
Yang Hongtai Bought BonesaThunders 1/21/2015 $ 200 000
Kelly Hull Bought Borsod Celtics 8/9/2015 $ 25 000
Paris Rothfuss Bought Bugojno 12/2/2013 $ 50 000
Qian Wenhang Bought BurgoCB 9/15/2015 $ 7 000
Niels Christian Kofod Bought C.B. Bano 2/25/2012 $ 140 000
Klaudiusz Gałuszka Sold C.B.T.i.s. 247 - DENISSES NP CREW (DNC) 9/10/2015 $ 33 000
Theofanis Isaakidis Sold C.B.T.i.s. 247 - DENISSES NP CREW (DNC) 9/10/2015 $ 260 200
Mahmoud Maalikoum Sold CASL 7/3/2013 $ 26 000
Mahmoud Maalikoum Bought Charlesmaniacos 6/8/2013 $ 3 000
Ippolito Merola Bought Cheesychili BC 7/13/2013 $ 130 200
Anacleto Tomandao Bought china-dragon 6/22/2011 $ 183 600
Juan Mayor Sold CHREL BC 9/10/2015 $ 208 400
Eulogio Coto Sold Codrongianus 4/14/2016 $ 2 000
Cornell Hook Sold Columbus Sonics 8/13/2014 $ 14 000
Pedro Angelo Peraña Sold Cowboys#From#Hell 6/5/2015 $ 212 300
Spiros Vassilakopoulos Bought CRUMOR C.F. 5/15/2013 $ 25 000
Louis Blachère Bought Cunning Linguists 12/23/2014 $ 51 000
Jovan Nadj Bought Da Brotherhood 6/3/2015 $ 204 000
Ferran Munné Bought Da Brotherhood 6/3/2015 $ 188 300
Santiago Roelas Bought Danielteam 10/9/2013 $ 1 000
Remigiusz Gałat Bought Dark Noxus 9/25/2015 $ 62 000
Walter Gherrini Bought Deadly Orange Urge 8/5/2014 $ 100 000
Nelson Garibello Bought Denver Manimals 2/20/2012 $ 234 600
Gian Piero Granelli Bought Detroit Bad Boyss 12/22/2013 $ 10 000
Pere Jordi Alderete Sold diergepinguo 9/9/2015 $ 7 000
Steve Pollock Sold Downtown Boyz 5/22/2013 $ 9 600
Pericle Nocerino Sold Drop City Yacht Club 6/7/2013 $ 1 000
Kelly Hull Sold Dudopol Dudowizna 9/10/2015 $ 30 000
Vladimir Sergeenko Sold Enigma Ducks 11/19/2013 $ 127 600
Su Chenghui Bought Estrella All Stars 11/14/2014 $ 300 000
André Vasco da Gama Bought Évora Killer Penguins 5/19/2013 $ 1 000
Saša Jovanović Sold F.o.k 5/15/2014 $ 35 000
Anthony Redman Sold Ferraglia 5/7/2016 $ 45 000
Iwan Konijn Bought Flavuny BC 6/12/2014 $ 40 000
Pericle Nocerino Bought Fossa Farmer 5/19/2013 $ 1 000
Rommel Echavez Bought Free Agent 7/16/2013 $ 138 400
Amaresh Verma Bought Free Agent 5/15/2013 $ 61 200
Ófeigur Agnarsson Bought Free Agent 5/14/2013 $ 164 500
Jan Van Varenbergh Bought Galo Doido 1/1/2012 $ 51 000
Vilnius Simanynas Bought Gang Bangers 3/12/2016 $ 2 000
Song Yuanrong Sold Garcidus team 10/30/2013 $ 112 200
Ilario Giovine Bought Gemt 12/16/2013 $ 50 000
Gonzalo Daniel Gancedo Bought gentle bonebreakers 6/28/2013 $ 5 000
Rodolfo Arispe Bought Golden State LakersB27 6/7/2015 $ 150 000
Rodolfo Arispe Sold Goldsboro Pirates 8/9/2015 $ 100 000
Bruno Lasciato Sold Green Modens 8/30/2013 $ 2 000
Muhammad Hairulnizam bin Mohamad Bought Handia 7/7/2014 $ 135 700
