List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Laércio Mayworm Sold 風花雪月 8/23/2012 $ 40 000
Simonas Šilanskis Bought 薛定谔的猫6FD 4/19/2011 $ 888 888
Orestes Dornelas Sold 痛苦老鼠 9/26/2011 $ 32 000
Vergílio Cebola Sold 猴子屯 12/3/2012 $ 1 000
Liam Chefetz Sold 滨州生可乐 3/1/2020 $ 208 100
Alberto Troncoso Sold 济南波许 8/21/2015 $ 1 000
Sławomir Sztyber Sold 森森 12/5/2024 $ 350 000
Lorival Gianechini Sold 柴灣喪頭 4/29/2015 $ 850 000
Pedro José Cunha Jr. Sold 无锡滨湖 3/27/2009 $ 104 100
Carlos Henrique Azevedo Jr. Sold 吸血鬼 4/18/2017 $ 2 801 400
Lu Xuanrong Bought 南湾步行者 12/9/2024 $ 1 000
Zhou Rendong Bought 南湾步行者 12/9/2024 $ 1 000
Yago Velasco Sold Наварени Астронаути 6/29/2024 $ 12 000
Henrik Gyllensjö Sold ΣΠΟΡΤΙΝΓΚΑΡΑ 7/30/2015 $ 200 000
Zé Catatau Sold Γύπας 8/28/2008 $ 54 300
Daniel Koenig Bought Zoon Politikon BBC 6/11/2024 $ 300 000
Manoel Lourenço Mota Bastos Sold Żółte Pympy 3/27/2013 $ 1 000
Justino Bobadilla Sold Yellow Sun 11/18/2010 $ 715 100
Olaf Pixner Sold YDSSPORTS 6/24/2020 $ 25 000
Marco Sarria Sold We Fly High 6/5/2014 $ 105 000
Otávio Cabrobró Sold Wallapop Lakers 1/19/2015 $ 94 200
Deivid Vieira Sold Visionaries 8/16/2019 $ 11 000
Benedito Cobra Sold Vilafranca Celtics 9/24/2013 $ 27 401
Olívio Berrini Sold Vesala Basket 6/9/2012 $ 1 000
Ângelo Valentim Sold ValenciaBasket Sa1lors 1/31/2014 $ 20 000
Otto Tolamaa Bought Urheiluhullut Basketball 12/9/2024 $ 1 000
Jarkko Paloahde Bought Urheiluhullut Basketball 12/9/2024 $ 1 000
Justino Bobadilla Bought Uno Reverse 2/25/2008 $ 160 000
Fortunato De La Puente Sold ULG 6/29/2017 $ 595 500
Sang-Hyun Jung Bought UD POKERALHO 3/5/2013 $ 350 000
Chico Sarta Sold U.E. Grubers 4/13/2009 $ 50 000
Robert Krasnodebski Bought Tur Charzykowy 8/9/2009 $ 10 000
Gytis Rastauskas Bought Tsukiji Fishermen 12/9/2024 $ 1 000
Jeen Ceuppens Bought Tronconal III 12/10/2008 $ 450 000
Mateuzinho Pereira Sold Três Rios Calangos 5/19/2020 $ 3 000
Márcio Canelas Sold Trasgo Team 8/18/2022 $ 2 000
Samuca Mota Silva Sold Totwart 2/20/2014 $ 689 900
Arnoldo Sereno Sold TN CN 4/21/2011 $ 3 000
Fabião Stefani Sold TLV war machines 10/9/2015 $ 500 000
Antonio Labanda Bought Timberwolves Atalaya 9/13/2012 $ 100 000
Silvano Scornavacca Bought Timakiños 1/11/2011 $ 300 000
Argemiro Quesada Sold tigers1999 11/2/2007 $ 10 000
Laimontas Majeras Bought TheBlueDragons 7/27/2017 $ 450 000
José Francisca Sold The Smiths 5/19/2020 $ 5 000
Lau Kien Lung Bought The Donkeys5809CA 9/10/2009 $ 1 000
Wander Guanaes Sold The Black Guys 1/2/2016 $ 54 300
Yefet Timor Sold The basketfriends 12/17/2011 $ 122 400
Roberto Pani Bought the animals 1/1/2025 $ 30 000
