List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Jorge Francisco Cantor Bought nowinner 11/22/2007 $ 1 000
Bartholdus Holland Sold C.B. Doramas 11/24/2007 $ 1 000
Mathies Roggenbuk Sold Bad Girls 11/25/2007 $ 1 000
Filimon Koutas Bought NYC Knicks 11/26/2007 $ 32 000
Rusmin Trdina Bought Sparkius18 11/27/2007 $ 21 000
Peter-Alexander Donandt Sold Iquiques Galaxy 11/30/2007 $ 1 000
Uwe Meusel Sold Koga Esporte Clube 12/9/2007 $ 4 000
Jens von Moltke Sold alosins 12/16/2007 $ 21 000
Helgo Drabeck Sold Kwakers 12/16/2007 $ 10 000
Jorge Francisco Cantor Sold Bodø Bailers 12/16/2007 $ 70 000
Reckard Steigenberger Bought heihei 12/19/2007 $ 6 000
Dethlef Allerding Sold klavdija1223 12/23/2007 $ 1 000
Lluís Casellas Bought Neuquén 2015 12/27/2007 $ 2 000
Juan Latuz Bought Free Agent 1/4/2008 $ 265 500
Rusmin Trdina Sold Ong Tiger 1/7/2008 $ 200 000
Elmars Vecmanis Bought BK " BAUSKA" 1/8/2008 $ 94 200
Ravid Gat Bought naduu 1/10/2008 $ 156 100
Dietmar Frechen Sold murcia lakers 1/13/2008 $ 5 000
Klausdieter Wittek Sold sabala bc 2/6/2008 $ 3 000
Vincenzo Fantinato Bought SALVEZZA 2/7/2008 $ 100 000
Lluís Casellas Sold Potalanta 2/10/2008 $ 2 000
José Borges Bought los plañiderum 2/12/2008 $ 22 600
Dekel Shpigler Bought the Buffalo Soldiers 2/14/2008 $ 50 000
Juvenal Grafite Bought the TRAINS 2/20/2008 $ 113 000
Filimon Koutas Sold Sticna Basketbal Team 2/23/2008 $ 51 000
Reckard Steigenberger Sold Dinozauri no citas dimensijas 2/23/2008 $ 19 000
Marko Oreškovic Bought CHKK 3/10/2008 $ 12 000
Todd Corona Bought Chelmsford Lions 3/12/2008 $ 199 000
Dekel Shpigler Sold Best24 3/13/2008 $ 13 000
Elmars Vecmanis Sold dpap 3/15/2008 $ 292 500
José Borges Sold Dewarick AngelsB03 3/16/2008 $ 33 000
Serni Campanal Bought Kuzaviniai 3/18/2008 $ 173 400
Sylvestre Salm Bought pitelli 3/19/2008 $ 183 600
Moritz Staier Sold The Greeks 3/21/2008 $ 10 000
Dominic Dischler Sold Raminho Bees 3/22/2008 $ 2 000
Karsten Facchinetti Sold Dresano Basket 6/13/2008 $ 68 000
Amiad Hacohen Bought ryantheking 7/13/2008 $ 732 200
Tobias Höhenschäft Sold Berlin Buddy Bears 8/15/2008 $ 4 000
Chiu Anbang Bought 花園街網隊 8/21/2008 $ 324 900
Serni Campanal Sold Superthrowers 8/24/2008 $ 87 600
Rafa Ramos-Argüelles Bought Almorranas BC 8/28/2008 $ 500 000
Patryk Supinski Bought Boro Team 8/28/2008 $ 800 000
Mirko Sensitivo Bought thunder-piumazzo 8/29/2008 $ 520 200
Nicolas Bordelais Bought Anziani Gtv 8/29/2008 $ 800 000
Ravid Gat Sold AlasAmarillas 8/29/2008 $ 734 400
Juvenal Grafite Sold AlasAmarillas 8/29/2008 $ 50 000
Juan Latuz Sold Bosnian warriors 8/29/2008 $ 832 400
Todd Corona Sold Taranai 8/29/2008 $ 220 000
Felix Trabenfeldt Sold SEX PISTONS 8/29/2008 $ 163 200
Richart Lerchen Sold DarkLords 8/29/2008 $ 624 300
Chiu Anbang Sold Montecastelo CB 8/29/2008 $ 216 600
Steffen Molks Sold Charles Barkley jr 8/29/2008 $ 120 000
Vincenzo Fantinato Sold tecos 8/29/2008 $ 200 000
Amiad Hacohen Sold AlasAmarillas 8/29/2008 $ 634 700
Cornelius Steinbach Sold petritos 8/29/2008 $ 269 600
Ralph Rosenbauer Sold AlasAmarillas 8/29/2008 $ 455 200
Sylvestre Salm Sold Phoenix swed 8/29/2008 $ 460 700
Gürol Enmutlu Bought Moderdonia B.C 8/30/2008 $ 100 500
Ferran Soler Bought alosins 8/30/2008 $ 1 591 900
Jan Potocnik Bought Forza Sankt Pauli 9/8/2008 $ 649 600
Jorge Ameneiro Bought Warhearts 9/15/2008 $ 83 100
Raine Petäjäniemi Bought BC Sammakonjalat 9/15/2008 $ 2 000
José Javier Mejía Bought trastos bc 9/15/2008 $ 2 000
Nino Albano Bought Chestisti 1/4/2009 $ 204 000
Ferran Soler Sold Azzas Aces 2/7/2009 $ 2 300 000
Duccio Siciliani Bought Massama 2/8/2009 $ 1 428 000
Lin Ertai Bought Team of C++ 2/8/2009 $ 600 000
