List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Torsten Seeboeck Bought *Chicago Bulls* 1/2/2010 $ 80 000
Liang Yongliang Sold ~{ßadßoyS}~ 10/15/2009 $ 3 000
Deion Emslie Bought Altura Toricos 11/12/2009 $ 150 000
Värner Karuauk Bought Alytus Warriors 9/23/2009 $ 119 400
Rob Mcclellan Sold Baicoi Killaz 9/26/2009 $ 10 000
Chen Minghua Bought BC Tiger Strike 10/21/2009 $ 270 000
Oliver Pflugschar Bought BENFICABASQUET 1/25/2010 $ 175 000
Bohumír Bartošek Bought BK Lions J. Hradec 11/14/2009 $ 1 000
Torsten Seeboeck Sold Bogotá Rockets 1/22/2010 $ 153 000
Nicu Murgu Sold Boston Globetrotters 9/26/2009 $ 3 000
Dzidris Plate Sold BuZzz 2/19/2010 $ 300 000
Giampietro Ciaschini Bought Casarba Bk 10/12/2009 $ 520 200
Antonín Tesárek Bought celtics 2626 3/23/2010 $ 71 400
Abraham Naranjo Sold Château Chinon Basketball 12/24/2009 $ 400 000
Hélder Meneses Bought Clube Desportivo do Porto 1/1/2010 $ 3 000
Danny Suarez Sold con fuego y con valor 10/13/2009 $ 552 300
Paul Cope Sold Crazy Bball1234 12/28/2009 $ 10 000
Nicu Murgu Bought Cristianos 9/21/2009 $ 30 000
Ilias Tsoumas Bought dikefalos21 1/19/2010 $ 172 300
Goran Pinter Bought Dinamo Gonzaga 2/5/2010 $ 12 043
Maarten Trypsteen Sold Dragons BC 1/21/2010 $ 3 000
Zeek Morey Sold El Bosque 2/28/2010 $ 55 000
Teddy Good Sold FC Inowrocław 1/21/2010 $ 102 000
Yao Siyuan Bought Fly God 9/12/2009 $ 11 000
Liang Yongliang Bought Gigantos Giganten Team 9/21/2009 $ 24 000
Amarthtya Sinha Bought Guatamarillas 9/12/2009 $ 290 000
Deion Emslie Sold Ham Solo 1/4/2010 $ 3 000
Dzidris Plate Bought hauhau 8/1/2009 $ 102 000
Horácio Firula Sold Herentals BBC 2/8/2010 $ 50 000
Mircea Radu Bought Kings fcsb 9/17/2009 $ 453 400
Zheng Nam Anh Sold LeviceChamps 9/24/2009 $ 41 000
Vaggelis Tzouroudis Bought Lidingö Bulls 2/27/2010 $ 468 200
Amarthtya Sinha Sold LIONS brescia 11/15/2009 $ 281 100
Ilias Tsoumas Sold Lipova Hawks 1/30/2010 $ 600 000
Värner Karuauk Sold Miam Heat 10/15/2009 $ 69 200
Yao Siyuan Sold Nacho Basket 10/2/2009 $ 61 200
Xusto Cide Sold Perth Firebirds 1/5/2010 $ 28 000
Alfred Farr Sold Redcross 99ers 8/4/2009 $ 1 000
Tan Kangfu Sold Stomil Olsztyn 1/22/2010 $ 71 400
Horácio Firula Bought supku 1/30/2010 $ 100 000
Cai Keng Wai Sold Szaleni Szaleńcy 1/5/2010 $ 1 000
Lauri Rinta-Luoma Bought TAD Team 2/4/2010 $ 301 432
James Hobson Sold Tedoschi? 8/4/2009 $ 4 000
Steve Flint Sold The No-Name Team 9/30/2009 $ 10 000
Lauri Rinta-Luoma Sold Valbandon Senators 4/7/2010 $ 25 500
Maarten Trypsteen Bought Vhann Warriors 1/14/2010 $ 10 000
Bohumír Bartošek Sold Viña CB 12/6/2009 $ 2 000
Zheng Nam Anh Bought ΤΡΙΚΑΛΑ B.C 9/21/2009 $ 41 000
Cai Keng Wai Bought 洛杉矶湖人队11 1/2/2010 $ 3 600
Tan Kangfu Bought 球状闪电⚡️ 1/19/2010 $ 51 000
Goran Pinter Sold 范波特飞天屎 2/26/2010 $ 39 000
Total Sales: $ 2 878 700
Total Purchases: $ 3 459 975
Transfer Balance: $ -581 275