Anselmo Zanobi Bought Team Enzo 7/7/2024 $ 200 000
Daniel Rouse Bought Taranai 1/8/2015 $ 390 300
Miloš Kordas Sold Subie Nation 10/22/2020 $ 366 100
Quinho de Oliveira Sold Sternchenhüter 7/13/2024 $ 2 000
Jamal Barriga Verde Sold Siurblys - žudykas! 4/5/2017 $ 16 000
Joãozinho Boaventura Sold Sipoo Legends 6/24/2013 $ 5 000
Vinícius Pedra Sold Sihirbaz39 4/21/2017 $ 1 000
Carlinhos Couto Silva Sold Showtime Lakers 4/30/2015 $ 3 000
Sílvio Luís Marino Sold SHENYANG CITY 12/31/2012 $ 1 000
Ryszard Rzeźniczak Bought San Telmo RS 2/2/2018 $ 750 000
Marcelinho Cordeiro Sold Samogitia 12/19/2013 $ 300 000
David Sáinz Bought Salipota Supersonics 10/4/2019 $ 650 000
Getúlio Cuervo Sold Salamatruka FC 2/6/2011 $ 175 000
Ubirajara Stroka Sold Saint-George SC 5/10/2019 $ 100 000
Vitacir Rei Sold Russian Empire B.C. 4/30/2009 $ 159 300
Luigi Frosi Sold Rudupis 6/29/2017 $ 150 000
Gabriel Alberto Florentín Bought Richmond Falcons 1/9/2025 $ 35 000
Mark Jett Bought Red Peppers 12/8/2024 $ 1 000
Silvo Drakulić Bought Real Madrink 1/12/2015 $ 220 000
Raúl Ereinozaga Sold Raudonieji Grybai 9/29/2009 $ 255 000
Rubén Piña Sold RandlaIff 12/5/2024 $ 225 600
Matteo Aguirre Bought Rampapapam 1/1/2025 $ 48 000
Piotr Potomiak Sold Quaquaraqua 7/10/2014 $ 13 000
Thiagão Pacheco Sold QQguest 4/22/2022 $ 210 426
Zheng Ming yuan Bought Professional 5F 4/19/2017 $ 1 020 000
Udo Verklickern Sold Probably A Bad Idea 12/4/2024 $ 2 001
Silvano Scornavacca Sold Pov.Bystrica 12/17/2011 $ 106 200
Otte Geihofer Sold pones team 10/5/2015 $ 1 000
Bartolomeu Mendes Neto Sold Polonia Stoke 9/12/2016 $ 15 000
Daniel Koenig Sold Polihni 12/4/2024 $ 76 500
Gílson Azeitona Sold Piratecnic 10/13/2012 $ 150 000
Sérginho Vizzotto Sold PictavBasket 2/4/2013 $ 500 000
Raúl Ereinozaga Bought Perenquenes de Tenerife 11/20/2008 $ 150 000
Jeen Ceuppens Sold PERA B.C 8/9/2009 $ 67 900
Igor Bonavides Sold Pelevialli II 7/20/2023 $ 50 000
Dionísio Valença Sold Parkwood Panthers 7/14/2014 $ 247 600
Vital Leite Cunha Sold PAOK 1926 8/10/2015 $ 2 000
Franklin Bebum Sold Pandurii Targu Jiu 9/5/2023 $ 1 000
Hildeberto Villanova Sold OZD Tatabánya 7/8/2013 $ 486 600
Sergiy Rozgon Bought Otepää Grizzlies 1/4/2018 $ 400 000
Fernando Falas Bought oklahoma Medgets 1/19/2011 $ 350 000
Filip Podboj Bought New York cyclones 10/8/2023 $ 130 000
Flávio Messiano Sold Navegantes de Vargas 7/13/2012 $ 1 321 000
Alejandro Alape Sold My Entire Team Sucks 12/5/2024 $ 3 000
Yefet Timor Bought MrRushtu Celtics 4/5/2009 $ 450 000
Thierry Poudrier Bought Motown Sound 9/13/2012 $ 200 000
Howard Roe Bought Monte Cristo Kontu 2/5/2025 $ 125 000