Niklas Maier-Hilfen Sold B45 2/27/2009 $ 4 000
Aaron Josua Taul Bought Carnage Crew 2/28/2009 $ 405 800
Gürol Enmutlu Sold les dinos 3/3/2009 $ 5 000
Mirko Sensitivo Sold Spalders 5/12/2009 $ 1 000 000
Nino Albano Sold The Big Bang Swish 5/16/2009 $ 136 700
Adrian Macas Sold Atletico Delirio 6/9/2009 $ 20 000
Duccio Siciliani Sold BC St. Patrik 7/9/2009 $ 2 764 200
Felipe Carlos Inchurandieta Bought Rugol Petitet 7/11/2009 $ 1 404 600
Jan Potocnik Sold SB Basket67D 7/13/2009 $ 157 900
Tue Hazard Bought Kiappas Team 7/16/2009 $ 825 000
Rafa Ramos-Argüelles Sold ahujenautai 7/16/2009 $ 350 000
Felipe Carlos Inchurandieta Sold Risers 8/25/2009 $ 1 300 000
Tue Hazard Sold gokuss2 8/25/2009 $ 487 200
Max Hielsche Sold Montpellier Sénateurs 8/25/2009 $ 2 027 400
Lin Ertai Sold bambukaisss 8/25/2009 $ 498 000
Alexander Mastrosimone Bought Apator Team 8/25/2009 $ 2 000 000
Robert Blauensteiner Bought All Star Team 01AF2 8/25/2009 $ 2 000 000
Mihály Cserhalmi Bought ciaociao 9/8/2009 $ 130 000
Alcide Lo Giudice Bought metallopesante 9/27/2009 $ 270 900
Alexander Mastrosimone Sold bugra fc 10/11/2009 $ 3 000 000
Kálmán Bartha Bought Notingam Prisa 10/13/2009 $ 623 600
Carlo Livoti Bought BC Hellas Ioannina 10/13/2009 $ 918 000
Thorsten Durand-Wever Sold Ασταμάτητος 10/16/2009 $ 530 700
Robert Blauensteiner Sold Kakarotto 11/23/2009 $ 2 865 300
Gino Cristiano Bought Kuzaviniai 12/13/2009 $ 2 000 000
Calvin Lutz Bought Passif Agressifs 12/16/2009 $ 1 953 000
Min-Suk Jeon Bought Blue_Jays 12/16/2009 $ 2 056 800
Mihály Cserhalmi Sold Les Croisés 12/19/2009 $ 1 000
Maximilian Hurpaul Sold Killing skillz 4/2/2010 $ 1 000
Carlo Livoti Sold Golden Stags17E 4/26/2010 $ 3 000 000
Ferenc Vitányi Bought ATV Dortmund 09 4/26/2010 $ 2 650 000
Ignacio Sauerma Bought ____fenerbahçe____1907 4/29/2010 $ 485 000
Min-Suk Jeon Sold Red army RS 4/29/2010 $ 1 020 001
Roberto Rodrigues Bought Polska2017 4/30/2010 $ 1 300 600
Raine Petäjäniemi Sold Montreal Cavaliers 5/3/2010 $ 91 300
Jorge Ameneiro Sold Cestitica Nebrodi 2015 7/16/2010 $ 1 500
Ignacio Sauerma Sold gainetes 8/9/2010 $ 216 600
Ferenc Vitányi Sold Jaskółki Tarnów 9/14/2010 $ 1 224 000
Kálmán Bartha Sold Scorpions Mld 9/14/2010 $ 1 326 000
Calvin Lutz Sold mikael hansen 9/14/2010 $ 589 600
Roberto Rodrigues Sold Klaipėdos Ruoniai 9/14/2010 $ 687 200
Gino Cristiano Sold sportino2018 9/14/2010 $ 745 400
Milo Andrijaševic Bought Free Agent 9/15/2010 $ 914 500
Ahir Hotic Bought 龍的天空PERAK 9/15/2010 $ 1 104 300
Arnaud Nourtier Bought Free Agent 9/15/2010 $ 700 000
Ben Bublil Bought Free Agent 9/16/2010 $ 773 000
Abel Bowman Bought Free Agent 9/16/2010 $ 612 000
Thomas Wehren Sold ministars 9/17/2010 $ 1 578 200
Sergey Katushonok Bought Free Agent 10/6/2010 $ 670 900
Sergey Katushonok Sold lokros 1/11/2011 $ 774 200
Milo Andrijaševic Sold La Banda degli Onest 1/14/2011 $ 872 800
Mauricio Barticciotto Bought Belle-Ile 1/16/2011 $ 255 000
John Paul Sornito Bought B, B & B Law firm 1/16/2011 $ 338 100
Ahir Hotic Sold Kepez S.K. 3/30/2011 $ 500 000
Ben Bublil Sold bellevue bc 3/30/2011 $ 419 900
Abel Bowman Sold AE ΛΙΒΑΔΕΙΑΣ 3/30/2011 $ 789 700
Bernardas Lisicynas Bought TDN OURENSE 4/13/2011 $ 477 600
Sansal Acarer Bought Plaza Badalona 4/13/2011 $ 420 000
Henryk Dobija Bought BC PRIEVIDZA 5/1/2011 $ 50 000
Earle Smith Bought vancouver volcanoes 1/6/2012 $ 156 100
Árpád Szathmári Bought Abony Linxs 1/9/2012 $ 81 600
Marcelino Barragán Bought Flowresta Vandals 1/16/2012 $ 204 000
Georges-Henri Van Heetvelde Bought Évora Basket Clube 3/12/2012 $ 210 900
Total Sales: $ 37 165 001
Total Purchases: $ 35 761 100
Transfer Balance: $ 1 403 901