Ferran Munné Sold Hattrick Basket 8/9/2015 $ 153 000
Pancracio Melchor Bought Hay-den 6/8/2013 $ 3 000
Herbert Morrow Sold heart eaters 5/23/2013 $ 78 490
Charles Crenshaw Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 68 000
Wilbur Stanton Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 55 000
Reggie Fisk Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 75 000
Froilán Naveiras Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Joey McLaughlin Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Mikey Delvalle Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Al Askew Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Russell Owens Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Frederick Delvalle Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Gary Cooper Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Chris Stephens Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Eddie Tharp Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Jimmy Murdock Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Clint Lin Sold heart eaters 5/22/2013 $ 8 500
Anton Honold Bought Heaviside Basket 5/19/2013 $ 197 700
Riccardo Pederboni Sold Hell MonstersE21 6/10/2015 $ 52 100
Adrián Cardiel Sold HezexLakers 10/25/2013 $ 50 000
Bert Clements Sold i tarzanelli 1/19/2014 $ 18 000
Kay Fankhänel Bought Indiana Bulls 5/19/2013 $ 70 000
Li Sui Hung Bought Jerianone 6/20/2016 $ 99 100
Ippolito Merola Sold Joule Team 10/25/2013 $ 178 600
Vlado Vouk Sold Júcar CB 10/27/2016 $ 1 100 000
Jovan Nadj Sold Jundyork 7/6/2015 $ 325 000
Richard Dennis Sold Juve iran 10/26/2016 $ 305 100
Zdzisław Barciński Bought Kaijou 6/3/2015 $ 83 300
Heinrich Kuffka Sold KALLITHEA UNDERDOGS 10/23/2015 $ 5 000
Heinrich Kuffka Bought Kanlıca İdman Yurdu 9/11/2015 $ 5 000
Jorge Garivell Sold Karlistan 10/25/2013 $ 183 600
Franco Rodolfo Grimaldi Bought Kavala Lionhearts 10/15/2013 $ 13 000
Vilnius Simanynas Sold KK Buducnost Banovici 5/7/2016 $ 7 000
Louis Blachère Sold KK Jonučiai II 6/2/2015 $ 30 000
Jin Sheng Han Sold KK VELES 13 5/7/2016 $ 72 900
Stefano Spaggiari Sold KK VOŽDOVAC 7/7/2013 $ 63 900
Pasquale Sugarotti Sold KK Yo Stari Grad 5/19/2015 $ 122 900
Ekkehart Mann Sold KRLEV 10/23/2015 $ 5 000
Aleksandre Tetradze Bought Kutaisi Jazz 5/17/2014 $ 50 000
Iwan Konijn Sold La Paz de la Huerta 10/16/2014 $ 16 000
Su Chenghui Sold La Pelada 12/19/2014 $ 200 000
Feliks Rżany Sold Lachy Machy 7/18/2013 $ 122 400
Hung Siu Yue Bought Las Vegas Starsssssssssssss 6/13/2016 $ 83 700
Jani Poukko Bought 8/11/2015 $ 55 800
Tristan Gościński Bought Lelouch 3/9/2012 $ 51 000