Filip Podboj Sold Minuto 92:48 12/5/2024 $ 2 000
Viktor Gaál Bought milnuevenoventayuno 1/8/2015 $ 170 000
Florestan Veiga Neves Sold Miami Heat 37 6/20/2009 $ 399 000
Wallace Vick Bought MAŽEIKIŲ "LOKIAI" 4/4/2017 $ 306 000
Opa Yatera Bought Manchester_Utd 6/28/2023 $ 350 000
Kosuke Takahashi Sold Maddas 4/29/2015 $ 500 000
Dave Melchor Sold Mad Lions 10/17/2013 $ 169 200
Thierry Poudrier Sold Maccabi mizrahi 1/5/2013 $ 300 000
Andreas Liljenborg Bought Lumi BC 9/1/2016 $ 306 000
Walmir Piovesan Sold Lula Team 6/3/2016 $ 350 000
Marquito Didi Équilo Sold Lucky Strike 6/10/2016 $ 2 000
Yairol Badilla Bought Los Trukos 3/9/2012 $ 700 000
Dalmo Proença Sold Los potiños21 1/19/2015 $ 2 000
Ovidiu Barbu Bought Los Angeles Lakers671 7/16/2012 $ 300 000
Rômulo Sassá Sold LFDK 4/14/2009 $ 15 000
Luís Roberto Moreira Sold Lazy Town 6/1/2010 $ 2 000
Raúl Molins Segovia Bought Latrimbekoa 12/9/2024 $ 1 000
Alexandre Crespo Sold Las Vegas Lions BC 4/24/2011 $ 4 000
Romulo Stinghen Sold Las Vegas Century Fox 4/12/2014 $ 16 000
Davi Fossas Sold LakersSHOW 9/24/2016 $ 2 000
Maksas Goravicius Sold Lake Charles Creoles II 4/10/2015 $ 150 000
Lindolfo Costa Paiva Sold La Bande a Mini Basket 4/24/2011 $ 532 700
Henrik Gyllensjö Bought KSC Wiedikon 4/12/2015 $ 350 000
Ignacio Puig Saura Bought KRLEV 2/4/2022 $ 92 300
Firmino Novaes Sold KRLEV 11/13/2015 $ 52 100
Maksas Goravicius Bought KKS Zgol 1/13/2015 $ 150 000
Antonio Labanda Sold KK Vytėnai 5/31/2013 $ 51 000
Maxsandro Villa Sold KK Vicuña Zagreb 5/11/2011 $ 1 000
Carlos Caetano Menotti Sold KK Sečanj 7/13/2024 $ 3 000
Simeon Palikuća Bought Kk Ruma 92 12/18/2011 $ 10 000
Dovas Liulys Sold KK Partizan Junior 5/8/2011 $ 51 000
Fortunato De La Puente Bought kk naprijed 4/2/2017 $ 884 400
Alejandro Alape Bought KK "Šalvis" 8/10/2022 $ 480 000
Sabiano Bandeira Sold kitougias bc 10/1/2021 $ 150 000
Márió Szalai Sold killeee 2/20/2014 $ 43 000
Márió Szalai Bought KazedB 3/7/2013 $ 200 000
Enrique Ramos Bought Kauno "Poleuritanas" 9/9/2016 $ 398 200
Sandro Proença Sold Kainan High 8/27/2023 $ 2 000
Simonas Šilanskis Sold K.K.Partizan MT:S 7/31/2011 $ 758 700
Dave Melchor Bought JMS 4/26/2013 $ 40 000
Bruno Bodale Sold Irvine Lakers 12/5/2024 $ 1 000
Francisco Comin Sold Ilguciеms Ваd Danсеrs 12/5/2024 $ 4 000
Cleisson Figolieto Sold I peggiori in campo 2/2/2015 $ 2 000
Ari Maroni Sold I pappagalli 9/5/2023 $ 27 000
Stratos Mostratos Bought Husi KK 4/30/2015 $ 2 000 000
Robert Krasnodebski Sold HNK Vitez 10/22/2010 $ 2 000
Ronieliton Lisboa Sold Hercules Sao Fernando 8/27/2023 $ 2 000
Miloš Kordas Bought Heal天堂 6/6/2020 $ 666 666
Fabião Stefani Bought Gomilandor Bastards 1/14/2015 $ 636 800
Rubén Piña Bought Gili@Lombok 9/13/2024 $ 500 000
Pedro Lago Sold Gangsteri 1/19/2015 $ 2 000
Marcos Batista Stiel Sold galaktikuk 3/27/2021 $ 4 000
Edelberto Vega Sold Fuenlabrada Atletico 9/12/2016 $ 100 000
Sławomir Sztyber Bought Free Agent 6/11/2024 $ 510 000
Feliks Chodkiewicz Bought Free Agent 3/1/2023 $ 492 600
Ho Chee Kai Bought Free Agent 2/4/2022 $ 510 000
Márcio Canelas Bought Free Agent 10/12/2019 $ 107 600
Cico Knego Bought Free Agent 12/30/2015 $ 276 960
Bruno Bodale Bought Fortuna Halberstadt 8/5/2022 $ 306 000
Kendall Bruno Bought Florida university 10/4/2019 $ 500 005
José Menino Cassiano Bought FLAMENGO81 12/8/2024 $ 1 000
Jan Belin Besek Bought Five Strikers 7/17/2017 $ 550 000
Anselmo Zanobi Sold Fightclub Mannheim 12/5/2024 $ 117 800
Opa Yatera Sold FCHS Tigers 11/30/2023 $ 250 000
José Joaquim Souza Sold ESL Heells 9/20/2013 $ 3 000
Jader Pena Branca Sold Element Bulls 9/24/2022 $ 156 100
Juan Sebastián Quevedo Bought ekipa wuja paweła 1/11/2018 $ 153 000
Paolo Pistolato Bought Drouders69 1/8/2025 $ 150 000
Jovan Jeremić Bought dropito 10/11/2017 $ 359 100
Romulo Prainha Sold DREAM Paragon 2/16/2015 $ 1 000
Dovas Liulys Bought Dr.Team 5/2/2010 $ 700 000
Idevaldo Sobrinho Sold Dontrax Red Falcons 9/10/2009 $ 3 000
Hércules Melo Guedes Sold Dodg3r5 4/12/2010 $ 270 900
Brás Polato Sold DKC Forever 2/10/2014 $ 2 000
Irio Lima Bastos Sold Death Destroyers 7/13/2024 $ 3 000
Ozéias Chamberlland Sold dallas warriors 3/13/2013 $ 270 000
Vladan Ðerisilo Bought Cubas Bubas 2/11/2022 $ 187 000
Feliks Chodkiewicz Sold Crveni Zmaj 12/4/2024 $ 4 000
Jorge Ascensão Sold Crveni Zmaj 12/4/2024 $ 4 000
Dennis Garret Sold Cruz badajoz 8/28/2008 $ 30 000
Liron Zilberstein Sold Coney Islanders 8/28/2008 $ 50 000
Anacondo Borragueiros Bought Club Unión Atlética 11/21/2015 $ 816 000
Mauro Paquet Sold Clean Wolves 1/10/2011 $ 100 000
Ananias Porquinho Sold Ciudad de Córdoba® 2/6/2017 $ 3 000
Anacleto Alves Sold ChuBag 8/27/2011 $ 1 000
Nuno Quadros Sold Chong Qing Wings 2/14/2012 $ 2 000
Pedro Javali Sold Chocolate Blanco Williams 4/4/2014 $ 250 000
Ubiratan Carioca Sold ChicagoCoz 11/4/2007 $ 146 801
Osório Raposo Sold ChewDogs 2/6/2017 $ 2 000
Valdo Viana Filho Sold Ceporros Team 9/20/2012 $ 1 000
Viviano Pimentinha Sold Central City Flashes 12/4/2024 $ 5 000
Vladan Ðerisilo Sold CA Queluz 12/4/2024 $ 44 000
Jonathan Campos Vale Sold C.D. Independiente Basket 2/1/2009 $ 955 200
Ed Preto Sold Było Gorzej i Chwalili 10/1/2021 $ 190 000
Michael Parisi Sold Butter Islet Wikings 6/9/2012 $ 2 000