Pasquale Sugarotti Bought Los Estelares 2/10/2015 $ 170 000
Vlado Vouk Bought LuffyLand Angels 9/12/2015 $ 1 040 400
Anthony Redman Bought Luka Magic949D1962D 3/9/2016 $ 102 000
Przemysław Leks Bought LWP.Wybżerze Gdańsk 7/19/2013 $ 25 000
Xiong Xuanqing Sold Macabi B.C 6/7/2013 $ 17 000
Edmund Dems Bought Mad Warriors 5/19/2013 $ 10 000
Firmino Bismarck Bought Marmitenhos 3/6/2012 $ 153 000
Spiros Vassilakopoulos Sold Maryknoll Fury 7/12/2013 $ 11 000
Yiannis Lianos Bought McCleary Mavericks 6/11/2016 $ 6 000
Jin Sheng Han Bought Mega Malaysians 4/13/2016 $ 7 000
Julien Lefranc Sold MORNINGZZZ 7/16/2013 $ 110 000
Yonatan Amrani Bought Moscow Blins 9/11/2015 $ 29 000
Liang Erren Bought NAG1 9/12/2015 $ 40 000
Rui Manuel Pedrosa Sold Nelson nz 12/23/2014 $ 16 000
Vittorio Circassi Sold Néronde Crazy Horses 10/26/2016 $ 66 800
Eduardo Rebelo Bought niceone 5/19/2013 $ 2 700
Vincent Huber Sold Niemyte Jeże 7/10/2014 $ 150 000
Anton Honold Sold Nitra Corgons 6/8/2013 $ 88 600
Anton Janžel Bought no-till 2/5/2014 $ 15 000
Theofanis Isaakidis Bought Oasis Inter92 8/8/2015 $ 250 000
Jani Poukko Sold Obradoiro CAB 9/10/2015 $ 52 100
Rommel Echavez Sold Olympique des Najas 7/30/2013 $ 166 700
Paul Gee Sold Osaspolares 9/20/2013 $ 5 000
Boyko Andonov Bought Ostrali 4/16/2014 $ 80 600
Rui Manuel Pedrosa Bought P.F.K.A. Mosckow 7/10/2014 $ 70 000
Ófeigur Agnarsson Sold Panthersville 7/12/2013 $ 247 700
Thomas Dyrén Sold Pe-pones 9/10/2015 $ 357 000
Kay Fankhänel Sold picotitos 7/25/2013 $ 61 200
Neven Damjanović Sold POA Spartans 9/9/2015 $ 684 200
Harri Salmenkivi Bought poncs defensor 11/5/2013 $ 498 765
Rafael Maestro Bought PoPeCiToS 7/5/2013 $ 1 000
Ekkehart Mann Bought Radleris 9/15/2015 $ 2 000
Kaupo Einasto Bought Rathtars 7/10/2014 $ 197 700
Neven Damjanović Bought RI 23 8/6/2015 $ 524 600
Walter Gherrini Sold Rio Claro Lions5FB 1/14/2015 $ 35 000
Vittorio Circassi Bought Río Tercero Reapers 3/6/2016 $ 350 000
Saldiray Eral Sold Rocasluc 11/9/2015 $ 72 900
Miroslav Ambros Sold Rocasluc 11/9/2015 $ 50 000
Maldonis Skurauskas Bought Rocco schiaccia tutti 6/25/2016 $ 1 000
Anatoly Koptelov Bought Rompedor de Anos 8/6/2015 $ 1 159 500
Don Campbell Sold royalgrets 5/24/2013 $ 51 000
Waldemar Knotek Bought rzeźniki 9/12/2015 $ 1 000
Carlos Saurín Bought S.D Reocin 9/10/2012 $ 102 000
Emil Kadavý Sold SacroRomanoImpero 7/12/2013 $ 150 000
Ray Johnson Sold Seattle Venum 5/19/2015 $ 3 000
Fritz Miling Sold Shamrock Saints 8/7/2015 $ 2 111 111
Miroslav Ambros Bought Shaq-town 9/11/2015 $ 40 000
Stefano Spaggiari Bought shea-team 6/8/2013 $ 3 000
Ilario Giovine Sold Siara Tarnobrzeg 1/9/2014 $ 72 000
Clinton Butler Bought Silla BC 1/4/2012 $ 135 000