Dean Leone Bought Brno Mailands 10/10/2019 $ 350 000
Sang-Hyun Jung Sold Brianza warriors 1/22/2015 $ 193 800
Arcisio Mendes Neto Sold Brasilia Teiús 3/4/2023 $ 1 000
Aécio Bozó Sold Brasília Candangos 6/3/2016 $ 3 000
Salustiano Paranapanema Sold Boston Hs 1/16/2015 $ 150 000
Lou Marshall Gam Bought BIR Makati 4/17/2017 $ 1 300 000
Luigi Frosi Bought Bielawa Sadychy 8/31/2016 $ 1 400 000
Taciano Alves Sold Bicol Express 3/26/2010 $ 2 000
Nei Alves Sold BH Blue Star 6/9/2012 $ 1 000
Marcelo Ricardo Torga Sold Best5 1/28/2015 $ 10 000
Yairol Badilla Sold Bern Eagles 9/11/2012 $ 572 300
Anil Sariçam Bought BelloStars 4/5/2013 $ 200 000
Matthias Wolkau Sold BC Vilniaus „Riteriai” 7/25/2018 $ 47 400
Luiz Alfredo Valença Sold BC Saint-Florain 3/8/2013 $ 70 000
Paul John Svabek Sold BC Reeperbahn 4/19/2011 $ 380 000
Cico Knego Sold BC MJO 12/26/2016 $ 1 000
Diego Bejarano Sold BC La Foudre 12/5/2024 $ 44 200
Tiaguinho Bortoluzzi Sold Bauco Warriors 10/13/2012 $ 372 900
Severino Português Sold Basquete de Nadadores 11/24/2015 $ 170 000
Jordi Puellas Bought BasketballBreak Ballers 6/6/2015 $ 800 000
Amauri Acuña Sold basket madafaka 6/1/2010 $ 173 400
Andreas Liljenborg Sold Baranai 5/20/2017 $ 11 000
José Carlos Paraguaçu Sold AxlMA 4/30/2010 $ 850 000
Alberto Troncoso Bought Axaparoi 2/22/2014 $ 197 700
Juares Attiê Sold Autyźmiaki Bum Cyk Cyk Brygada 5/13/2022 $ 5 000
João Evangelista da Páscoa Sold Asingratitos B.C. 7/10/2014 $ 67 600
Lukas Betzenberg Sold Artemis 8/28/2011 $ 1 000
Gustavo Salazar Sold Arsenal 98 8/8/2015 $ 14 000
Magnus Jansson Bought Aris Thessalonikis0A91BD 5/15/2011 $ 820 000
Reinaldo Somália Sold Arborium 4/25/2014 $ 2 000
Magnus Jansson Sold Arborium 11/4/2011 $ 150 000
Igor Vranić Bought AO Galatsiou 12/9/2016 $ 400 000
Estanislau Caeiro Sold Andorra És Vida 3/8/2012 $ 1 500 000
Diego Bejarano Bought Ancient Gazelles 2/4/2022 $ 404 000
Ho Chee Kai Sold Amsterdam StealerDC 11/7/2022 $ 1 067 909
Simeon Palikuća Sold Amatori BK Messina 4/20/2013 $ 2 000
Odair José Linhares Sold Almonte B.C. 7/19/2012 $ 1 000
Babu Bocão Sold Aleksandriya Hornets 3/3/2016 $ 1 000
Piotr Potomiak Bought Akademia Bobińskiego 2/22/2014 $ 2 000
Inácio Bastos Bought Agile Mustangs 9/10/2009 $ 1 000
Fernando Falas Sold AG Veka 4/9/2013 $ 10 000
Tito Silvestre Sold AEK Basketball 9/19/2020 $ 200 000
Luigi Franco Rudan Bought Abbeddi gatti 9/10/2009 $ 1 000
Mauro Cellórico Sold A.E.K. youth 9/16/2024 $ 2 000
Marco Sarria Bought $yracuse 3/23/2013 $ 185 000
Total Sales: $ 25 345 938
Total Purchases: $ 28 385 519
Transfer Balance: $ -3 039 581