Zhang Fanglong Bought Sk kocasinan 7/13/2013 $ 4 000
Pere Jordi Alderete Bought Sleeping Turtles 8/11/2015 $ 9 000
Louie Obrien Sold Slum Dunk 7/10/2014 $ 3 000
Yang Hongtai Sold Smelly Skunks 6/2/2015 $ 286 300
Vincent Huber Bought Sonic Youth 4/13/2014 $ 77 400
Gregg Worrall Sold Sopron Spurs 1/9/2014 $ 10 000
Carmelo Jado Bought Southport Pacers 4/13/2016 $ 70 000
Patrik Tonon Sold Southport Pacers 9/9/2015 $ 127 700
Riccardo Pederboni Bought Spazs Ballers 5/23/2015 $ 35 000
Julien Lefranc Bought squallidi 7/9/2013 $ 104 100
William Carlson Sold Stronghold Warriors 1/9/2014 $ 43 000
Wojciech Rudny Bought Team Fusio 4/13/2016 $ 25 000
Franco Rodolfo Grimaldi Sold Team Virgin Isl. 10/30/2013 $ 67 900
Alvand Zand Bought Tehran BC 7/2/2010 $ 20 050
Muhammad Hairulnizam bin Mohamad Sold TELLININ, F.C 5/19/2015 $ 2 000
Kaupo Einasto Sold TH Ballers 12/19/2014 $ 150 000
Ardo Hennoste Bought The GamersB74 3/9/2016 $ 47 200
Richard Dennis Bought the mean machine 12/4/2015 $ 199 200
Bud Byron Bought The Process74A 7/7/2014 $ 70 000
Przemysław Leks Sold The Seven-Foot Schnitzel 8/2/2013 $ 25 000
Toni Papp Bought Titanes BC 9/15/2015 $ 150 000
Klaudiusz Gałuszka Bought Tłoki Cieśnina 5/23/2015 $ 40 000
Feliks Rżany Bought Tortuga Krakenz 7/10/2013 $ 75 000
Thomas Dyrén Bought Trolls--sixtysixers 12/19/2014 $ 204 000
Novica Gazivoda Bought User without team 11/5/2013 $ 61 200
Saldiray Eral Bought Valar Morghulis FC 9/11/2015 $ 11 000
Norman Caruso Sold Valinhos Eagles 6/15/2013 $ 10 000
Ivars Trans Bought Varakļāni 7/7/2015 $ 10 000
Buddy Williams Sold Virtus Morolo 7/20/2013 $ 9 000
Paris Rothfuss Sold Voran! 1/9/2014 $ 11 000
Clarence Mahon Sold Wilmington Tiger Sharks 6/8/2016 $ 75 000
Kasper Loft Bought Windseekers 10/20/2015 $ 122 400
Adrián Cardiel Bought Winter is Coming 7/20/2013 $ 95 000
Carmelo Jado Sold Wisconsin Rapids Red Raiders 5/7/2016 $ 90 000
Harri Salmenkivi Sold Yachkite 4/15/2014 $ 51 000
Bud Byron Sold Yamaguchi-gumi 12/19/2014 $ 41 000
Berke Kivilcim Bought yeahh 6/8/2013 $ 1 000
Russell Logsdon Sold zelemko 12/27/2012 $ 2 000
Anatoly Koptelov Sold Zestafoni BC 9/10/2015 $ 1 325 000
Anton Janžel Sold הפועל כפר סבא ארז 5/10/2014 $ 25 000
Misha Meskhi Bought მაღალი ქაცვები 1/1/2012 $ 102 000
Stacy Ryder Sold 半壁见海日-空中闻土鸡 6/26/2013 $ 175 000
Corneliu Stoica Bought 司机宝 9/12/2015 $ 33 333
Zdzisław Barciński Sold 洛杉矶湖人队0B9 9/10/2015 $ 54 300
Hung Siu Yue Sold 潘帕斯 10/26/2016 $ 2 000
Xiong Xuanqing Bought 红尘三笑 5/14/2013 $ 42 000
Gian Piero Granelli Sold 红色王朝 1/11/2014 $ 14 000
Total Sales: $ 13 072 701
Total Purchases: $ 11 045 048
Transfer Balance: $ 2 027 653